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Test Info:

<title>Test for Bug 549262</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/apz_test_utils.js"></script>
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 549262</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content">
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">
/** Test for Bug 549262 **/
var smoothScrollPref = "general.smoothScroll";
var win ="file_bug549262.html", "_blank",
function waitForScrollEvent(aWindow) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
aWindow.addEventListener("scroll", () => { SimpleTest.executeSoon(resolve); }, {once: true, capture: true});
function waitAndCheckNoScrollEvent(aWindow) {
let gotScroll = false;
function recordScroll() {
gotScroll = true;
aWindow.addEventListener("scroll", recordScroll, {capture: true});
return waitToClearOutAnyPotentialScrolls(aWindow).then(function() {
aWindow.removeEventListener("scroll", recordScroll, {capture: true});
is(gotScroll, false, "check that we didn't get a scroll");
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function() {
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [[smoothScrollPref, false]]}, startTest);
}, win);
async function startTest() {
// Make sure that pressing Space when a contenteditable element is not focused
// will scroll the page.
var ed = win.document.getElementById("editor");
var sc = win.document.querySelector("a");
await waitToClearOutAnyPotentialScrolls(win);
is(win.scrollY, 0, "Sanity check");
let waitForScrolling = waitForScrollEvent(win);
synthesizeKey(" ", {}, win);
await waitForScrolling;
isnot(win.scrollY, 0, "Page is scrolled down");
is(ed.textContent, "abc", "The content of the editable element has not changed");
var oldY = win.scrollY;
waitForScrolling = waitForScrollEvent(win);
synthesizeKey(" ", {shiftKey: true}, win);
await waitForScrolling;
ok(win.scrollY < oldY, "Page is scrolled up");
is(ed.textContent, "abc", "The content of the editable element has not changed");
// Make sure that pressing Space when a contenteditable element is focused
// will not scroll the page, and will edit the element.
win.getSelection().collapse(ed.firstChild, 1);
await waitToClearOutAnyPotentialScrolls(win);
oldY = win.scrollY;
let waitForNoScroll = waitAndCheckNoScrollEvent(win);
synthesizeKey(" ", {}, win);
await waitForNoScroll;
ok(win.scrollY <= oldY, "Page is not scrolled down");
is(ed.textContent, "a bc", "The content of the editable element has changed");
await waitToClearOutAnyPotentialScrolls(win);
waitForScrolling = waitForScrollEvent(win);
synthesizeKey(" ", {}, win);
await waitForScrolling;
isnot(win.scrollY, 0, "Page is scrolled down");
is(ed.textContent, "a bc", "The content of the editable element has not changed");
win.getSelection().collapse(ed.firstChild, 3);
await waitToClearOutAnyPotentialScrolls(win);
waitForNoScroll = waitAndCheckNoScrollEvent(win);
synthesizeKey(" ", {shiftKey: true}, win);
await waitForNoScroll;
isnot(win.scrollY, 0, "Page is not scrolled up");
is(ed.textContent, "a b c", "The content of the editable element has changed");
// Now let's test the down/up keys
sc = document.body;
await waitToClearOutAnyPotentialScrolls(win);
oldY = win.scrollY;
waitForScrolling = waitForScrollEvent(win);
synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {}, win);
await waitForScrolling;
ok(win.scrollY < oldY, "Page is scrolled up");
oldY = win.scrollY;
win.getSelection().collapse(ed.firstChild, 3);
await waitToClearOutAnyPotentialScrolls(win);
waitForNoScroll = waitAndCheckNoScrollEvent(win);
synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {}, win);
await waitForNoScroll;
is(win.scrollY, oldY, "Page is not scrolled up");
is(win.getSelection().focusNode, ed.firstChild, "Correct element selected");
is(win.getSelection().focusOffset, 0, "Selection should be moved to the beginning");
await waitToClearOutAnyPotentialScrolls(win);
waitForScrolling = waitForScrollEvent(win);
synthesizeMouse(sc, 300, 300, {}, win);
synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {}, win);
await waitForScrolling;
ok(win.scrollY > oldY, "Page is scrolled down");
win.getSelection().collapse(ed.firstChild, 3);
await waitToClearOutAnyPotentialScrolls(win);
oldY = win.scrollY;
waitForNoScroll = waitAndCheckNoScrollEvent(win);
synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {}, win);
await waitForNoScroll;
is(win.scrollY, oldY, "Page is not scrolled down");
is(win.getSelection().focusNode, ed.firstChild, "Correct element selected");
is(win.getSelection().focusOffset, ed.textContent.length, "Selection should be moved to the end");