addition |
array |
arrow-function |
assignment |
assignmenttargettype |
async-arrow-function |
async-function |
async-generator |
await |
bitwise-and |
bitwise-not |
bitwise-or |
bitwise-xor |
browser.js |
0 |
call |
class |
coalesce |
comma |
compound-assignment |
concatenation |
conditional |
delete |
division |
does-not-equals |
dynamic-import |
equals |
exponentiation |
function |
generators |
greater-than |
greater-than-or-equal |
grouping |
import.meta |
in |
instanceof |
left-shift |
less-than |
less-than-or-equal |
logical-and |
logical-assignment |
logical-not |
logical-or |
member-expression |
modulus |
multiplication |
new |
| |
object |
optional-chaining |
postfix-decrement |
postfix-increment |
prefix-decrement |
prefix-increment |
property-accessors |
relational |
right-shift |
shell.js |
description: |
This defines the number of consecutive recursive function calls that must be
made in order to prove that stack frames are properly destroyed according to
ES2015 tail call optimization semantics.
defines: [$MAX_ITERATIONS]
--- |
481 |
strict-does-not-equals |
strict-equals |
subtraction |
super |
tagged-template |
tco-pos-strict.js |
description: Expression is a candidate for tail-call optimization.
esid: sec-static-semantics-hascallintailposition
flags: [onlyStrict]
features: [tail-call-optimization]
includes: [tcoHelper.js]
--- |
606 |
template-literal |
this |
typeof |
unary-minus |
unary-plus |
unsigned-right-shift |
void |
yield |