Name Description Size
accessor-name-inst-computed-in.js --- esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation es6id: 14.5.14 description: > AssignmentExpression may contain `in` keyword regardless of outer context info: | [...] 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. ComputedPropertyName : [ AssignmentExpression ] 1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression. 2. Let propName be ? GetValue(exprValue). 3. Return ? ToPropertyKey(propName). --- 1123
accessor-name-inst-computed-yield-expr.js --- esid: sec-object-initializer-runtime-semantics-evaluation es6id: description: > The `yield` keyword behaves as a YieldExpression within a generator function info: | [...] 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. ComputedPropertyName : [ AssignmentExpression ] 1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression. 2. Let propName be ? GetValue(exprValue). 3. Return ? ToPropertyKey(propName). features: [generators] --- 1150
accessor-name-static-computed-in.js --- esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation es6id: 14.5.14 description: > AssignmentExpression may contain `in` keyword regardless of outer context info: | [...] 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then [...] b. Else, a. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments F and false. ComputedPropertyName : [ AssignmentExpression ] 1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression. 2. Let propName be ? GetValue(exprValue). 3. Return ? ToPropertyKey(propName). --- 1143
accessor-name-static-computed-yield-expr.js --- esid: sec-object-initializer-runtime-semantics-evaluation es6id: description: > The `yield` keyword behaves as a YieldExpression within a generator function info: | [...] 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then [...] b. Else, a. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments F and false. ComputedPropertyName : [ AssignmentExpression ] 1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression. 2. Let propName be ? GetValue(exprValue). 3. Return ? ToPropertyKey(propName). features: [generators] --- 1170
browser.js 0
class-name-ident-await-escaped-module.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions description: > `await` with escape sequence is a valid class-name identifier. info: | 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors Identifier : IdentifierName but not ReservedWord It is a Syntax Error if the goal symbol of the syntactic grammar is Module and the StringValue of IdentifierName is "await". negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError flags: [module] --- 629
class-name-ident-await-escaped.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions description: > `await` with escape sequence is a valid class-name identifier. info: | 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors Identifier : IdentifierName but not ReservedWord It is a Syntax Error if the goal symbol of the syntactic grammar is Module and the StringValue of IdentifierName is "await". --- 533
class-name-ident-await-module.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions description: > `await` is a valid class-name identifier. info: | 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors IdentifierReference : yield It is a Syntax Error if the goal symbol of the syntactic grammar is Module. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError flags: [module] --- 531
class-name-ident-await.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions description: > `await` is a valid class-name identifier. info: | 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors IdentifierReference : yield It is a Syntax Error if the goal symbol of the syntactic grammar is Module. --- 435
class-name-ident-let-escaped.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions description: > `let` with escape sequence is not a valid class-name identifier. info: | 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors Identifier : IdentifierName but not ReservedWord It is a Syntax Error if this phrase is contained in strict mode code and the StringValue of IdentifierName is: "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", or "yield". 10.2.1 Strict Mode Code All parts of a ClassDeclaration or a ClassExpression are strict mode code. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 800
class-name-ident-let.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions description: > `let` is not a valid class-name identifier. info: | 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors Identifier : IdentifierName but not ReservedWord It is a Syntax Error if this phrase is contained in strict mode code and the StringValue of IdentifierName is: "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", or "yield". 10.2.1 Strict Mode Code All parts of a ClassDeclaration or a ClassExpression are strict mode code. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 774
class-name-ident-static-escaped.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions description: > `static` with escape sequence is not a valid class-name identifier. info: | 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors Identifier : IdentifierName but not ReservedWord It is a Syntax Error if this phrase is contained in strict mode code and the StringValue of IdentifierName is: "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", or "yield". 10.2.1 Strict Mode Code All parts of a ClassDeclaration or a ClassExpression are strict mode code. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 806
class-name-ident-static.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions description: > `static` is not a valid class-name identifier. info: | 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors Identifier : IdentifierName but not ReservedWord It is a Syntax Error if this phrase is contained in strict mode code and the StringValue of IdentifierName is: "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", or "yield". 10.2.1 Strict Mode Code All parts of a ClassDeclaration or a ClassExpression are strict mode code. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 780
class-name-ident-yield-escaped.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions description: > `yield` with escape sequence is not a valid class-name identifier. info: | 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors Identifier : IdentifierName but not ReservedWord It is a Syntax Error if this phrase is contained in strict mode code and the StringValue of IdentifierName is: "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", or "yield". 10.2.1 Strict Mode Code All parts of a ClassDeclaration or a ClassExpression are strict mode code. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 804
class-name-ident-yield.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions description: > `yield` is not a valid class-name identifier. info: | 12.1.1 Static Semantics: Early Errors IdentifierReference : yield It is a Syntax Error if the code matched by this production is contained in strict mode code. 10.2.1 Strict Mode Code All parts of a ClassDeclaration or a ClassExpression are strict mode code. negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 635
constructor-this-tdz-during-initializers.js --- esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: > `this` is bound in the constructor of derived classes immediately before running initializers info: | [...] 6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget). [...] 10. Perform ? thisER.BindThisValue(result). 11. Perform ? InitializeInstanceFields(result, F). [...] features: [class-fields-public] --- 1135
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-additive-expression-add.js --- description: Computed property name from additive expression "add" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1474
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-additive-expression-subtract.js --- description: Computed property name from additive expression "subtract" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1484
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-arrow-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from arrow function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1513
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-assignment.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1515
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-bitwise-or.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression bitwise or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1538
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-coalesce.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression coalesce (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1579
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-logical-and.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression logical and (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1582
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-logical-or.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression logical or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1580
