binding.js |
es6id: 14.5
description: >
class subclass binding
--- |
1443 |
browser.js |
0 |
builtin-objects |
builtins.js |
es6id: 14.5
description: >
class sublclassing builtins
--- |
993 |
class-definition-evaluation-empty-constructor-heritage-present.js |
es6id: 14.5.14
description: >
10. If constructor is empty, then,
a. If ClassHeritageopt is present, then
i. Let constructor be the result of parsing the String "constructor(... args){ super (...args);}" using the syntactic grammar with the goal symbol MethodDefinition.
--- |
783 |
class-definition-null-proto-contains-return-override.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
es6id: 14.5.14
description: >
The constructor of a null-extending class can contain an explicit return value.
info: |
Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation
15. If ClassHeritageopt is present, then set F's [[ConstructorKind]] internal slot to "derived".
9.2.2 [[Construct]]
13. If result.[[Type]] is return, then
a. If Type(result.[[Value]]) is Object, return NormalCompletion(result.[[Value]]).
--- |
869 |
class-definition-null-proto-missing-return-override.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
description: >
The `this` value of a null-extending class isn't automatically initialized,
which makes it necessary to have an explicit return value in the constructor.
info: |
Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation
5. If ClassHeritageopt is not present, then
6. Else,
b. Let superclass be the result of evaluating ClassHeritage.
15. If ClassHeritageopt is present, then set F's [[ConstructorKind]] internal slot to "derived".
9.2.2 [[Construct]]
15. Return ? envRec.GetThisBinding(). GetThisBinding ( )
3. If envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is "uninitialized", throw a ReferenceError exception.
--- |
1043 |
class-definition-null-proto-super.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
description: >
Attempting to call `super()` in a null-extending class throws a TypeError,
because %FunctionPrototype% cannot be called as constructor function.
info: |
Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation
5. If ClassHeritageopt is not present, then
6. Else,
b. Let superclass be the result of evaluating ClassHeritage.
e. If superclass is null, then
ii. Let constructorParent be the intrinsic object %FunctionPrototype%.
15. Let constructorInfo be the result of performing DefineMethod for constructor with arguments proto and constructorParent as the optional functionPrototype argument.
[...] Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
SuperCall : super Arguments
3. Let func be ! GetSuperConstructor().
4. Let argList be ? ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments.
5. If IsConstructor(func) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
--- |
1448 |
class-definition-null-proto-this.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
description: >
The `this` value of a null-extending class isn't automatically initialized
info: |
Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation
15. If ClassHeritageopt is present, then set F's [[ConstructorKind]] internal slot to "derived".
[...] Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
PrimaryExpression : this
1. Return ? ResolveThisBinding( ).
8.3.4 ResolveThisBinding ( )
2. Return ? envRec.GetThisBinding(). GetThisBinding ( )
3. If envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is "uninitialized", throw a ReferenceError exception.
--- |
1068 |
class-definition-null-proto.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
es6id: 14.5.14
description: >
The prototype of a null-extending class is %FunctionPrototype%, the prototype of
its "prototype" property is `null`.
info: |
Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation
5. If ClassHeritageopt is not present, then
6. Else,
b. Let superclass be the result of evaluating ClassHeritage.
e. If superclass is null, then
i. Let protoParent be null.
ii. Let constructorParent be the intrinsic object %FunctionPrototype%.
--- |
985 |
class-definition-parent-proto-null.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
description: A class which extends a constructor with null .prototype is a derived class.
--- |
592 |
default-constructor-2.js |
es6id: 14.5
description: >
class default constructor 2
--- |
1587 |
default-constructor-spread-override.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
description: >
Default class constructor does not use argument evaluation.
features: [Symbol.iterator]
--- |
594 |
default-constructor.js |
es6id: 14.5
description: >
class default constructor
--- |
535 |
derived-class-return-override-catch-finally-arrow.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget
description: >
`super()` in finally block is executed before checking for missing `super()`
call when `return` is in a catch block. The `super()` call is performed
through an arrow function.
--- |
662 |
derived-class-return-override-catch-finally.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget
description: >
`super()` in finally block is executed before checking for missing `super()`
call when `return` is in a catch block.
--- |
577 |
derived-class-return-override-catch-super-arrow.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget
description: >
TypeError from `return 0` is not catchable with `super` called in catch block
from an arrow function.
--- |
552 |
derived-class-return-override-catch-super.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget
description: >
TypeError from `return 0` is not catchable with `super` in catch block.
--- |
496 |
derived-class-return-override-catch.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget
description: >
TypeError from `return 0` is not catchable.
--- |
481 |
derived-class-return-override-finally-super-arrow.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget
description: >
`super()` in finally block is executed before checking for missing `super()`
call when `return` is in a try block. The `super()` call is performed
through an arrow function.
--- |
625 |
derived-class-return-override-finally-super.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget
description: >
`super()` in finally block is executed before checking for missing `super()`
call when `return` is in a try block.
