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Test Info: Errors
- This test gets skipped with pattern: headless
- This test failed 1 times in the preceding 30 days. quicksearch this test
- Manifest: editor/libeditor/tests/mochitest.toml
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Test pasting table rows</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
* A small font-size, so that the loaded document fits on the screens of all
* test devices.
* { font-size: 8px; }
* Helps fitting the tables on the screens of all test devices.
div[class="tableContainer"] {
display: inline-block;
const kEditabilityModeContenteditable = "contenteditable";
const kEditabilityModeDesignMode = "designMode";
// All column names of the test-tables used below.
const kColumns = ["c1", "c2", "c3"];
// Ctrl+click on table cells to select them.
const kSelectionModeClickSelection = "click-selection";
// Click and drag from the first given row to the end of the last given row.
const kSelectionModeDragSelection = "drag-selection";
const kTableTagName = "TABLE";
const kTbodyTagName = "TBODY";
const kTheadTagName = "THEAD";
const kTfootTagName = "TFOOT";
const kInputEventType = "input";
const kInputEventInputTypeInsertFromPaste = "insertFromPaste";
// Where a table is pasted to in the test.
const kTargetElementId = "targetElement";
* @param aTableName see Test::constructor::aTableName.
* @param aRowsInTable see Test::constructor::aRowsInTable.
* @return an array of elements of aRowsInTable.
function FilterRowsWithParentTag(aTableName, aRowsInTable, aTagName) {
return aRowsInTable.filter(rowName => document.getElementById(aTableName +
rowName).parentElement.tagName == aTagName);
* Tables used with this class are required to:
* - have ids of the following form for each table cell:
<tableName><rowName><column>. Where <column> has to be one of
- have exactly `kColumns.length` columns per row.
- have an id of the form <tableName><rowName> for each table row.
class Test {
* @param aTableName indicates which table to operate on.
* @param aRowsInTable an array of row names. Ordered from top to bottom.
* @param aEditabilityMode `kEditabilityModeContenteditable` or
* `kEditabilityModeDesignMode`.
* @param aSelectionMode `kSelectionModeClickSelection` or
* `kSelectionModeDragSelection`.
constructor(aTableName, aRowsInTable, aEditabilityMode, aSelectionMode) {
ok(aEditabilityMode == kEditabilityModeContenteditable ||
aEditabilityMode == kEditabilityModeDesignMode,
"Editablity mode is valid.");
ok(aSelectionMode == kSelectionModeClickSelection ||
aSelectionMode == kSelectionModeDragSelection,
"Selection mode is valid.");
this._tableName = aTableName;
this._rowsInTable = aRowsInTable;
this._editabilityMode = aEditabilityMode;
this._selectionMode = aSelectionMode;
this._innerHTMLOfTargetBeforeTestRun =
if (this._editabilityMode == kEditabilityModeDesignMode) {
document.designMode = "on";
}"Constructed the test (" + this._toString() + ").");
* Call `_restoreStateOfDocumentBeforeRun` afterwards.
async _run() {
// Generate the expected pasted HTML before pasting the clipboard's
// content, because that may duplicate ids, hence leading to creating
// a wrong expectation string.
const expectedPastedHTML = this._createExpectedOuterHTMLOfTable();
if (this._selectionMode == kSelectionModeDragSelection) {
} else {
await this._copyToClipboard(expectedPastedHTML);
const targetElement = document.getElementById(kTargetElementId);
is(targetElement.children.length, 1,
"Target element has exactly one child.");
is(targetElement.children[0]?.tagName, kTableTagName,
"Target element has a table child.");
// Linebreaks and whitespace after tags are irrelevant, hence stripping
// them.
