AutoClonedRangeArray.cpp |
*************************************************************************** |
58470 |
AutoClonedRangeArray.h |
AutoClonedRangeArray stores closed ranges and has similar API to Selection.
*************************************************************************** |
23818 |
AutoSelectionRestorer.cpp |
1174 |
AutoSelectionRestorer.h |
Stack based helper class for saving/restoring selection. Note that this
assumes that the nodes involved are still around afterwords!
1580 |
ChangeAttributeTransaction.cpp |
5340 |
ChangeAttributeTransaction.h |
A transaction that changes an attribute of a content node. This transaction
covers add, remove, and change attribute.
3104 |
ChangeStyleTransaction.cpp |
12430 |
ChangeStyleTransaction.h |
A transaction that changes the value of a CSS inline style of a content
node. This transaction covers add, remove, and change a property's value.
4814 |
CompositionTransaction.cpp |
17845 |
CompositionTransaction.h |
CompositionTransaction stores all edit for a composition, i.e.,
from compositionstart event to compositionend event. E.g., inserting a
composition string, modifying the composition string or its IME selection
ranges and commit or cancel the composition.
3525 |
crashtests |
CSSEditUtils.cpp |
47963 |
CSSEditUtils.h |
Adds/remove a CSS declaration to the STYLE attribute carried by a given
@param aHTMLEditor [IN] An HTMLEditor instance
@param aStyledElement [IN] A DOM styled element.
@param aProperty [IN] An atom containing the CSS property to set.
@param aValue [IN] A string containing the value of the CSS
17045 |
DeleteContentTransactionBase.cpp |
936 |
DeleteContentTransactionBase.h |
An abstract transaction that removes text or node.
1330 |
DeleteMultipleRangesTransaction.cpp |
4720 |
DeleteMultipleRangesTransaction.h |
An abstract transaction that removes text or node.
1694 |
DeleteNodeTransaction.cpp |
6190 |
DeleteNodeTransaction.h |
A transaction that deletes a single element
2305 |
DeleteRangeTransaction.cpp |
14895 |
DeleteRangeTransaction.h |
A transaction that deletes an entire range in the content tree
5950 |
DeleteTextTransaction.cpp |
6880 |
DeleteTextTransaction.h |
A transaction that removes text from a content node.
3414 |
EditAction.h |
EditAction indicates which operation or command causes running the methods
of editors.
30454 |
EditAggregateTransaction.cpp |
5155 |
EditAggregateTransaction.h |
base class for all document editing transactions that require aggregation.
provides a list of child transactions.
1610 |
EditorBase.cpp |
284388 |
EditorBase.h |
Implementation of an editor object. it will be the controller/focal point
for the main editor services. i.e. the GUIManager, publishing, transaction
manager, event interfaces. the idea for the event interfaces is to have them
delegate the actual commands to the editor independent of the XPFE
121655 |
EditorCommands.cpp |
**************************************************************************** |
38151 |
EditorCommands.h |
EditorCommandParamType tells you that EditorCommand subclasses refer
which type in nsCommandParams (e.g., bool or nsString) or do not refer.
If they refer some types, also set where is in nsCommandParams, e.g.,
whether "state_attribute" or "state_data".
36893 |
EditorController.cpp |
6266 |
EditorController.h |
923 |
EditorDOMPoint.h |
EditorDOMPoint and EditorRawDOMPoint are simple classes which refers
a point in the DOM tree at creating the instance or initializing the
instance with calling Set().
EditorDOMPoint refers container node (and child node if it's already set)
with nsCOMPtr. EditorRawDOMPoint refers them with raw pointer.
So, EditorRawDOMPoint is useful when you access the nodes only before
changing DOM tree since increasing refcount may appear in micro benchmark
if it's in a hot path. On the other hand, if you need to refer them even
after changing DOM tree, you must use EditorDOMPoint.
When initializing an instance only with child node or offset, the instance
starts to refer the child node or offset in the container. In this case,
the other information hasn't been initialized due to performance reason.
When you retrieve the other information with calling Offset() or
GetChild(), the other information is computed with the current DOM tree.
Therefore, e.g., in the following case, the other information may be
EditorDOMPoint pointA(container1, childNode1);
EditorDOMPoint pointB(container1, childNode1);
Unused << pointA.Offset(); // The offset is computed now.
Unused << pointB.Offset(); // Now, pointB.Offset() equals pointA.Offset() - 1
EditorDOMPoint pointA(container1, 5);
EditorDOMPoint pointB(container1, 5);
Unused << pointA.GetChild(); // The child is computed now.
Unused << pointB.GetChild(); // Now, pointB.GetChild() equals
// pointA.GetChild()->GetPreviousSibling().
So, when you initialize an instance only with one information, you need to
be careful when you access the other information after changing the DOM tree.
When you need to lock the child node or offset and recompute the other
information with new DOM tree, you can use
AutoEditorDOMPointOffsetInvalidator and AutoEditorDOMPointChildInvalidator.
68484 |
EditorEventListener.cpp |
for any window |
44079 |
EditorEventListener.h |
DetachedFromEditor() returns true if editor was detached.
Otherwise, false.
4332 |
EditorForwards.h |
Forward declarations of other modules'
**************************************************************************** |
8094 |
EditorLineBreak.h |
EditorLineBreakBase stores <br> or a preformatted line break position.
This cannot represent no line break. Therefore, if a method may not return
a line break, they need to use Maybe.
**************************************************************************** |
11788 |
EditorUtils.cpp |
some general purpose editor utils
*************************************************************************** |
15982 |
EditorUtils.h |
CaretPoint is a wrapper of EditorDOMPoint and provides a helper method to
collapse Selection there, or move it to a local variable. This is typically
used as the ok type of Result or a base class of DoSomethingResult classes.
