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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include <stddef.h>
namespace Etagere {
constexpr static const uint32_t FLAGS_VERTICAL_SHELVES = 1;
/// A shelf-packing dynamic texture atlas allocator tracking each allocation
/// individually and with support for coalescing empty shelves.
struct AtlasAllocator;
/// Options to tweak the behavior of the atlas allocator.
struct AllocatorOptions {
int32_t width_alignment;
int32_t height_alignment;
int32_t num_columns;
uint32_t flags;
/// 1 means OK, 0 means error.
using Status = uint32_t;
struct Rectangle {
int32_t min_x;
int32_t min_y;
int32_t max_x;
int32_t max_y;
using AllocationId = uint32_t;
constexpr static const uint32_t INVALID_ALLOCATION_ID = ~0U;
struct Allocation {
Rectangle rectangle;
AllocationId id;
extern "C" {
AtlasAllocator* etagere_atlas_allocator_new(int32_t width, int32_t height);
AtlasAllocator* etagere_atlas_allocator_with_options(
int32_t width, int32_t height, const AllocatorOptions* options);
void etagere_atlas_allocator_delete(AtlasAllocator* allocator);
Status etagere_atlas_allocator_allocate(AtlasAllocator* allocator,
int32_t width, int32_t height,
Allocation* allocation);
void etagere_atlas_allocator_deallocate(AtlasAllocator* allocator,
AllocationId id);
void etagere_atlas_allocator_clear(AtlasAllocator* allocator);
int32_t etagere_atlas_allocator_allocated_space(
const AtlasAllocator* allocator);
int32_t etagere_atlas_allocator_free_space(const AtlasAllocator* allocator);
Rectangle etagere_atlas_allocator_get(const AtlasAllocator* allocator,
AllocationId id);
Status etagere_atlas_allocator_dump_svg(const AtlasAllocator* allocator,
const char* file_name);
} // extern "C"
} // namespace Etagere