Name Description Size
2nd-param-await-expr.js --- description: > ImportCall parameter list forwards the Await production parameter - AwaitExpression esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | ImportCall[Yield, Await]: import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, async-functions] flags: [async] --- 882
2nd-param-await-ident.js --- description: > ImportCall parameter list forwards the Await production parameter - IdentifierReference esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | ImportCall[Yield, Await]: import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, async-functions] flags: [async] --- 872
2nd-param-evaluation-abrupt-return.js --- description: Forwards "return" completion when evaluating second parameter esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) 1. Let referencingScriptOrModule be ! GetActiveScriptOrModule(). 2. Let specifierRef be the result of evaluating specifierExpression. 3. Let specifier be ? GetValue(specifierRef). 4. If optionsExpression is present, then a. Let optionsRef be the result of evaluating optionsExpression. b. Let options be ? GetValue(optionsRef). [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] --- 1219
2nd-param-evaluation-abrupt-throw.js --- description: Forwards "throw" completion when evaluating second parameter esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) 1. Let referencingScriptOrModule be ! GetActiveScriptOrModule(). 2. Let specifierRef be the result of evaluating specifierExpression. 3. Let specifier be ? GetValue(specifierRef). 4. If optionsExpression is present, then a. Let optionsRef be the result of evaluating optionsExpression. b. Let options be ? GetValue(optionsRef). [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] --- 1176
2nd-param-evaluation-sequence.js --- description: Evaluates parameters in correct sequence esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) 1. Let referencingScriptOrModule be ! GetActiveScriptOrModule(). 2. Let specifierRef be the result of evaluating specifierExpression. 3. Let specifier be ? GetValue(specifierRef). 4. If optionsExpression is present, then a. Let optionsRef be the result of evaluating optionsExpression. b. Let options be ? GetValue(optionsRef). [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] --- 1093
2nd-param-get-with-error.js --- description: Rejects promise when accessing "assert" property throws an error esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) [...] 6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%). 7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier). 8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability). 9. Let assertions be a new empty List. 10. If options is not undefined, then a. If Type(options) is not Object, [...] b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert"). c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability). [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] flags: [async] --- 1327
2nd-param-in.js --- description: ImportCall parameter list enables the Yield production parameter esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | ImportCall[Yield, Await]: import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] flags: [async] --- 869
2nd-param-non-object.js --- description: > Rejects promise when the second argument is neither undefined nor an object esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) [...] 6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%). 7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier). 8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability). 9. Let assertions be a new empty List. 10. If options is not undefined, then a. If Type(options) is not Object, i. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « a newly created TypeError object »). ii. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]]. [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Symbol, BigInt] flags: [async] --- 1744
2nd-param-trailing-comma-fulfill.js --- description: > ImportCall parameter list supports an optional trailing comma (fulfillment semantics) esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | ImportCall[Yield, Await]: import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] flags: [async] --- 821
2nd-param-trailing-comma-reject.js --- description: > ImportCall parameter list supports an optional trailing comma (rejection semantics) esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | ImportCall[Yield, Await]: import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] flags: [async] --- 969
2nd-param-with-enumeration-abrupt.js --- description: Reports abrupt completions produced by attributes enumeration esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) [...] 6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%). 7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier). 8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability). 9. Let assertions be a new empty List. 10. If options is not undefined, then a. If Type(options) is not Object, [...] b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert"). c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability). d. If assertionsObj is not undefined, i. If Type(assertionsObj) is not Object, [...] ii. Let keys be EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(assertionsObj, key). iii. IfAbruptRejectPromise(keys, promiseCapability). [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Proxy] flags: [async] --- 1650
2nd-param-with-enumeration-enumerable.js --- description: > Follows the semantics of the EnumerableOwnPropertyNames abstract operation during attributes enumeration esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) [...] 6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%). 7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier). 8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability). 9. Let assertions be a new empty List. 10. If options is not undefined, then a. If Type(options) is not Object, [...] b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert"). c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability). d. If assertionsObj is not undefined, i. If Type(assertionsObj) is not Object, [...] ii. Let keys be EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(assertionsObj, key). [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, json-modules, Symbol, Proxy] flags: [async] --- 1926