**************************************************************************** |
19788 |
EditTransactionBase.cpp |
3779 |
EditTransactionBase.h |
Base class for all document editing transactions.
3207 |
HTMLAbsPositionEditor.cpp |
35724 |
HTMLAnonymousNodeEditor.cpp |
*************************************************************************** |
22362 |
HTMLEditHelpers.cpp |
some helper classes for iterating the dom tree
*************************************************************************** |
6306 |
HTMLEditHelpers.h |
This header declares/defines trivial helper classes which are used by
HTMLEditor. If you want to create or look for static utility methods,
see HTMLEditUtils.h.
53441 |
HTMLEditor.cpp |
*************************************************************************** |
316547 |
HTMLEditor.h |
The HTML editor implementation.<br>
Use to edit HTML document represented as a DOM tree.
220412 |
HTMLEditorCommands.cpp |
*************************************************************************** |
51408 |
HTMLEditorController.cpp |
6026 |
HTMLEditorController.h |
mozllla_HTMLEditorController_h__ |
798 |
HTMLEditorDataTransfer.cpp |
182541 |
HTMLEditorDeleteHandler.cpp |
************************************************************************** |
401135 |
HTMLEditorDocumentCommands.cpp |
Commands for document state that may be changed via doCommandParams
As of 11/11/02, this is just "cmd_setDocumentModified"
Note that you can use the same command class, SetDocumentStateCommand,
for more than one of this type of command
We check the input command param for different behavior
*************************************************************************** |
18754 |
HTMLEditorEventListener.cpp |
14715 |
HTMLEditorEventListener.h |
Connect() fails if aEditorBase isn't an HTMLEditor instance.
3269 |
HTMLEditorInlines.h |
Logging utils
**************************************************************************** |
4942 |
HTMLEditorNestedClasses.h |
AutoInlineStyleSetter is a temporary class to set an inline style to
specific nodes.
************************************************************************** |
39877 |
HTMLEditorObjectResizer.cpp |
**************************************************************************** |
53801 |
HTMLEditorState.cpp |
************************************************************************** |
26824 |
HTMLEditSubActionHandler.cpp |
first some helpful functors we will use
****************************************************** |
580314 |
HTMLEditUtils.cpp |
129421 |
HTMLEditUtils.h |
This header declares/defines static helper methods as members of
HTMLEditUtils. If you want to create or look for helper trivial classes for
HTMLEditor, see HTMLEditHelpers.h.
117345 |
HTMLInlineTableEditor.cpp |
18965 |
HTMLStyleEditor.cpp |
194475 |
HTMLTableEditor.cpp |
Stack based helper class for restoring selection after table edit.
179760 |
InsertNodeTransaction.cpp |
7130 |
InsertNodeTransaction.h |
A transaction that inserts a single element
3213 |
InsertTextTransaction.cpp |
6589 |
InsertTextTransaction.h |
A transaction that inserts text into a content node.
3183 |
InternetCiter.cpp |
Mail citations using the Internet style: > This is a citation.
10297 |
InternetCiter.h |
Mail citations using standard Internet style.
825 |
JoinNodesTransaction.cpp |
7346 |
JoinNodesTransaction.h |
A transaction that joins two nodes E1 (left node) and E2 (right node) into a
single node E. The children of E are the children of E1 followed by the
children of E2. After DoTransaction() and RedoTransaction(), E1 is removed
from the content tree and E2 remains.
3622 |
ManualNAC.h |
Smart pointer class to own "manual" Native Anonymous Content, and perform
the necessary registration and deregistration on the parent element.
3826 |
metrics.yaml |
3793 |
MoveNodeTransaction.cpp |
12092 |
MoveNodeTransaction.h |
A transaction that moves a content node to a specified point.
4119 | |
2789 |
PendingStyles.cpp |
***************************************************************** |
18736 |
PendingStyles.h |
12912 |
PlaceholderTransaction.cpp |
13853 |
PlaceholderTransaction.h |
An aggregate transaction that knows how to absorb all subsequent
transactions with the same name. This transaction does not "Do" anything.
But it absorbs other transactions via merge, and can undo/redo the
transactions it has absorbed.
3400 |
ReplaceTextTransaction.cpp |
7086 |
ReplaceTextTransaction.h |
3242 |
SelectionState.cpp |
*************************************************************************** |
22760 |
SelectionState.h |
A helper struct for saving/setting ranges.
23245 |
SplitNodeTransaction.cpp |
9163 |
SplitNodeTransaction.h |
A transaction that splits a node into two identical nodes, with the children
divided between the new nodes.
3461 |
tests |
TextEditor.cpp |
43751 |
TextEditor.h |
The text editor implementation.
Use to edit text document represented as a DOM tree.
25174 |
TextEditorDataTransfer.cpp |
9480 |
TextEditSubActionHandler.cpp |
30309 |
WhiteSpaceVisibilityKeeper.cpp |
206728 |
WhiteSpaceVisibilityKeeper.h |
WhiteSpaceVisibilityKeeper class helps `HTMLEditor` modifying the DOM tree
with keeps white-space sequence visibility automatically. E.g., invisible
leading/trailing white-spaces becomes visible, this class members delete
them. E.g., when splitting visible-white-space sequence, this class may
replace ASCII white-spaces at split edges with NBSPs.
22852 |
WSRunScanner.cpp |
**************************************************************************** |
49028 |
WSRunScanner.h |
WSScanResult is result of ScanNextVisibleNodeOrBlockBoundaryFrom(),
ScanPreviousVisibleNodeOrBlockBoundaryFrom(), and their static wrapper
methods. This will have information of found visible content (and its
position) or reached block element or topmost editable content at the
start of scanner.
60880 |
WSRunScannerNestedClasses.cpp |
60522 |