Name Description Size
auto-boxing-non-strict.js --- es6id: 19.4 description: > Symbol ToObject auto-boxing flags: [noStrict] features: [Symbol] --- 688
auto-boxing-strict-strict.js --- es6id: 19.4 description: > Symbol ToObject auto-boxing flags: [onlyStrict] features: [Symbol] --- 541
browser.js 0
constructor.js --- es6id: description: > Symbol constructor features: [Symbol] --- 583
desc-to-string-symbol.js --- esid: sec-symbol-constructor description: The first argument is coerced to a String value (from a Symbol) info: | 1. If NewTarget is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception. 2. If description is undefined, let descString be undefined. 2. Else, let descString be ? ToString(description). 3. Return a new unique Symbol value whose [[Description]] value is descString. features: [Symbol] --- 661
desc-to-string.js --- esid: sec-symbol-constructor description: The first argument is coerced to a String value (from an object) info: | 1. If NewTarget is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception. 2. If description is undefined, let descString be undefined. 2. Else, let descString be ? ToString(description). 3. Return a new unique Symbol value whose [[Description]] value is descString. features: [Symbol] --- 1859
invoked-with-new.js --- esid: sec-symbol-constructor description: The Symbol constructor may not be invoked with `new` info: | 1. If NewTarget is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception. features: [Symbol] --- 482
is-constructor.js --- esid: sec-symbol-constructor description: > Symbol is a constructor and has [[Construct]] internal method. info: | The Symbol constructor: [...] may be used as the value of an extends clause of a class definition but a super call to it will cause an exception. [...] has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %Function.prototype%. includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Symbol, Reflect.construct] --- 688
length.js --- esid: sec-symbol-constructor description: > Properties of the Symbol Constructor Besides the length property (whose value is 0) includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Symbol] --- 462
name.js --- esid: sec-symbol-constructor description: > Symbol ( [ description ] ) includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Symbol] --- 407
not-callable.js --- esid: sec-properties-of-symbol-instances description: > Symbol primitives and objects are not callable. info: | Properties of Symbol Instances Symbol instances are ordinary objects that inherit properties from the Symbol prototype object. Symbol instances have a [[SymbolData]] internal slot. The [[SymbolData]] internal slot is the Symbol value represented by this Symbol object. features: [Symbol] --- 858
shell.js --- description: | Test if a given function is a constructor function. defines: [isConstructor] features: [Reflect.construct] --- 596
symbol.js --- esid: sec-symbol-constructor description: > The Symbol constructor is the %Symbol% intrinsic object and the initial value of the Symbol property of the global object. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Symbol] --- 493
uniqueness.js --- esid: sec-symbol-constructor description: The Symbol constructor returns a unique value info: | 1. If NewTarget is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception. 2. If description is undefined, let descString be undefined. 2. Else, let descString be ? ToString(description). 3. Return a new unique Symbol value whose [[Description]] value is descString. features: [Symbol] --- 805