Name Description Size
browser.js 0
EvalError-message.js --- es6id: description: > A new instance has the message property if created with a parameter info: | NativeError ( message ) ... 4. If message is not undefined, then a. Let msg be ToString(message). b. Let msgDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: msg, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}. c. Let status be DefinePropertyOrThrow(O, "message", msgDesc). ... includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1001
EvalError-name.js --- es6id: description: > The name property on a new instance info: | The initial value of the name property of the prototype for a given NativeError constructor is a string consisting of the name of the constructor (the name used instead of NativeError). --- 581
EvalError-super.js --- es6id: description: Super need to be called to initialize internals info: | NativeError Constructors ... Each NativeError constructor is designed to be subclassable. It may be used as the value of an extends clause of a class definition. Subclass constructors that intend to inherit the specified NativeError behaviour must include a super call to the NativeError constructor to create and initialize subclass instances with a [[ErrorData]] internal slot. --- 791
RangeError-message.js --- es6id: description: > A new instance has the message property if created with a parameter info: | NativeError ( message ) ... 4. If message is not undefined, then a. Let msg be ToString(message). b. Let msgDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: msg, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}. c. Let status be DefinePropertyOrThrow(O, "message", msgDesc). ... includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1004
RangeError-name.js --- es6id: description: > The name property on a new instance info: | The initial value of the name property of the prototype for a given NativeError constructor is a string consisting of the name of the constructor (the name used instead of NativeError). --- 583
RangeError-super.js --- es6id: description: Super need to be called to initialize internals info: | NativeError Constructors ... Each NativeError constructor is designed to be subclassable. It may be used as the value of an extends clause of a class definition. Subclass constructors that intend to inherit the specified NativeError behaviour must include a super call to the NativeError constructor to create and initialize subclass instances with a [[ErrorData]] internal slot. --- 792
ReferenceError-message.js --- es6id: description: > A new instance has the message property if created with a parameter info: | NativeError ( message ) ... 4. If message is not undefined, then a. Let msg be ToString(message). b. Let msgDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: msg, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}. c. Let status be DefinePropertyOrThrow(O, "message", msgDesc). ... includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1016
ReferenceError-name.js --- es6id: description: > The name property on a new instance info: | The initial value of the name property of the prototype for a given NativeError constructor is a string consisting of the name of the constructor (the name used instead of NativeError). --- 591
ReferenceError-super.js --- es6id: description: Super need to be called to initialize internals info: | NativeError Constructors ... Each NativeError constructor is designed to be subclassable. It may be used as the value of an extends clause of a class definition. Subclass constructors that intend to inherit the specified NativeError behaviour must include a super call to the NativeError constructor to create and initialize subclass instances with a [[ErrorData]] internal slot. --- 796
shell.js 0
SyntaxError-message.js --- es6id: description: > A new instance has the message property if created with a parameter info: | NativeError ( message ) ... 4. If message is not undefined, then a. Let msg be ToString(message). b. Let msgDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: msg, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}. c. Let status be DefinePropertyOrThrow(O, "message", msgDesc). ... includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1007
SyntaxError-name.js --- es6id: description: > The name property on a new instance info: | The initial value of the name property of the prototype for a given NativeError constructor is a string consisting of the name of the constructor (the name used instead of NativeError). --- 585
SyntaxError-super.js --- es6id: description: Super need to be called to initialize internals info: | NativeError Constructors ... Each NativeError constructor is designed to be subclassable. It may be used as the value of an extends clause of a class definition. Subclass constructors that intend to inherit the specified NativeError behaviour must include a super call to the NativeError constructor to create and initialize subclass instances with a [[ErrorData]] internal slot. --- 793
TypeError-message.js --- es6id: description: > A new instance has the message property if created with a parameter info: | NativeError ( message ) ... 4. If message is not undefined, then a. Let msg be ToString(message). b. Let msgDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: msg, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}. c. Let status be DefinePropertyOrThrow(O, "message", msgDesc). ... includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1001
TypeError-name.js --- es6id: description: > The name property on a new instance info: | The initial value of the name property of the prototype for a given NativeError constructor is a string consisting of the name of the constructor (the name used instead of NativeError). --- 581
TypeError-super.js --- es6id: description: Super need to be called to initialize internals info: | NativeError Constructors ... Each NativeError constructor is designed to be subclassable. It may be used as the value of an extends clause of a class definition. Subclass constructors that intend to inherit the specified NativeError behaviour must include a super call to the NativeError constructor to create and initialize subclass instances with a [[ErrorData]] internal slot. --- 791
URIError-message.js --- es6id: description: > A new instance has the message property if created with a parameter info: | NativeError ( message ) ... 4. If message is not undefined, then a. Let msg be ToString(message). b. Let msgDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: msg, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}. c. Let status be DefinePropertyOrThrow(O, "message", msgDesc). ... includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 998
URIError-name.js --- es6id: description: > The name property on a new instance info: | The initial value of the name property of the prototype for a given NativeError constructor is a string consisting of the name of the constructor (the name used instead of NativeError). --- 579
URIError-super.js --- es6id: description: Super need to be called to initialize internals info: | NativeError Constructors ... Each NativeError constructor is designed to be subclassable. It may be used as the value of an extends clause of a class definition. Subclass constructors that intend to inherit the specified NativeError behaviour must include a super call to the NativeError constructor to create and initialize subclass instances with a [[ErrorData]] internal slot. --- 790