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-async-arrow-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from function expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1584
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-await-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, top-level-await] flags: [generated, async, module] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1566
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-condition-expression-false.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1568
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-condition-expression-true.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1555
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-decimal-e-notational-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from decimal e notational literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1470
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-decimal-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from decimal literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1432
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-exponetiation-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from exponentiation expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, exponentiation] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1503
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-expression-coalesce.js --- description: Computed property name from coalesce (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1505
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-expression-logical-and.js --- description: Computed property name from logical and (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1507
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-expression-logical-or.js --- description: Computed property name from logical or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1505
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-function-declaration.js --- description: Computed property name from function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1446
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from function expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1572
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-generator-function-declaration.js --- description: Computed property name from generator function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1479
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-identifier.js --- description: Computed property name from string literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1446
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-integer-e-notational-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from numeric literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1421
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-integer-separators.js --- description: Computed property name from integer with separators (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1811
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-math.js --- description: Computed property name from math (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, exponentiation] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1766
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-multiplicative-expression-div.js --- description: Computed property name from multiplicative expression "divide" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1489
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-multiplicative-expression-mult.js --- description: Computed property name from multiplicative expression "multiply" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1492
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-null.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1486
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-numeric-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from numeric literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1408
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-string-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from string literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1462
cpn-class-expr-accessors-computed-property-name-from-yield-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from yield expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1555
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-additive-expression-add.js --- description: Computed property name from additive expression "add" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1198
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-additive-expression-subtract.js --- description: Computed property name from additive expression "subtract" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1208
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-arrow-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from arrow function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1213
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-assignment.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1239
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-bitwise-or.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression bitwise or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1256
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-coalesce.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression coalesce (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1291
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-logical-and.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression logical and (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1294
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-logical-or.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression logical or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1292
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-async-arrow-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from function expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1254
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-await-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, top-level-await] flags: [generated, async, module] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1278
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-condition-expression-false.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1244
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-condition-expression-true.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1237
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-decimal-e-notational-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from decimal e notational literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1200
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-decimal-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from decimal literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1168
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-exponetiation-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from exponentiation expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, exponentiation] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1221
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-expression-coalesce.js --- description: Computed property name from coalesce (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1223
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-expression-logical-and.js --- description: Computed property name from logical and (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1225
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-expression-logical-or.js --- description: Computed property name from logical or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1223
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-function-declaration.js --- description: Computed property name from function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1182
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from function expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1242
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-generator-function-declaration.js --- description: Computed property name from generator function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1215
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-identifier.js --- description: Computed property name from string literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1174
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-integer-e-notational-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from numeric literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1169
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-integer-separators.js --- description: Computed property name from integer with separators (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1335
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-math.js --- description: Computed property name from math (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, exponentiation] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1318
