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Test Info: Errors
- This test failed 37 times in the preceding 30 days. quicksearch this test
- Manifest: editor/libeditor/tests/mochitest.toml
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/apz_test_utils.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 795785</a>
<div id="display">
<textarea style="overflow: hidden; height: 3em; width: 5em; word-wrap: normal;"></textarea>
<div contenteditable style="overflow: hidden; height: 3em; width: 5em;"></div>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">
"use strict";
function waitForScroll() {
return waitToClearOutAnyPotentialScrolls(window);
async function synthesizeKeyInEachEventLoop(aKey, aEvent, aCount) {
for (let i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
synthesizeKey(aKey, aEvent);
await new Promise(resolve => SimpleTest.executeSoon(resolve));
async function sendStringOneByOne(aString) {
for (const ch of aString) {
await new Promise(resolve => SimpleTest.executeSoon(resolve));
async function doKeyEventTest(aSelector) {
const element = document.querySelector(aSelector);
if (element.value !== undefined) {
element.value = "";
} else {
element.innerHTML = "";
element.scrollTop = 0;
await waitForScroll();
is(element.scrollTop, 0, `${aSelector}.scrollTop should be 0`);
await synthesizeKeyInEachEventLoop("KEY_Enter", {shiftKey: true}, 6);
await waitForScroll();
isnot(element.scrollTop, 0, `${aSelector} should be scrolled by inserting line breaks`);
const oldScrollTop = element.scrollTop;
await synthesizeKeyInEachEventLoop("KEY_ArrowUp", {}, 5);
await waitForScroll();
isnot(element.scrollTop, oldScrollTop, `${aSelector} should be scrolled by up key events`);
await synthesizeKeyInEachEventLoop("KEY_ArrowDown", {}, 5);
await waitForScroll();
is(element.scrollTop, oldScrollTop, `${aSelector} should be scrolled by down key events`);
const longWord = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
await sendStringOneByOne(longWord);
await waitForScroll();
isnot(element.scrollLeft, 0, `${aSelector} should be scrolled by typing long word`);
const oldScrollLeft = element.scrollLeft;
await synthesizeKeyInEachEventLoop("KEY_ArrowLeft", {}, longWord.length);
await waitForScroll();
isnot(element.scrollLeft, oldScrollLeft, `${aSelector} should be scrolled by left key events`);
await synthesizeKeyInEachEventLoop("KEY_ArrowRight", {}, longWord.length);
await waitForScroll();
is(element.scrollLeft, oldScrollLeft, `${aSelector} should be scrolled by right key events`);
async function doCompositionTest(aSelector) {
const element = document.querySelector(aSelector);
if (element.value !== undefined) {
element.value = "";
} else {
element.innerHTML = "";
element.scrollTop = 0;
await waitForScroll();
is(element.scrollTop, 0, `${aSelector}.scrollTop should be 0`);
const longCompositionString =
"Web \u958b\u767a\u8005\u306e\u7686\u3055\u3093\u306f\u3001" +
"Firefox \u306b\u5b9f\u88c5\u3055\u308c\u3066\u3044\u308b HTML5" +
" \u3084 CSS \u306e\u65b0\u6a5f\u80fd\u3092\u6d3b\u7528\u3059" +
"\u308b\u3053\u3068\u3067\u3001\u9b45\u529b\u3042\u308b Web " +
"\u30b5\u30a4\u30c8\u3084\u9769\u65b0\u7684\u306a Web \u30a2" +
"\u30d7\u30ea\u30b1\u30fc\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u3092\u3088\u308a" +
"\u77ed\u6642\u9593\u3067\u7c21\u5358\u306b\u4f5c\u6210\u3067" +
composition: {
string: longCompositionString,
clauses: [
length: longCompositionString.length,
caret: {
start: longCompositionString.length,
length: 0,
await waitForScroll();
isnot(element.scrollTop, 0, `${aSelector} should be scrolled by composition`);
synthesizeComposition({ type: "compositioncommit", data: "" });
await waitForScroll();
`${aSelector} should be scrolled back to the top by canceling composition`
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(async () => {
await doKeyEventTest("textarea");
await doKeyEventTest("div[contenteditable]");
await doCompositionTest("textarea");
await doCompositionTest("div[contenteditable]");