2nd-param-with-enumeration.js --- description: > Follows the semantics of the EnumerableOwnPropertyNames abstract operation during attributes enumeration esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) [...] 6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%). 7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier). 8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability). 9. Let assertions be a new empty List. 10. If options is not undefined, then a. If Type(options) is not Object, [...] b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert"). c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability). d. If assertionsObj is not undefined, i. If Type(assertionsObj) is not Object, [...] ii. Let keys be EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(assertionsObj, key). [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Symbol, Proxy] flags: [async] --- 1917
2nd-param-with-non-object.js --- description: > Rejects promise when the `assert` property of the second argument is neither undefined nor an object esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) [...] 6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%). 7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier). 8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability). 9. Let assertions be a new empty List. 10. If options is not undefined, then a. If Type(options) is not Object, [...] b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert"). c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability). d. If assertionsObj is not undefined, i. If Type(assertionsObj) is not Object, 1. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « a newly created TypeError object »). 2. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]]. [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Symbol, BigInt] flags: [async] --- 2074
2nd-param-with-undefined.js --- description: Accepts undefined for the `assert` property of the second argument esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) [...] 6. Let promiseCapability be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%). 7. Let specifierString be ToString(specifier). 8. IfAbruptRejectPromise(specifierString, promiseCapability). 9. Let assertions be a new empty List. 10. If options is not undefined, then a. If Type(options) is not Object, [...] b. Let assertionsObj be Get(options, "assert"). c. IfAbruptRejectPromise(assertionsObj, promiseCapability). d. If assertionsObj is not undefined, i. If Type(assertionsObj) is not Object, 1. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « a newly created TypeError object »). 2. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]]. [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Symbol, BigInt] flags: [async] --- 1578
2nd-param-with-value-abrupt.js --- description: > Rejects promise when retrieving a value of the `assert` object produces an abrupt completion esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) [...] 10. If options is not undefined, then [...] d. If assertionsObj is not undefined, [...] ii. Let keys be EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(assertionsObj, key). iii. IfAbruptRejectPromise(keys, promiseCapability). iv. Let supportedAssertions be ! HostGetSupportedImportAssertions(). v. For each String key of keys, 1. Let value be Get(assertionsObj, key). 2. IfAbruptRejectPromise(value, promiseCapability). [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] flags: [async] --- 1396
2nd-param-with-value-non-string.js --- description: > Rejects promise when any property of the `assert` object is not a string esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | EvaluateImportCall ( specifierExpression [ , optionsExpression ] ) [...] 10. If options is not undefined, then [...] d. If assertionsObj is not undefined, [...] ii. Let keys be EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(assertionsObj, key). iii. IfAbruptRejectPromise(keys, promiseCapability). iv. Let supportedAssertions be ! HostGetSupportedImportAssertions(). v. For each String key of keys, 1. Let value be Get(assertionsObj, key). 2. IfAbruptRejectPromise(value, promiseCapability). 3. If Type(value) is not String, then a. Perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « a newly created TypeError object »). b. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]]. [...] features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes, Symbol, BigInt] flags: [async] --- 2176
2nd-param-yield-expr.js --- description: > ImportCall parameter list forwards the Yield production parameter - YieldExpression esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | ImportCall[Yield, Await]: import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] flags: [async] --- 956
2nd-param-yield-ident-invalid-strict.js --- description: > ImportCall parameter list forwards the Yield production parameter - invalid IdentifierReference esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | ImportCall[Yield, Await]: import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] flags: [onlyStrict] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 824
2nd-param-yield-ident-valid.js --- description: > ImportCall parameter list forwards the Yield production parameter - valid IdentifierReference esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | ImportCall[Yield, Await]: import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] flags: [async, noStrict] --- 851
2nd-param_FIXTURE.js 195
2nd-param_FIXTURE.json 4
browser.js 0
shell.js 0
trailing-comma-fulfill.js --- description: > ImportCall parameter list supports an optional trailing comma (fulfillment semantics) esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | ImportCall[Yield, Await]: import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] flags: [async] --- 817
trailing-comma-reject.js --- description: > ImportCall parameter list supports an optional trailing comma (rejection semantics) esid: sec-import-call-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | ImportCall[Yield, Await]: import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) import ( AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] , AssignmentExpression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] ,opt ) features: [dynamic-import, import-attributes] flags: [async] --- 965