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-multiplicative-expression-div.js --- description: Computed property name from multiplicative expression "divide" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1213
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-multiplicative-expression-mult.js --- description: Computed property name from multiplicative expression "multiply" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1216
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-null.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1186
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-numeric-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from numeric literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1156
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-string-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from string literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1178
cpn-class-expr-computed-property-name-from-yield-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from yield expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1267
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-additive-expression-add.js --- description: Computed property name from additive expression "add" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1213
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-additive-expression-subtract.js --- description: Computed property name from additive expression "subtract" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1223
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-arrow-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from arrow function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1228
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-assignment.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1254
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-bitwise-or.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression bitwise or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1271
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-coalesce.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression coalesce (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1306
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-logical-and.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression logical and (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1309
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-logical-or.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression logical or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1307
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-async-arrow-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from function expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1269
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-await-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, top-level-await, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated, async, module] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1293
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-condition-expression-false.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1259
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-condition-expression-true.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1252
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-decimal-e-notational-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from decimal e notational literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1215
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-decimal-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from decimal literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1183
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-exponetiation-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from exponentiation expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, exponentiation, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1236
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-expression-coalesce.js --- description: Computed property name from coalesce (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1238
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-expression-logical-and.js --- description: Computed property name from logical and (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1240
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-expression-logical-or.js --- description: Computed property name from logical or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1238
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-function-declaration.js --- description: Computed property name from function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1197
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from function expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1257
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-generator-function-declaration.js --- description: Computed property name from generator function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1230
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-identifier.js --- description: Computed property name from string literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1189
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-integer-e-notational-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from numeric literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1184
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-integer-separators.js --- description: Computed property name from integer with separators (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1350
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-math.js --- description: Computed property name from math (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, exponentiation, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1333
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-multiplicative-expression-div.js --- description: Computed property name from multiplicative expression "divide" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1228
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-multiplicative-expression-mult.js --- description: Computed property name from multiplicative expression "multiply" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1231
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-null.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1201
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-numeric-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from numeric literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1171
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-string-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from string literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1193
cpn-class-expr-fields-computed-property-name-from-yield-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from yield expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1282
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-additive-expression-add.js --- description: Computed property name from additive expression "add" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1277
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-additive-expression-subtract.js --- description: Computed property name from additive expression "subtract" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1287
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-arrow-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from arrow function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1292
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-assignment.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1318
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-bitwise-or.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression bitwise or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1335
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-coalesce.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression coalesce (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1370
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-logical-and.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression logical and (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1373
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-assignment-expression-logical-or.js --- description: Computed property name from assignment expression logical or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, logical-assignment-operators, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1371
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-async-arrow-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from function expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1333
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-await-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, top-level-await, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated, async, module] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1357
