Name Description Size
browser.js 0
description-symboldescriptivestring.js --- esid: sec-symbol.prototype.description description: > SymbolDescriptiveString(sym) via Symbol.prototype.toString() info: | SymbolDescriptiveString ( sym ) Assert: Type(sym) is Symbol. Let desc be sym's [[Description]] value. If desc is undefined, let desc be the empty string. Assert: Type(desc) is String. Return the string-concatenation of "Symbol(", desc, and ")". features: [Symbol.prototype.description] --- 922
descriptor.js --- esid: sec-symbol.prototype.description description: > Test the descriptor of Symbol.prototype.description. info: | `Symbol.prototype.description` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is undefined. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Symbol.prototype.description] --- 920
get.js --- esid: sec-symbol.prototype.description description: > Test the get accessor function of Symbol.prototype.description. info: | 1. Let s be the this value. 2. Let sym be ? thisSymbolValue(s). 3. Return sym.[[Description]]. features: [Symbol.prototype.description] --- 961
is-not-own-property.js --- esid: sec-symbol.prototype.description description: Ensure that 'description' is not an own property of Symbols features: [Symbol.prototype.description] --- 441
shell.js 0
this-val-non-symbol.js --- esid: sec-symbol.prototype.description description: > Behavior when "this" value is an object without a [[SymbolData]] internal slot. info: | 1. Let s be the this value. 2. Let sym be ? thisSymbolValue(s). 3. Return sym.[[Description]]. features: [Symbol.prototype.description] --- 1294
this-val-symbol.js --- esid: sec-symbol.prototype.description description: > Test that calling the getter on a Symbol or a Symbol wrapper object works. info: | 1. Let s be the this value. 2. Let sym be ? thisSymbolValue(s). 3. Return sym.[[Description]]. features: [Symbol.prototype.description] --- 1482
wrapper.js --- esid: sec-symbol.prototype.description description: > Test Symbol.prototype.description called on wrapper objects. info: | 1. Let s be the this value. 2. Let sym be ? thisSymbolValue(s). 3. Return sym.[[Description]]. features: [Symbol.prototype.description] --- 990