Name Description Size
browser.js 0
locales-invalid.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks error cases for the locales argument to the Segmenter constructor. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 3. Let _requestedLocales_ be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(_locales_). includes: [testIntl.js] features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 681
locales-valid.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks various cases for the locales argument to the Segmenter constructor. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 3. Let _requestedLocales_ be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(_locales_). features: [Intl.Segmenter, Array.prototype.includes] --- 2028
newtarget-undefined.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Verifies the NewTarget check for Intl.Segmenter. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 739
options-getoptionsobject.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks handling of non-object option arguments to the Segmenter constructor. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) features: [Intl.Segmenter,BigInt] --- 664
options-granularity-abrupt-throws.js --- esid: sec-intl.segmenter description: Return abrupt completion from GetOption granularity info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 13. Let granularity be ? GetOption(options, "granularity", "string", « "grapheme", "word", "sentence" », "grapheme"). GetOption ( options, property, type, values, fallback ) 1. Let value be ? Get(options, property). features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 842
options-granularity-invalid.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks handling of invalid value for the style option to the Segmenter constructor. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 13. Let granularity be ? GetOption(options, "granularity", "string", « "grapheme", "word", "sentence" », "grapheme"). 14. Set segmenter.[[SegmenterGranularity]] to granularity. features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 1050
options-granularity-toString-abrupt-throws.js --- esid: sec-intl.segmenter description: Return abrupt completion from GetOption granularity info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 13. Let granularity be ? GetOption(options, "granularity", "string", « "grapheme", "word", "sentence" », "grapheme"). GetOption ( options, property, type, values, fallback ) 6. If type is "string", then a. Let value be ? ToString(value). features: [Intl.Segmenter, Symbol] --- 1404
options-granularity-valid.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks handling of valid values for the granularity option to the Segmenter constructor. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 11. Let granularity be ? GetOption(options, "granularity", "string", « "grapheme", "word", "sentence" », "grapheme"). 12. Set segmenter.[[SegmenterGranularity]] to granularity. features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 1131
options-invalid.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks handling of a null options argument to the Segmenter constructor. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 5. Else a. Let options be ? ToObject(options). features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 622
options-localeMatcher-abrupt-throws.js --- esid: sec-intl.segmenter description: > Return abrupt completion from GetOption localeMatcher info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. ... 4. If options is undefined, then a. Let options be ObjectCreate(null). 5. Else a. Let options be ? ToObject(options). ... 8. Let matcher be ? GetOption(options, "localeMatcher", "string", « "lookup", "best fit" », "best fit"). GetOption ( options, property, type, values, fallback ) 1. Let value be ? Get(options, property). ... features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 1038
options-localeMatcher-invalid.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks handling of invalid value for the localeMatcher option to the Segmenter constructor. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 7. Let matcher be ? GetOption(options, "localeMatcher", "string", «"lookup", "best fit"», "best fit"). features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 903
options-localeMatcher-toString-abrupt-throws.js --- esid: sec-intl.segmenter description: > Return abrupt completion from GetOption localeMatcher info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let segmenter be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%Segmenter.prototype%", internalSlotsList). ... 4. If options is undefined, then a. Let options be ObjectCreate(null). 5. Else a. Let options be ? ToObject(options). ... 8. Let matcher be ? GetOption(options, "localeMatcher", "string", « "lookup", "best fit" », "best fit"). GetOption ( options, property, type, values, fallback ) 6. If type is "string", then a. Let value be ? ToString(value). ... features: [Intl.Segmenter, Symbol] --- 1718
options-localeMatcher-valid.js --- esid: sec-intl.segmenter description: > Valid options for localeMatcher info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let segmenter be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%Segmenter.prototype%", internalSlotsList). ... 8. Let matcher be ? GetOption(options, "localeMatcher", "string", « "lookup", "best fit" », "best fit"). ... GetOption ( options, property, type, values, fallback ) 1. Let value be ? Get(options, property). ... features: [Intl.Segmenter] locale: [en] --- 1256
options-null.js --- esid: sec-intl.Segmenter description: > Throws TypeError if options is null info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let segmenter be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%Segmenter.prototype%", internalSlotsList). ... 4. If options is undefined, then a. Let options be ObjectCreate(null). 5. Else a. Let options be ? ToObject(options). ... features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 803
options-order.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks the order of operations on the options argument to the Segmenter constructor. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 7. Let matcher be ? GetOption(options, "localeMatcher", "string", « "lookup", "best fit" », "best fit"). 11. Let granularity be ? GetOption(options, "granularity", "string", « "grapheme", "word", "sentence" », "grapheme"). includes: [compareArray.js] features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 1455
options-throwing-getters.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks the propagation of exceptions from the options for the Segmenter constructor. features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 717
options-undefined.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks handling of non-object option arguments to the Segmenter constructor. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 4. If options is undefined, then a. Let options be ObjectCreate(null). features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 1560
options-valid-combinations.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks handling of valid values for the granularity option to the Segmenter constructor. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 11. Let granularity be ? GetOption(options, "granularity", "string", « "grapheme", "word", "sentence" », "grapheme"). 12. Set segmenter.[[SegmenterGranularity]] to granularity. features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 1180
proto-from-ctor-realm.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Default [[Prototype]] value derived from realm of the NewTarget. info: | Intl.Segmenter ([ locales [ , options ]]) 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. 2. Let segmenter be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%SegmenterPrototype%", « [[InitializedSegmenter]] »). ... 14. Return segmenter. OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] ) ... 2. Let proto be ? GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto). 3. Return ObjectCreate(proto, internalSlotsList). GetPrototypeFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto ) ... 3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, 'prototype'). 4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor). b. Set proto to realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto. 5. Return proto. features: [Intl.Segmenter, cross-realm, Reflect, Symbol] --- 2513
shell.js 0
subclassing.js --- esid: sec-Intl.Segmenter description: Checks that Segmenter can be subclassed. info: | Intl.Segmenter ( [ locales [ , options ] ] ) 2. Let segmenter be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%SegmenterPrototype%", « [[InitializedSegmenter]] »). includes: [compareArray.js] features: [Intl.Segmenter] --- 2143