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-condition-expression-false.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1323
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-condition-expression-true.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1316
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-decimal-e-notational-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from decimal e notational literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1279
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-decimal-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from decimal literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1247
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-exponetiation-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from exponentiation expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, exponentiation, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1300
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-expression-coalesce.js --- description: Computed property name from coalesce (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1302
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-expression-logical-and.js --- description: Computed property name from logical and (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1304
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-expression-logical-or.js --- description: Computed property name from logical or (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1302
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-function-declaration.js --- description: Computed property name from function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1261
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-function-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from function expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1321
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-generator-function-declaration.js --- description: Computed property name from generator function (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1294
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-identifier.js --- description: Computed property name from string literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1253
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-integer-e-notational-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from numeric literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1248
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-integer-separators.js --- description: Computed property name from integer with separators (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1414
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-math.js --- description: Computed property name from math (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, exponentiation, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1397
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-multiplicative-expression-div.js --- description: Computed property name from multiplicative expression "divide" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1292
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-multiplicative-expression-mult.js --- description: Computed property name from multiplicative expression "multiply" (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1295
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-null.js --- description: Computed property name from condition expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1265
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-numeric-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from numeric literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1235
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-string-literal.js --- description: Computed property name from string literal (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1257
cpn-class-expr-fields-methods-computed-property-name-from-yield-expression.js --- description: Computed property name from yield expression (ComputedPropertyName in ClassExpression) esid: prod-ComputedPropertyName features: [computed-property-names, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassExpression: classBindingIdentifier opt ClassTail ClassTail: ClassHeritage opt { ClassBody opt } ClassBody: ClassElementList ClassElementList: ClassElement ClassElement: MethodDefinition MethodDefinition: PropertyName ... get PropertyName ... set PropertyName ... PropertyName: ComputedPropertyName ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] --- 1346
gen-method-length-dflt.js --- es6id: 14.1.6 description: > Default parameters' effect on function length info: | Function length is counted by the non initialized parameters in the left. 9.2.4 FunctionInitialize (F, kind, ParameterList, Body, Scope) [...] 2. Let len be the ExpectedArgumentCount of ParameterList. 3. Perform ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "length", PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: len, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}). [...] FormalsList : FormalParameter 1. If HasInitializer of FormalParameter is true return 0 2. Return 1. FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let count be the ExpectedArgumentCount of FormalsList. 2. If HasInitializer of FormalsList is true or HasInitializer of FormalParameter is true, return count. 3. Return count+1. features: [generators, default-parameters] includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1706
gen-method-param-dflt-yield.js --- esid: sec-generator-function-definitions es6id: 14.4 description: > YieldExpression cannot be used within the FormalParameters of a generator function info: | GeneratorMethod[Yield]: PropertyName[?Yield] ( StrictFormalParameters[Yield] ) { GeneratorBody } YieldExpression cannot be used within the FormalParameters of a generator function because any expressions that are part of FormalParameters are evaluated before the resulting generator object is in a resumable state. features: [generators, default-parameters] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 817
getter-param-dflt.js --- esid: sec-method-definitions es6id: 14.3 description: > Get accessor method may not have a formal parameter (regardless of the presence of an initializer) info: | Syntax MethodDefinition[Yield] : get PropertyName[?Yield] ( ) { FunctionBody } features: [default-parameters] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 570
heritage-arrow-function.js --- esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation description: > Throw a TypeError exception if IsConstructor(superclass) is false (async arrow) info: | Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 5. Else, Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. Let superclassRef be the result of evaluating ClassHeritage. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to env. Let superclass be ? GetValue(superclassRef). If superclass is null, then Let protoParent be null. Let constructorParent be %Function.prototype%. Else if IsConstructor(superclass) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... features: [class] --- 1015
heritage-async-arrow-function.js --- esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation description: > Throw a TypeError exception if IsConstructor(superclass) is false (async arrow) info: | Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 5. Else, Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. Let superclassRef be the result of evaluating ClassHeritage. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to env. Let superclass be ? GetValue(superclassRef). If superclass is null, then Let protoParent be null. Let constructorParent be %Function.prototype%. Else if IsConstructor(superclass) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... features: [class] --- 1015
ident-name-method-def-break-escaped.js --- description: break is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1048
ident-name-method-def-case-escaped.js --- description: case is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1044
ident-name-method-def-catch-escaped.js --- description: catch is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1048
ident-name-method-def-class-escaped.js --- description: class is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1048
ident-name-method-def-const-escaped.js --- description: const is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1048
ident-name-method-def-continue-escaped.js --- description: continue is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1060
ident-name-method-def-debugger-escaped.js --- description: debugger is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1060
ident-name-method-def-default-escaped-ext.js --- description: default is a valid identifier name, using extended escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1069
ident-name-method-def-default-escaped.js --- description: default is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1056
ident-name-method-def-default.js --- description: default is a valid identifier name (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1029