targetElement.children[0]?.outerHTML), expectedPastedHTML,
"Pasted table (" + this._toString() + ") has expected outerHTML.");
_restoreStateOfDocumentBeforeRun() {
if (this._editabilityMode == kEditabilityModeDesignMode) {
document.designMode = "off";
const targetElement = document.getElementById(kTargetElementId);
targetElement.innerHTML = this._innerHTMLOfTargetBeforeTestRun;
"Restored the state of the document before the test run.");
_toString() {
return "table: " + this._tableName + "; row(s): " +
this._rowsInTable.toString() + "; editability-mode: " +
this._editabilityMode + "; selection-mode: " + this._selectionMode;
_removeContenteditableAttributeOfTarget() {
const targetElement = document.getElementById(kTargetElementId);"Removing target's 'contenteditable' attribute.");
_setContenteditableAttributeOfTarget() {
const targetElement = document.getElementById(kTargetElementId);"Setting 'contenteditable' attribute of target.");
targetElement.setAttribute("contenteditable", "");
_getOuterHTMLAndStripLinebreaksAndWhitespaceAfterTags(aElementId) {
const outerHTML = document.getElementById(aElementId).outerHTML;
return SimpleTest.stripLinebreaksAndWhitespaceAfterTags(outerHTML);
_createExpectedOuterHTMLOfTable() {
const rowsInTableHead = FilterRowsWithParentTag(this._tableName,
this._rowsInTable, kTheadTagName);
const rowsInTableBody = FilterRowsWithParentTag(this._tableName,
this._rowsInTable, kTbodyTagName);
const rowsInTableFoot = FilterRowsWithParentTag(this._tableName,
this._rowsInTable, kTfootTagName);
let expectedTableOuterHTML = '\
if (rowsInTableHead.length) {
expectedTableOuterHTML += '\
rowsInTableHead.forEach(rowName =>
expectedTableOuterHTML +=
this._tableName + rowName));
expectedTableOuterHTML +='\
if (rowsInTableBody.length) {
expectedTableOuterHTML += '\
rowsInTableBody.forEach(rowName =>
expectedTableOuterHTML +=
this._tableName + rowName));
expectedTableOuterHTML +='\
if (rowsInTableFoot.length) {
expectedTableOuterHTML += '\
rowsInTableFoot.forEach(rowName =>
expectedTableOuterHTML +=
+ rowName));
expectedTableOuterHTML += '\
expectedTableOuterHTML += '\
return expectedTableOuterHTML;
_clickSelectAllCellsInRowsOfTable() {
function synthesizeAccelKeyAndClickAt(aElementId) {
const element = document.getElementById(aElementId);
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(element, { accelKey: true });
this._rowsInTable.forEach(rowName => kColumns.forEach(column =>
synthesizeAccelKeyAndClickAt(this._tableName + rowName + column)));
_dragSelectAllCellsInRowsOfTable() {
const firstColumnOfFirstRow = document.getElementById(this._tableName +
this._rowsInTable[0] + kColumns[0]);
const lastColumnOfLastRow = document.getElementById(this._tableName +
this._rowsInTable.slice(-1)[0] + kColumns.slice(-1)[0]);
synthesizeMouse(firstColumnOfFirstRow, 0 /* aOffsetX */,
0 /* aOffsetY */, { type: "mousedown" } /* aEvent */);
const rectOfLastColumnOfLastRow =
synthesizeMouse(lastColumnOfLastRow, rectOfLastColumnOfLastRow.width
/* aOffsetX */, rectOfLastColumnOfLastRow.height /* aOffsetY */,
{ type: "mousemove" } /* aEvent */);
synthesizeMouse(lastColumnOfLastRow, rectOfLastColumnOfLastRow.width
/* aOffsetX */, rectOfLastColumnOfLastRow.height /* aOffsetY */,
{ type: "mouseup" } /* aEvent */);
* @return a promise.
