2nd-param-await-expr.js |
description: >
ImportCall parameter list forwards the Await production parameter - AwaitExpression
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
ImportCall[Yield, Await]:
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, async-functions]
flags: [async]
--- |
882 |
2nd-param-await-ident.js |
description: >
ImportCall parameter list forwards the Await production parameter - IdentifierReference
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
ImportCall[Yield, Await]:
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, async-functions]
flags: [async]
--- |
872 |
2nd-param-evaluation-abrupt-return.js |
description: Forwards "return" completion when evaluating second parameter
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
1. Let referencingScriptOrModule be ! GetActiveScriptOrModule().
2. Let specifierRef be the result of evaluating specifierExpression.
3. Let specifier be ? GetValue(specifierRef).
4. If optionsExpression is present, then
a. Let optionsRef be the result of evaluating optionsExpression.
b. Let options be ? GetValue(optionsRef).
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
--- |
1219 |
2nd-param-evaluation-abrupt-throw.js |
description: Forwards "throw" completion when evaluating second parameter
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
1. Let referencingScriptOrModule be ! GetActiveScriptOrModule().
2. Let specifierRef be the result of evaluating specifierExpression.
3. Let specifier be ? GetValue(specifierRef).
4. If optionsExpression is present, then
a. Let optionsRef be the result of evaluating optionsExpression.
b. Let options be ? GetValue(optionsRef).
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
--- |
1176 |
2nd-param-evaluation-sequence.js |
description: Evaluates parameters in correct sequence
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
1. Let referencingScriptOrModule be ! GetActiveScriptOrModule().
2. Let specifierRef be the result of evaluating specifierExpression.
3. Let specifier be ? GetValue(specifierRef).
4. If optionsExpression is present, then
a. Let optionsRef be the result of evaluating optionsExpression.
b. Let options be ? GetValue(optionsRef).
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
--- |
1093 |
2nd-param-get-with-error.js |
description: Rejects promise when accessing "assert" property throws an error
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier).
8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability).
9. Let assertions be a new empty List.
10. If options is not undefined, then
a. If Type(options) is not Object,
b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert").
c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability).
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
flags: [async]
--- |
1327 |
2nd-param-in.js |
description: ImportCall parameter list enables the Yield production parameter
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
ImportCall[Yield, Await]:
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
flags: [async]
--- |
869 |
2nd-param-non-object.js |
description: >
Rejects promise when the second argument is neither undefined nor an object
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier).
8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability).
9. Let assertions be a new empty List.
10. If options is not undefined, then
a. If Type(options) is not Object,
i. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « a newly created TypeError object »).
ii. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Symbol, BigInt]
flags: [async]
--- |
1744 |
2nd-param-trailing-comma-fulfill.js |
description: >
ImportCall parameter list supports an optional trailing comma (fulfillment
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
ImportCall[Yield, Await]:
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
flags: [async]
--- |
821 |
2nd-param-trailing-comma-reject.js |
description: >
ImportCall parameter list supports an optional trailing comma (rejection
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
ImportCall[Yield, Await]:
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
flags: [async]
--- |
969 |
2nd-param-with-enumeration-abrupt.js |
description: Reports abrupt completions produced by attributes enumeration
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier).
8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability).
9. Let assertions be a new empty List.
10. If options is not undefined, then
a. If Type(options) is not Object,
b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert").
c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability).
d. If assertionsObj is not undefined,
i. If Type(assertionsObj) is not Object,
ii. Let keys be EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(assertionsObj, key).
iii. IfAbruptRejectPromise(keys, promiseCapability).
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Proxy]
flags: [async]
--- |
1650 |
2nd-param-with-enumeration-enumerable.js |
description: >
Follows the semantics of the EnumerableOwnPropertyNames abstract operation
during attributes enumeration
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier).
8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability).
9. Let assertions be a new empty List.
10. If options is not undefined, then
a. If Type(options) is not Object,
b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert").
c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability).
d. If assertionsObj is not undefined,
i. If Type(assertionsObj) is not Object,
ii. Let keys be EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(assertionsObj, key).