ident-name-method-def-delete-escaped.js --- description: delete is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1052
ident-name-method-def-do-escaped.js --- description: do is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1036
ident-name-method-def-else-escaped.js --- description: else is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1044
ident-name-method-def-enum-escaped.js --- description: enum is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1044
ident-name-method-def-export-escaped.js --- description: export is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1052
ident-name-method-def-extends-escaped-ext.js --- description: extends is a valid identifier name, using extended escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1069
ident-name-method-def-extends-escaped.js --- description: extends is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1056
ident-name-method-def-extends.js --- description: extends is a valid identifier name (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1029
ident-name-method-def-finally-escaped.js --- description: finally is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1056
ident-name-method-def-for-escaped.js --- description: for is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1040
ident-name-method-def-function-escaped.js --- description: function is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1060
ident-name-method-def-if-escaped.js --- description: if is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1036
ident-name-method-def-implements-escaped.js --- description: implements is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1082
ident-name-method-def-import-escaped.js --- description: import is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1052
ident-name-method-def-in-escaped.js --- description: in is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1036
ident-name-method-def-instanceof-escaped.js --- description: instanceof is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1068
ident-name-method-def-interface-escaped.js --- description: interface is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1078
ident-name-method-def-let-escaped.js --- description: let is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1054
ident-name-method-def-new-escaped.js --- description: new is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1040
ident-name-method-def-package-escaped.js --- description: package is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1070
ident-name-method-def-private-escaped.js --- description: private is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1070
ident-name-method-def-protected-escaped.js --- description: protected is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1078
ident-name-method-def-public-escaped.js --- description: public is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1066
ident-name-method-def-return-escaped.js --- description: return is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1052
ident-name-method-def-static-escaped.js --- description: static is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1066
ident-name-method-def-super-escaped.js --- description: super is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1048
ident-name-method-def-switch-escaped.js --- description: switch is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1052
ident-name-method-def-this-escaped.js --- description: this is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1044
ident-name-method-def-throw-escaped.js --- description: throw is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1048
ident-name-method-def-try-escaped.js --- description: try is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1040
ident-name-method-def-typeof-escaped.js --- description: typeof is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1052
ident-name-method-def-var-escaped.js --- description: var is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1040
ident-name-method-def-void-escaped.js --- description: void is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1044
ident-name-method-def-while-escaped.js --- description: while is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1048
ident-name-method-def-with-escaped.js --- description: with is a valid identifier name, using escape (MethodDefinition) esid: prod-PropertyDefinition features: [class] flags: [generated] info: | ObjectLiteral : { PropertyDefinitionList } { PropertyDefinitionList , } PropertyDefinitionList: PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinitionList , PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition: MethodDefinition ... MethodDefinition: PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } PropertyName: LiteralPropertyName ... LiteralPropertyName: IdentifierName ... Reserved Words A reserved word is an IdentifierName that cannot be used as an Identifier. --- 1044
method-length-dflt.js --- es6id: 14.1.6 description: > Default parameters' effect on function length info: | Function length is counted by the non initialized parameters in the left. 9.2.4 FunctionInitialize (F, kind, ParameterList, Body, Scope) [...] 2. Let len be the ExpectedArgumentCount of ParameterList. 3. Perform ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "length", PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: len, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}). [...] FormalsList : FormalParameter 1. If HasInitializer of FormalParameter is true return 0 2. Return 1. FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let count be the ExpectedArgumentCount of FormalsList. 2. If HasInitializer of FormalsList is true or HasInitializer of FormalParameter is true, return count. 3. Return count+1. features: [default-parameters] includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1690
method-param-dflt-yield.js --- esid: sec-method-definitions es6id: 14.3 description: > YieldExpression cannot be used within the FormalParameters of a class method info: | MethodDefinition[Yield] : PropertyName[?Yield] ( StrictFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } features: [generators, default-parameters] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 562
name.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Assignment of function `name` attribute info: | ClassExpression : class ClassTail 1. Let value be ? ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with arguments undefined and "". ... 4. Return value. ClassExpression : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be ? ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with arguments className and className. ... 4. Return value. 14.6.13 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation ... 12. Let constructorInfo be DefineMethod of constructor with arguments proto, className as the optional name argument, and constructorParent. ... 14.3.7 Runtime Semantics: DefineMethod ... 7. Let closure be FunctionCreate(kind, UniqueFormalParameters, FunctionBody, scope, name, prototype). ... includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1628
params-dflt-gen-meth-args-unmapped.js --- description: Referencing the arguments object from a default parameter (class expression method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation es6id: 14.5.16 features: [generators, default-parameters] info: | ClassExpression : class BindingIdentifieropt ClassTail 1. If BindingIdentifieropt is not present, let className be undefined. 2. Else, let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 3. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] 14.4.13 Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation GeneratorMethod : PropertyName ( StrictFormalParameters ) { GeneratorBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this GeneratorMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. 5. Let closure be GeneratorFunctionCreate(Method, StrictFormalParameters, GeneratorBody, scope, strict). 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) [...] 7. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). [...] OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody ( F, argumentsList ) 1. Let status be FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(F, argumentsList). [...] 9.2.12 FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(func, argumentsList) [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, b. Let formalStatus be IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 3561
params-dflt-gen-meth-ref-arguments.js --- description: Referencing the arguments object from a default parameter (class expression method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation es6id: 14.5.16 features: [generators, default-parameters] info: | ClassExpression : class BindingIdentifieropt ClassTail 1. If BindingIdentifieropt is not present, let className be undefined. 2. Else, let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 3. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] 14.4.13 Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation GeneratorMethod : PropertyName ( StrictFormalParameters ) { GeneratorBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this GeneratorMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. 5. Let closure be GeneratorFunctionCreate(Method, StrictFormalParameters, GeneratorBody, scope, strict). 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) [...] 7. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). [...] OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody ( F, argumentsList ) 1. Let status be FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(F, argumentsList). [...] 9.2.12 FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(func, argumentsList) [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, b. Let formalStatus be IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 3130