--- |
540 |
derived-class-return-override-for-of-arrow.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget
description: >
ReferenceError when returning from a derived class constructor without calling
`super()` is thrown after the function body has been left, so an iterator
return handler can still call `super()`.
--- |
822 |
derived-class-return-override-for-of.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget
description: >
TypeError from `return 0` is thrown after the function body has been left, so
an error thrown from an iterator has precedence.
--- |
727 |
derived-class-return-override-with-boolean.js |
es6id: 9.2.2
description: >
[[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget)
13. If result.[[type]] is return, then
c. If result.[[value]] is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
`return true;`
--- |
591 |
derived-class-return-override-with-empty.js |
es6id: 9.2.2
description: >
[[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget)
13. If result.[[type]] is return, then
c. If result.[[value]] is not undefined, ...
14. Else, ReturnIfAbrupt(result).
15. Return envRec.GetThisBinding().
`return (empty);` Should be the same as `return undefined;`
--- |
952 |
derived-class-return-override-with-null.js |
es6id: 9.2.2
description: >
[[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget)
13. If result.[[type]] is return, then
c. If result.[[value]] is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
`return null;`
--- |
591 |
derived-class-return-override-with-number.js |
es6id: 9.2.2
description: >
[[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget)
13. If result.[[type]] is return, then
c. If result.[[value]] is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
`return 0;`
--- |
585 |
derived-class-return-override-with-object.js |
es6id: 9.2.2
description: >
[[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget)
13. If result.[[type]] is return, then
a. If Type(result.[[value]]) is Object, return NormalCompletion(result.[[value]]).
`return {};`
--- |
908 |
derived-class-return-override-with-string.js |
es6id: 9.2.2
description: >
[[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget)
13. If result.[[type]] is return, then
c. If result.[[value]] is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
`return "";`
--- |
587 |
derived-class-return-override-with-symbol.js |
es6id: 9.2.2
description: >
[[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget)
13. If result.[[type]] is return, then
c. If result.[[value]] is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
`return Symbol();`
features: [Symbol]
--- |
618 |
derived-class-return-override-with-this.js |
es6id: 9.2.2
description: >
[[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget)
13. If result.[[type]] is return, then
b. If kind is "base", return NormalCompletion(thisArgument).
`return this;`
--- |
876 |
derived-class-return-override-with-undefined.js |
es6id: 9.2.2
description: >
[[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget)
13. If result.[[type]] is return, then
c. If result.[[value]] is not undefined, ...
14. Else, ReturnIfAbrupt(result).
15. Return envRec.GetThisBinding().
`return undefined;`
--- |
923 |
shell.js |
0 |
superclass-arrow-function.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
description: >
IsConstructor check is performed before "prototype" lookup.
Arrow functions are not constructors (MakeConstructor is not called on them).
info: |
5. Else,
d. Let superclass be ? GetValue(superclassRef).
e. If superclass is null, then
f. Else if IsConstructor(superclass) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
features: [arrow-function, class, Proxy]
--- |
1334 |
superclass-async-function.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
description: >
IsConstructor check is performed before "prototype" lookup.
Async functions are not constructors (MakeConstructor is not called on them).
info: |
5. Else,
d. Let superclass be ? GetValue(superclassRef).
e. If superclass is null, then
f. Else if IsConstructor(superclass) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
features: [async-functions, class, Proxy]
--- |
1361 |
superclass-async-generator-function.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
description: >
IsConstructor check is performed before "prototype" lookup.
Async generator functions are not constructors (MakeConstructor is not called on them).
info: |
5. Else,
d. Let superclass be ? GetValue(superclassRef).
e. If superclass is null, then
f. Else if IsConstructor(superclass) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
features: [async-iteration, class, Proxy]
--- |
1142 |
superclass-bound-function.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
description: SuperClass may be a bound function object
info: |
5. Else,
f. Else if IsConstructor(superclass) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
g. Else,
i. Let protoParent be ? Get(superclass, "prototype").
ii. If Type(protoParent) is neither Object nor Null, throw a TypeError exception.
iii. Let constructorParent be superclass.
features: [class]
--- |
801 |
superclass-generator-function.js |
esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
description: >
IsConstructor check is performed before "prototype" lookup.
Generator functions are not constructors (MakeConstructor is not called on them).
info: |
5. Else,
d. Let superclass be ? GetValue(superclassRef).
e. If superclass is null, then
f. Else if IsConstructor(superclass) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
features: [generators, class, Proxy]
--- |
1121 |
superclass-prototype-setter-constructor.js |
es6id: 14.5
description: >
superclass setter "constructor" override
--- |
424 |
superclass-prototype-setter-method-override.js |
es6id: 14.5
description: >
superclass prototype override
--- |
474 |
superclass-static-method-override.js |
es6id: 14.5
description: >
Static method override
--- |
505 |