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, json-modules, Symbol, Proxy]
flags: [async]
--- |
1926 |
2nd-param-with-enumeration.js |
description: >
Follows the semantics of the EnumerableOwnPropertyNames abstract operation
during attributes enumeration
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier).
8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability).
9. Let assertions be a new empty List.
10. If options is not undefined, then
a. If Type(options) is not Object,
b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert").
c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability).
d. If assertionsObj is not undefined,
i. If Type(assertionsObj) is not Object,
ii. Let keys be EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(assertionsObj, key).
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Symbol, Proxy]
flags: [async]
--- |
1917 |
2nd-param-with-non-object.js |
description: >
Rejects promise when the `assert` property of the second argument is neither
undefined nor an object
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier).
8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability).
9. Let assertions be a new empty List.
10. If options is not undefined, then
a. If Type(options) is not Object,
b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert").
c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability).
d. If assertionsObj is not undefined,
i. If Type(assertionsObj) is not Object,
1. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « a
newly created TypeError object »).
2. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Symbol, BigInt]
flags: [async]
--- |
2074 |
2nd-param-with-undefined.js |
description: Accepts undefined for the `assert` property of the second argument
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier).
8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability).
9. Let assertions be a new empty List.
10. If options is not undefined, then
a. If Type(options) is not Object,
b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert").
c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability).
d. If assertionsObj is not undefined,
i. If Type(assertionsObj) is not Object,
1. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « a
newly created TypeError object »).
2. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Symbol, BigInt]
flags: [async]
--- |
1578 |
2nd-param-with-value-abrupt.js |
description: >
Rejects promise when retrieving a value of the `assert` object produces an
abrupt completion
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
10. If options is not undefined, then
d. If assertionsObj is not undefined,
ii. Let keys be EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(assertionsObj, key).
iii. IfAbruptRejectPromise(keys, promiseCapability).
iv. Let supportedAssertions be ! HostGetSupportedImportAssertions().
v. For each String key of keys,
1. Let value be Get(assertionsObj, key).
2. IfAbruptRejectPromise(value, promiseCapability).
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
flags: [async]
--- |
1396 |
2nd-param-with-value-non-string.js |
description: >
Rejects promise when any property of the `assert` object is not a string
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] )
10. If options is not undefined, then
d. If assertionsObj is not undefined,
ii. Let keys be EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(assertionsObj, key).
iii. IfAbruptRejectPromise(keys, promiseCapability).
iv. Let supportedAssertions be ! HostGetSupportedImportAssertions().
v. For each String key of keys,
1. Let value be Get(assertionsObj, key).
2. IfAbruptRejectPromise(value, promiseCapability).
3. If Type(value) is not String, then
a. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « a
newly created TypeError object »).
b. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Symbol, BigInt]
flags: [async]
--- |
2176 |
2nd-param-yield-expr.js |
description: >
ImportCall parameter list forwards the Yield production parameter - YieldExpression
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
ImportCall[Yield, Await]:
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
flags: [async]
--- |
956 |
2nd-param-yield-ident-invalid-strict.js |
description: >
ImportCall parameter list forwards the Yield production parameter - invalid IdentifierReference
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
ImportCall[Yield, Await]:
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
flags: [onlyStrict]
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
824 |
2nd-param-yield-ident-valid.js |
description: >
ImportCall parameter list forwards the Yield production parameter - valid IdentifierReference
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
ImportCall[Yield, Await]:
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
flags: [async, noStrict]
--- |
851 |
2nd-param_FIXTURE.js |
195 |
2nd-param_FIXTURE.json |
4 |
browser.js |
0 |
shell.js |
0 |
trailing-comma-fulfill.js |
description: >
ImportCall parameter list supports an optional trailing comma (fulfillment
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
ImportCall[Yield, Await]:
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
flags: [async]
--- |
817 |
trailing-comma-reject.js |
description: >
ImportCall parameter list supports an optional trailing comma (rejection
esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation
info: |
ImportCall[Yield, Await]:
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt )
features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes]
flags: [async]
--- |
965 |