params-dflt-gen-meth-static-args-unmapped.js --- description: Referencing the arguments object from a default parameter (static class expression generator method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation es6id: 14.5.16 features: [generators, default-parameters] info: | ClassExpression : class BindingIdentifieropt ClassTail 1. If BindingIdentifieropt is not present, let className be undefined. 2. Else, let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 3. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then b. Else, Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments F and false. [...] 14.4.13 Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation GeneratorMethod : PropertyName ( StrictFormalParameters ) { GeneratorBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this GeneratorMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. 5. Let closure be GeneratorFunctionCreate(Method, StrictFormalParameters, GeneratorBody, scope, strict). 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) [...] 7. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). [...] OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody ( F, argumentsList ) 1. Let status be FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(F, argumentsList). [...] 9.2.12 FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(func, argumentsList) [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, b. Let formalStatus be IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 3563
params-dflt-gen-meth-static-ref-arguments.js --- description: Referencing the arguments object from a default parameter (static class expression generator method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation es6id: 14.5.16 features: [generators, default-parameters] info: | ClassExpression : class BindingIdentifieropt ClassTail 1. If BindingIdentifieropt is not present, let className be undefined. 2. Else, let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 3. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then b. Else, Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments F and false. [...] 14.4.13 Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation GeneratorMethod : PropertyName ( StrictFormalParameters ) { GeneratorBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this GeneratorMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. 5. Let closure be GeneratorFunctionCreate(Method, StrictFormalParameters, GeneratorBody, scope, strict). 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) [...] 7. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). [...] OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody ( F, argumentsList ) 1. Let status be FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(F, argumentsList). [...] 9.2.12 FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(func, argumentsList) [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, b. Let formalStatus be IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 3133
params-dflt-meth-args-unmapped.js --- description: Referencing the arguments object from a default parameter (class expression method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation es6id: 14.5.16 features: [default-parameters] info: | ClassExpression : class BindingIdentifieropt ClassTail 1. If BindingIdentifieropt is not present, let className be undefined. 2. Else, let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 3. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] 14.3.8 Runtime Semantics: DefineMethod MethodDefinition : PropertyName ( StrictFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } [...] 6. Let closure be FunctionCreate(kind, StrictFormalParameters, FunctionBody, scope, strict). If functionPrototype was passed as a parameter then pass its value as the functionPrototype optional argument of FunctionCreate. [...] 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) [...] 7. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). [...] OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody ( F, argumentsList ) 1. Let status be FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(F, argumentsList). [...] 9.2.12 FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(func, argumentsList) [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, b. Let formalStatus be IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 3361
params-dflt-meth-ref-arguments.js --- description: Referencing the arguments object from a default parameter (class expression method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation es6id: 14.5.16 features: [default-parameters] info: | ClassExpression : class BindingIdentifieropt ClassTail 1. If BindingIdentifieropt is not present, let className be undefined. 2. Else, let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 3. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] 14.3.8 Runtime Semantics: DefineMethod MethodDefinition : PropertyName ( StrictFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } [...] 6. Let closure be FunctionCreate(kind, StrictFormalParameters, FunctionBody, scope, strict). If functionPrototype was passed as a parameter then pass its value as the functionPrototype optional argument of FunctionCreate. [...] 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) [...] 7. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). [...] OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody ( F, argumentsList ) 1. Let status be FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(F, argumentsList). [...] 9.2.12 FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(func, argumentsList) [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, b. Let formalStatus be IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 2930
params-dflt-meth-static-args-unmapped.js --- description: Referencing the arguments object from a default parameter (static class expression method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation es6id: 14.5.16 features: [default-parameters] info: | ClassExpression : class BindingIdentifieropt ClassTail 1. If BindingIdentifieropt is not present, let className be undefined. 2. Else, let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 3. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then b. Else, Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments F and false. [...] 14.3.8 Runtime Semantics: DefineMethod MethodDefinition : PropertyName ( StrictFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } [...] 6. Let closure be FunctionCreate(kind, StrictFormalParameters, FunctionBody, scope, strict). If functionPrototype was passed as a parameter then pass its value as the functionPrototype optional argument of FunctionCreate. [...] 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) [...] 7. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). [...] OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody ( F, argumentsList ) 1. Let status be FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(F, argumentsList). [...] 9.2.12 FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(func, argumentsList) [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, b. Let formalStatus be IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 3354
params-dflt-meth-static-ref-arguments.js --- description: Referencing the arguments object from a default parameter (static class expression method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation es6id: 14.5.16 features: [default-parameters] info: | ClassExpression : class BindingIdentifieropt ClassTail 1. If BindingIdentifieropt is not present, let className be undefined. 2. Else, let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 3. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then b. Else, Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments F and false. [...] 14.3.8 Runtime Semantics: DefineMethod MethodDefinition : PropertyName ( StrictFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } [...] 6. Let closure be FunctionCreate(kind, StrictFormalParameters, FunctionBody, scope, strict). If functionPrototype was passed as a parameter then pass its value as the functionPrototype optional argument of FunctionCreate. [...] 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) [...] 7. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). [...] OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody ( F, argumentsList ) 1. Let status be FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(F, argumentsList). [...] 9.2.12 FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(func, argumentsList) [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, b. Let formalStatus be IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 2923
