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Test Info:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test for undo with editing UI</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none;">
<div id="editable1" contenteditable="true">
<table id="table1" border="1">
<tr id="tr1"><td>ABCDEFG</td><td>HIJKLMN</td></tr>
<tr id="tr2"><td>ABCDEFG</td><td>HIJKLMN</td></tr>
<div id="edit1">test</div>
<img id="img1" src="green.png">
<div id="abs1" style="position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 300px; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: green;"></div>
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">
function resizingActive(win = window) {
let Ci = SpecialPowers.Ci;
let editor = SpecialPowers.wrap(win).docShell.editor;
return editor && editor.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHTMLObjectResizer).isObjectResizingActive;
add_task(async function testAbsPosUI() {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(() => {
}, window);
document.execCommand("enableAbsolutePositionEditing", false, "true");
"Enable absolute positioned editor");
let edit1 = document.getElementById("edit1");
edit1.innerText = "test";
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(edit1, {});
isnot(edit1.firstChild.textContent, "test", "Text is modified");
let abs1 = document.getElementById("abs1");
ok(!abs1.hasAttribute("_moz_abspos"), "_moz_abspos attribute should be false yet");
let promiseForAbsEditor = new Promise((resolve) => {
document.addEventListener("selectionchange", () => {
}, {once: true});
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(abs1, {});
await promiseForAbsEditor;
ok(abs1.hasAttribute("_moz_abspos"), "_moz_abspos attribute should be true");
synthesizeKey("z", { accelKey: true });
is(edit1.firstChild.textContent, "test", "Text is restored by undo");
// TODO: no good way to move absolute position grab.
document.execCommand("enableAbsolutePositionEditing", false, "false");
add_task(function testResizerUI() {
document.execCommand("enableObjectResizing", false, "true");
"Enable object resizing editor");
let edit1 = document.getElementById("edit1");
edit1.innerText = "test";
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(edit1, {});
isnot(edit1.firstChild.textContent, "test", "Text is modified");
let img1 = document.getElementById("img1");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(img1, {});
ok(resizingActive(), "resizing should be active");
synthesizeKey("z", { accelKey: true });
is(edit1.firstChild.textContent, "test", "Text is restored by undo");
// Resizer
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(edit1, {});
isnot(edit1.firstChild.textContent, "test", "Text is modified");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(img1, {});
ok(resizingActive(), "resizing should be active");
// Emulate drag & drop
let origWidth = img1.width;
let posX = img1.clientWidth;
let posY = img1.clientHeight - (img1.height / 2);
synthesizeMouse(img1, posX, posY, {type: "mousedown"});
synthesizeMouse(img1, posX + 100, posY, {type: "mousemove"});
synthesizeMouse(img1, posX + 100, posY, {type: "mouseup"});
isnot(img1.width, origWidth, "Image is resized");
synthesizeKey("z", { accelKey: true });
is(img1.width, origWidth, "Image width is restored by undo");
synthesizeKey("z", { accelKey: true });
is(edit1.firstChild.textContent, "test", "Text is restored by undo");
document.execCommand("enableObjectResizing", false, "false");
add_task(async function testInlineTableUI() {
document.execCommand("enableInlineTableEditing", false, "true");
"Enable Inline Table editor");
let tr1 = document.getElementById("tr1");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(tr1, {});
isnot(tr1.firstChild.firstChild.textContent, "ABCDEFG",
"Text is modified");
let tr2 = document.getElementById("tr2");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(tr2, {});
isnot(tr2.firstChild.firstChild.textContent, "ABCDEFG",
"Text is modified");
synthesizeKey("z", { accelKey: true });
is(tr2.firstChild.firstChild.textContent, "ABCDEFG",
"Text is restored by undo");
synthesizeKey("z", { accelKey: true });
is(tr1.firstChild.firstChild.textContent, "ABCDEFG",
"Text is restored by undo");
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(tr1, {});
isnot(tr1.firstChild.firstChild.textContent, "ABCDEFG",
"Text is modified");
// Inline table editing UI
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(tr2, {});
synthesizeMouse(tr2, 0, tr2.clientHeight / 2, {});
"id=tr2 should be removed by a click in the row");
synthesizeKey("z", { accelKey: true });
ok(document.getElementById("tr2"), "id=tr2 should be restored by undo");
synthesizeKey("z", { accelKey: true });
is(tr1.firstChild.firstChild.textContent, "ABCDEFG",
"Text is restored by undo");
document.execCommand("enableInlineTableEditing", false, "false");