Name Description Size
AAStroke.h 1639
AppUnits.h _NS_APPUNITS_H_ 625
ArrayView.h This is similar to mfbt/Range.h but has implicit conversion from nsTArray and less bounds checking. For now, prefer Range over ArrayView 1113
components.conf 536
DriverCrashGuard.cpp 16635
DriverCrashGuard.h 4854
Etagere.h 2209
FilterDescription.h A data structure to carry attributes for a given primitive that's part of a filter. Will be serializable via IPDL, so it must not contain complex functionality. Used as part of a FilterDescription. 4980
FilterSupport.cpp 78550
FilterSupport.h 15086
FontPropertyTypes.h font specific types shared by both thebes and layout 4803
gfxCrashReporterUtils.cpp 4654
gfxCrashReporterUtils.h \class ScopedGfxFeatureReporter On creation, adds "FeatureName?" to AppNotes On destruction, adds "FeatureName-", or "FeatureName+" if you called SetSuccessful(). Any such string is added at most once to AppNotes, and is subsequently skipped. This ScopedGfxFeatureReporter class is designed to be fool-proof to use in functions that have many exit points. We don't want to encourage having function with many exit points. It just happens that our graphics features initialization functions are like that. 1746
gfxTelemetry.cpp 3487
gfxTelemetry.h 2698 2089
nsBoundingMetrics.h Struct used for accurate measurements of a string, in order to allow precise positioning when processing MathML. This is in its own header file because some very-widely-included headers need it but not the rest of nsFontMetrics, or vice versa. 3246
nsColor.cpp 6420
nsColor.h nsColor_h___ 2779
nsCoord.h Basic type used for the geometry classes. Normally all coordinates are maintained in an app unit coordinate space. An app unit is 1/60th of a CSS device pixel, which is, in turn an integer number of device pixels, such at the CSS DPI is as close to 96dpi as possible. 12099
nsDeviceContext.cpp not a reference context 12886
nsDeviceContext.h Initialize the device context from a widget @param aWidget a widget to initialize the device context from 9867
nsFont.cpp 10855
nsFont.h nsFont_h___ 4683
nsFontCache.cpp 7397
nsFontCache.h _NS_FONTCACHE_H_ 3449
nsFontMetrics.cpp 14547
nsFontMetrics.h Font metrics This class may be somewhat misnamed. A better name might be nsFontList. The style system uses the nsFont struct for various font properties, one of which is font-family, which can contain a *list* of font names. The nsFont struct is "realized" by asking the pres context to cough up an nsFontMetrics object, which contains a list of real font handles, one for each font mentioned in font-family (and for each fallback when we fall off the end of that list). The style system needs to have access to certain metrics, such as the em height (for the CSS "em" unit), and we use the first Western font's metrics for that purpose. The platform-specific implementations are expected to select non-Western fonts that "fit" reasonably well with the Western font that is loaded at Init time. 9101
nsGfxCIID.h 1219
nsIFontEnumerator.idl Return a sorted array of the names of all installed fonts. @return array of names @return void 2301
nsITheme.h service providing platform-specific native rendering for widgets 9744
nsMargin.h NSMARGIN_H 870
nsPoint.h Return this point scaled to a different appunits per pixel (APP) ratio. @param aFromAPP the APP to scale from @param aToAPP the APP to scale to 3454
nsRect.cpp 1221
nsRect.h 19552
nsRectAbsolute.h NSRECTABSOLUTE_H 1699
nsRegion.cpp 32817
nsRegion.h For information on the internal representation look at pixman-region.c This replaces an older homebrew implementation of nsRegion. The representation used here may use more rectangles than nsRegion however, the representation is canonical. This means that there's no need for an Optimize() method because for a paticular region there is only one representation. This means that nsIntRegion will have more predictable performance characteristics than the old nsRegion and should not become degenerate. The pixman region code originates from X11 which has spread to a variety of projects including Qt, Gtk, Wine. It should perform reasonably well. 73483
nsRegionFwd.h 699
nsSize.h Return this size scaled to a different appunits per pixel (APP) ratio. @param aFromAPP the APP to scale from @param aToAPP the APP to scale to 2502
nsThebesFontEnumerator.cpp 7237
nsThebesFontEnumerator.h _NSTHEBESFONTENUMERATOR_H_ 809
nsTransform2D.cpp 819
nsTransform2D.h This represents the following matrix (note that the order of row/column indices is opposite to usual notation) / m00 0 m20 \ M = | 0 m11 m21 | \ 0 0 1 / Transformation of a coordinate (x, y) is obtained by setting v = (x, y, 1)^T and evaluating M . v 2284
RegionBuilder.h 866
RelativeLuminanceUtils.h 2633
WPFGpuRaster.h 2117
X11UndefineNone.h 1629
X11Util.cpp 1277
X11Util.h Return the default X Display created and used by the UI toolkit. 1779