async _copyToClipboard(aExpectedPastedHTML) {
const flavor = "text/html";
const expectedPastedHTML = (() => {
if (navigator.platform.includes(kPlatformWindows)) {
// Windows wraps the pasted HTML, see
return kTextHtmlPrefixClipboardDataWindows +
aExpectedPastedHTML + kTextHtmlSuffixClipboardDataWindows;
return aExpectedPastedHTML;
function validatorFn(aData) {
// The data's format doesn't specify whether there should be line
// breaks or whitspace between tags. Hence, remove them.
if (SimpleTest.stripLinebreaksAndWhitespaceAfterTags(aData) ==
SimpleTest.stripLinebreaksAndWhitespaceAfterTags(expectedPastedHTML)) {
return true;
info(`Waiting clipboard data: expected:\n"${
}"\n, but got:\n"${
return false;
return SimpleTest.promiseClipboardChange(validatorFn,
() => synthesizeKey("c", { accelKey: true } /* aEvent*/), flavor);
_pasteToTargetElement() {
const editingHost = (this._editabilityMode ==
kEditabilityModeContenteditable) ?
document.getElementById(kTargetElementId) :
let inputEvent;
function handleInputEvent(aEvent) {
if (aEvent.inputType == kInputEventInputTypeInsertFromPaste) {
editingHost.removeEventListener(kInputEventType, handleInputEvent);
'Listened to an "' + kInputEventInputTypeInsertFromPaste + '" "'
+ kInputEventType + ' event.');
inputEvent = aEvent;
editingHost.addEventListener(kInputEventType, handleInputEvent);
const targetElement = document.getElementById(kTargetElementId);
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(targetElement, {});
synthesizeKey("v", { accelKey: true } /* aEvent */);
inputEvent != undefined,
`An ${kInputEventType} whose "inputType" is ${
} should've been fired on ${editingHost.localName}`
function ContainsRowWithParentTag(aTableName, aRowsInTable, aTagName) {
return !!FilterRowsWithParentTag(aTableName, aRowsInTable,
function DoesContainRowInTheadAndTbody(aTableName, aRowsInTable) {
return ContainsRowWithParentTag(aTableName, aRowsInTable, kTheadTagName) &&
ContainsRowWithParentTag(aTableName, aRowsInTable, kTbodyTagName);
function DoesContainRowInTbodyAndTfoot(aTableName, aRowsInTable) {
return ContainsRowWithParentTag(aTableName, aRowsInTable, kTbodyTagName)
&& ContainsRowWithParentTag(aTableName, aRowsInTable, kTfootTagName);
async function runTests() {
const kClickSelectionTests = {
selectionMode : kSelectionModeClickSelection,
tablesToTest : ["t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5"],
rowsToSelect : [
["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4"],
["r2", "r3"],
["r1", "r3"],
["r3", "r4"],
const kDragSelectionTests = {
selectionMode : kSelectionModeDragSelection,
tablesToTest : ["t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5"],
// Only consecutive rows when drag-selecting.
