Name Description Size
browser.js 0
constructors-string-and-single-element-array.js --- es5id: 9.2.1_3 description: > Tests that a single string instead of a locale list is treated as the locale list containing that string. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 2910
constructors-taint-Object-prototype-2.js --- es5id: 9.2.5_6 description: > Tests that the behavior of a Record is not affected by adversarial changes to Object.prototype. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 685
constructors-taint-Object-prototype.js --- es5id: 9.2.3_5 description: > Tests that the behavior of a Record is not affected by adversarial changes to Object.prototype. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 684
default-locale-is-canonicalized.js --- es5id: 6.2.4 description: > Tests that the default locale is a String value representing the structurally valid and canonicalized BCP 47 language tag. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 673
default-locale-is-supported.js --- es5id: 9.1_a description: Tests that default locale is available. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 600
fallback-locales-are-supported.js --- es5id: 9.1_b description: > Tests that appropriate fallback locales are provided for supported locales. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] features: [Array.prototype.includes] --- 1418
language-tags-canonicalized.js --- es5id: 6.2.3 description: Tests that language tags are canonicalized in return values. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 2660
language-tags-invalid.js --- es5id: 6.2.2_c description: > Tests that language tags with invalid subtag sequences are not accepted. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 720
language-tags-valid.js --- es5id: 6.2.2_a description: Tests that structurally valid language tags are accepted. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 1207
language-tags-with-underscore.js --- es5id: 6.2.2_b description: Tests that language tags with "_" are not accepted. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 1033
shell.js --- description: | This file contains shared functions for the tests in the conformance test suite for the ECMAScript Internationalization API. author: Norbert Lindenberg defines: - testWithIntlConstructors - taintDataProperty - taintMethod - taintProperties - taintArray - getLocaleSupportInfo - getInvalidLanguageTags - isCanonicalizedStructurallyValidLanguageTag - getInvalidLocaleArguments - testOption - testForUnwantedRegExpChanges - allCalendars - allCollations - allNumberingSystems - isValidNumberingSystem - numberingSystemDigits - allSimpleSanctionedUnits - testNumberFormat - getDateTimeComponents - getDateTimeComponentValues - isCanonicalizedStructurallyValidTimeZoneName - partitionDurationFormatPattern - formatDurationFormatPattern --- 69981
supportedLocalesOf-consistent-with-resolvedOptions.js --- es5id: 9.2.2 description: > Tests that locales that are reported by resolvedOptions are also reported by supportedLocalesOf. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 1924
supportedLocalesOf-default-locale-and-zxx-locale.js --- es5id: 9.2.6_4_c description: > Tests that LookupSupportedLocales includes the default locale and doesn't include the "no linguistic content" locale. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 1276
supportedLocalesOf-duplicate-elements-removed.js --- es5id: 9.2.1_8_c_vi description: > Tests that canonicalization of locale lists removes duplicate language tags. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 679
supportedLocalesOf-empty-and-undefined.js --- es5id: 9.2.1_1 description: > Tests that canonicalization of locale lists treats undefined and empty lists the same. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 902
supportedLocalesOf-locales-arg-coered-to-object.js --- es5id: 9.2.1_4 description: > Tests that non-objects are converted to objects before canonicalization. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 1496
supportedLocalesOf-locales-arg-empty-array.js --- es5id: 9.2.6_4 description: > Tests that LookupSupportedLocales returns an empty list when given an empty list. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 749
supportedLocalesOf-returned-array-elements-are-not-frozen.js --- es5id: 9.2.8_4 description: > Tests that the array returned by SupportedLocales is extensible, writable and configurable. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 1530
supportedLocalesOf-taint-Array-2.js --- es5id: 9.2.6_2 description: > Tests that the behavior of a List is not affected by adversarial changes to Array.prototype. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 914
supportedLocalesOf-taint-Array.js --- es5id: 9.2.1_2 description: > Tests that the behavior of a List is not affected by adversarial changes to Array.prototype. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 705
supportedLocalesOf-test-option-localeMatcher.js --- es5id: 9.2.8_1_c description: Tests that the option localeMatcher is processed correctly. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 1034
supportedLocalesOf-throws-if-element-not-string-or-object.js --- es5id: 9.2.1_8_c_ii description: Tests that values other than strings are not accepted as locales. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 672
supportedLocalesOf-unicode-extensions-ignored.js --- es5id: 9.2.6_4_b description: > Tests that Unicode locale extension sequences do not affect whether a locale is considered supported, but are reported back. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] --- 2477