poisoned-underscore-proto.js --- esid: prod-ClassExpression description: > ClassExpression should directly set [[Prototype]] internal slot. info: | ClassDefinitionEvaluation [...] 7. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ObjectCreate ( proto [ , internalSlotsList ] ) [...] 4. Set obj.[[Prototype]] to proto. features: [class, __proto__] --- 697
private-getter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-eval-indirect.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private getter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1417
private-getter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-eval.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private getter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1403
private-getter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-factory.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private getter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1359
private-getter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-function-ctor.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private getter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1472
private-getter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-realm-function-ctor.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private getter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private, cross-realm] --- 1605
private-getter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-realm.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private getter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private, cross-realm] flags: [noStrict] --- 1591
private-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-eval-indirect.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private method) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1417
private-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-eval.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private method) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1403
private-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-factory.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private method) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1344
private-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-function-ctor.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private method) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1472
private-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-realm-function-ctor.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private method) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private, cross-realm] --- 1604
private-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-realm.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private method) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private, cross-realm] flags: [noStrict] --- 1589
private-setter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-eval-indirect.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private setter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1463
private-setter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-eval.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private setter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1449
private-setter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-factory.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private setter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1392
private-setter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-function-ctor.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private setter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1518
private-setter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-realm-function-ctor.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private setter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private, cross-realm] --- 1650
private-setter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-realm.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private setter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private, cross-realm] flags: [noStrict] --- 1637
private-static-field-multiple-evaluations-of-class-direct-eval.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static field) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. ... 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). features: [class, class-static-fields-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 2174
private-static-field-multiple-evaluations-of-class-eval-indirect.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static field) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. ... 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). features: [class, class-static-fields-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 2188
private-static-field-multiple-evaluations-of-class-factory.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static field) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. ... 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). features: [class, class-static-fields-private] --- 2107
private-static-field-multiple-evaluations-of-class-function-ctor.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static field) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. ... 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). features: [class, class-static-fields-private] --- 2228
private-static-field-multiple-evaluations-of-class-realm.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static field) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. ... 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). features: [class, class-static-fields-private, cross-realm] flags: [noStrict] --- 2354
private-static-getter-multiple-evaluations-of-class-direct-eval.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static getter) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1629
private-static-getter-multiple-evaluations-of-class-eval-indirect.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static getter) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1643
private-static-getter-multiple-evaluations-of-class-factory.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static getter) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] --- 1566
private-static-getter-multiple-evaluations-of-class-function-ctor.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static getter) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] --- 1683
private-static-getter-multiple-evaluations-of-class-realm.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static getter) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private, cross-realm] flags: [noStrict] --- 1809
private-static-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-direct-eval.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private static methods) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1598
private-static-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-eval-indirect.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private static methods) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1612
private-static-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-factory.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private static methods) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] --- 1531
private-static-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-function-ctor.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private static methods) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] --- 1652
private-static-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class-realm.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private static methods) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private, cross-realm] flags: [noStrict] --- 1784
private-static-setter-multiple-evaluations-of-class-direct-eval.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static setter) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1643
private-static-setter-multiple-evaluations-of-class-eval-indirect.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static setter) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] flags: [noStrict] --- 1658
private-static-setter-multiple-evaluations-of-class-factory.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static setter) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] --- 1581
private-static-setter-multiple-evaluations-of-class-function-ctor.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static setter) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private] --- 1697
private-static-setter-multiple-evaluations-of-class-realm.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different Private Name (private static setter) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-evaluate-name info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 19. Let F be constructorInfo.[[Closure]]. 20. If ClassHeritage_opt is present and protoParent is not null, then set F.[[ConstructorKind]] to "derived". 21. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). 22. Perform MakeClassConstructor(F). ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-methods-private, cross-realm] flags: [noStrict] --- 1823