rowsToSelect : [
["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4"],
["r2", "r3"],
["r3", "r4"],
const kTestGroups = [kClickSelectionTests, kDragSelectionTests];
const kEditabilityModes = [
for (const editabilityMode of kEditabilityModes) {
for (const testGroup of kTestGroups) {
for (const tableName of testGroup.tablesToTest) {
for (const rowsToSelect of testGroup.rowsToSelect) {
if (DoesContainRowInTheadAndTbody(tableName, rowsToSelect) ||
DoesContainRowInTbodyAndTfoot(tableName, rowsToSelect)) {
'Rows to select (' + rowsToSelect.toString() + ') contains ' +
' row in <tbody> and <thead> or <tfoot> of table "' +
const test = new Test(tableName, rowsToSelect, editabilityMode,
try {
await test._run();
} catch (ex) {
ok(false, `Aborting the following tests due to unexpected error: ${ex.message}`);
function onLoad() {
<body onload="onLoad()">
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content">
<div class="tableContainer">Table with <code>tbody</code> and <code>td</code>:
<tr id="t1r1">
<td id="t1r1c1">r1c1</td>
<td id="t1r1c2">r1c2</td>
<td id="t1r1c3">r1c3</td>
<tr id="t1r2">
<td id="t1r2c1">r2c1</td>
<td id="t1r2c2">r2c2</td>
<td id="t1r2c3">r2c3</td>
<tr id="t1r3">
<td id="t1r3c1">r3c1</td>
<td id="t1r3c2">r3c2</td>
<td id="t1r3c3">r3c3</td>
<tr id="t1r4">
<td id="t1r4c1">r4c1</td>
<td id="t1r4c2">r4c2</td>
<td id="t1r4c3">r4c3</td>
<div class="tableContainer">Table with <code>tbody</code>, <code>td</code> and <code>th</code>:
<tr id="t2r1">
<th id="t2r1c1">r1c1</th>
<th id="t2r1c2">r1c2</th>
<th id="t2r1c3">r1c3</th>
<tr id="t2r2">
<td id="t2r2c1">r2c1</td>
<td id="t2r2c2">r2c2</td>
<td id="t2r2c3">r2c3</td>
<tr id="t2r3">
<td id="t2r3c1">r3c1</td>
<td id="t2r3c2">r3c2</td>
<td id="t2r3c3">r3c3</td>
<tr id="t2r4">
<td id="t2r4c1">r4c1</td>
<td id="t2r4c2">r4c2</td>
<td id="t2r4c3">r4c3</td>
<div class="tableContainer">Table with <code>thead</code>, <code>tbody</code>, <code>td</code>:
<tr id="t3r1">
<td id="t3r1c1">r1c1</td>
<td id="t3r1c2">r1c2</td>
<td id="t3r1c3">r1c3</td>
<tr id="t3r2">
<td id="t3r2c1">r2c1</td>
<td id="t3r2c2">r2c2</td>
<td id="t3r2c3">r2c3</td>
<tr id="t3r3">
<td id="t3r3c1">r3c1</td>
<td id="t3r3c2">r3c2</td>
<td id="t3r3c3">r3c3</td>
<tr id="t3r4">
<td id="t3r4c1">r4c1</td>
<td id="t3r4c2">r4c2</td>
<td id="t3r4c3">r4c3</td>
<div class="tableContainer">Table with <code>thead</code>, <code>tbody</code>, <code>td</code> and <code>th</code>:
<tr id="t4r1">
<th id="t4r1c1">r1c1</th>
<th id="t4r1c2">r1c2</th>
<th id="t4r1c3">r1c3</th>
<tr id="t4r2">
<td id="t4r2c1">r2c1</td>
<td id="t4r2c2">r2c2</td>
<td id="t4r2c3">r2c3</td>
<tr id="t4r3">
<td id="t4r3c1">r3c1</td>
<td id="t4r3c2">r3c2</td>
<td id="t4r3c3">r3c3</td>
<tr id="t4r4">
<td id="t4r4c1">r4c1</td>
<td id="t4r4c2">r4c2</td>
<td id="t4r4c3">r4c3</td>
<div class="tableContainer">Table with <code>thead</code>,
<code>tbody</code>, <code>tfoot</code>, and <code>td</code>:
<tr id="t5r1">
<td id="t5r1c1">r1c1</td>
<td id="t5r1c2">r1c2</td>
<td id="t5r1c3">r1c3</td>
<tr id="t5r2">
<td id="t5r2c1">r2c1</td>
<td id="t5r2c2">r2c2</td>
<td id="t5r2c3">r2c3</td>
<tr id="t5r3">
<td id="t5r3c1">r3c1</td>
<td id="t5r3c2">r3c2</td>
<td id="t5r3c3">r3c3</td>
<tr id="t5r4">
<td id="t5r4c1">r4c1</td>
<td id="t5r4c2">r4c2</td>
<td id="t5r4c3">r4c3</td>
<p>Target for pasting:
<div id="targetElement" contenteditable><!-- Some content so that it can be clicked on. -->X</div>