restricted-properties.js --- description: > Functions created using ClassExpression syntactic form do not have own properties "caller" or "arguments", but inherit them from %FunctionPrototype%. es6id: 16.1 --- 1369
scope-gen-meth-paramsbody-var-close.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Disposal of variable environment for the function body info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] features: [generators] --- 1196
scope-gen-meth-paramsbody-var-open.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Creation of new variable environment for the function body (as distinct from that for the function's parameters) info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] features: [generators] --- 1232
scope-meth-paramsbody-var-close.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Disposal of variable environment for the function body info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] --- 1165
scope-meth-paramsbody-var-open.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Creation of new variable environment for the function body (as distinct from that for the function's parameters) info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] --- 1202
scope-name-lex-close.js --- esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation description: Removal of lexical environment for class "name" info: | [...] 22. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to lex. [...] --- 565
scope-name-lex-open-heritage.js --- esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation description: > Creation of new lexical environment for the class "name" (with a heritage) info: | 1. Let lex be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 2. Let classScope be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(lex). 3. Let classScopeEnvRec be classScope's EnvironmentRecord. 4. If className is not undefined, then a. Perform classScopeEnvRec.CreateImmutableBinding(className, true). 5. If ClassHeritageopt is not present, then [...] 6. Else, a. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. [...] --- 1389
scope-name-lex-open-no-heritage.js --- esid: sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation description: > Creation of new lexical environment for the class "name" (without a heritage) info: | 1. Let lex be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 2. Let classScope be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(lex). 3. Let classScopeEnvRec be classScope's EnvironmentRecord. 4. If className is not undefined, then a. Perform classScopeEnvRec.CreateImmutableBinding(className, true). 5. If ClassHeritageopt is not present, then [...] 6. Else, a. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. [...] 11. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. --- 1323
scope-setter-paramsbody-var-close.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Disposal of variable environment for the function body info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] --- 1174
scope-setter-paramsbody-var-open.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Creation of new variable environment for the function body (as distinct from that for the function's parameters) info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] --- 1216
scope-static-gen-meth-paramsbody-var-close.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Disposal of variable environment for the function body info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] features: [generators] --- 1193
scope-static-gen-meth-paramsbody-var-open.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Creation of new variable environment for the function body (as distinct from that for the function's parameters) info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] features: [generators] --- 1230
scope-static-meth-paramsbody-var-close.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Disposal of variable environment for the function body info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] --- 1162
scope-static-meth-paramsbody-var-open.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Creation of new variable environment for the function body (as distinct from that for the function's parameters) info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] --- 1199
scope-static-setter-paramsbody-var-close.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Disposal of variable environment for the function body info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] --- 1171
scope-static-setter-paramsbody-var-open.js --- esid: sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Creation of new variable environment for the function body (as distinct from that for the function's parameters) info: | [...] 26. If hasParameterExpressions is false, then [...] 27. Else, a. NOTE A separate Environment Record is needed to ensure that closures created by expressions in the formal parameter list do not have visibility of declarations in the function body. b. Let varEnv be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(env). c. Let varEnvRec be varEnv's EnvironmentRecord. d. Set the VariableEnvironment of calleeContext to varEnv. e. Let instantiatedVarNames be a new empty List. [...] --- 1213
setter-length-dflt.js --- es6id: 14.1.6 description: > Default parameters' effect on function length info: | Function length is counted by the non initialized parameters in the left. 9.2.4 FunctionInitialize (F, kind, ParameterList, Body, Scope) [...] 2. Let len be the ExpectedArgumentCount of ParameterList. 3. Perform ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "length", PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: len, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}). [...] FormalsList : FormalParameter 1. If HasInitializer of FormalParameter is true return 0 2. Return 1. FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let count be the ExpectedArgumentCount of FormalsList. 2. If HasInitializer of FormalsList is true or HasInitializer of FormalParameter is true, return count. 3. Return count+1. features: [default-parameters] includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1267
shell.js 0
static-gen-method-param-dflt-yield.js --- esid: sec-generator-function-definitions es6id: 14.4 description: > YieldExpression cannot be used within the FormalParameters of a generator function info: | GeneratorMethod[Yield]: PropertyName[?Yield] ( StrictFormalParameters[Yield] ) { GeneratorBody } YieldExpression cannot be used within the FormalParameters of a generator function because any expressions that are part of FormalParameters are evaluated before the resulting generator object is in a resumable state. features: [generators, default-parameters] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 824
static-init-await-binding.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors description: The `await` keyword is disallowed as a BindingIdentifier info: | ClassStaticBlockBody : ClassStaticBlockStatementList [...] - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsAwait of ClassStaticBlockStatementList is true. features: [class-static-block] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 610
static-init-await-reference.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors description: The `await` keyword is interpreted as a IdentifierReference in method parameter lists info: | ClassStaticBlockBody : ClassStaticBlockStatementList [...] - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsAwait of ClassStaticBlockStatementList is true. features: [class-static-block] --- 782
static-method-length-dflt.js --- es6id: 14.1.6 description: > Default parameters' effect on function length info: | Function length is counted by the non initialized parameters in the left. 9.2.4 FunctionInitialize (F, kind, ParameterList, Body, Scope) [...] 2. Let len be the ExpectedArgumentCount of ParameterList. 3. Perform ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "length", PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: len, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}). [...] FormalsList : FormalParameter 1. If HasInitializer of FormalParameter is true return 0 2. Return 1. FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let count be the ExpectedArgumentCount of FormalsList. 2. If HasInitializer of FormalsList is true or HasInitializer of FormalParameter is true, return count. 3. Return count+1. features: [default-parameters] includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1678
static-method-param-dflt-yield.js --- esid: sec-method-definitions es6id: 14.3 description: > YieldExpression cannot be used within the FormalParameters of a class method info: | MethodDefinition[Yield] : PropertyName[?Yield] ( StrictFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } features: [generators, default-parameters] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 569