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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android' OR xorigin OR os == 'mac' && os_version == '14.70' && processor == 'x86_64' && debug
- Manifest: editor/libeditor/tests/mochitest.toml
<title>Test for positioners of absolute positioned elements</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
#target {
background-color: green;
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" contenteditable style="height: 200px; width: 200px;"></div>
<div id="clickaway" style="position: absolute; top: 250px; width: 10px; height: 10px; z-index: 100;"></div>
<img src="green.png"><!-- for ensuring to load the image at first test of <img> case -->
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">
"use strict";
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(async function() {
document.execCommand("enableAbsolutePositionEditing", false, true);
"Absolute positioned element editor should be enabled by the call of execCommand");
let outOfEditor = document.getElementById("clickaway");
function cancel(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }
let content = document.getElementById("content");
content.addEventListener("mousedown", cancel);
content.addEventListener("mousemove", cancel);
content.addEventListener("mouseup", cancel);
async function waitForSelectionChange() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
document.addEventListener("selectionchange", () => {
}, {once: true});
async function doTest(aDescription, aInnerHTML) {
content.innerHTML = aInnerHTML;
let description = aDescription + ": ";
let target = document.getElementById("target"); = "absolute";
async function testPositioner(aDeltaX, aDeltaY) {
ok(true, description + "testPositioner(" + [aDeltaX, aDeltaY].join(", ") + ")");
// Reset the position of the target. = "50px"; = "50px";
// Click on the target to show the positioner.
let promiseSelectionChangeEvent = waitForSelectionChange();
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(target, {});
await promiseSelectionChangeEvent;
let rect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
description + "While enableAbsolutePositionEditing is enabled, the positioner should appear");
// left is abs positioned element's left + margin-left + border-left-width + 12.
// XXX Perhaps, we need to add border-left-width here if you add new test to have thick border.
const kPositionerX = 18;
// top is abs positioned element's top + margin-top + border-top-width - 14.
// XXX Perhaps, we need to add border-top-width here if you add new test to have thick border.
const kPositionerY = -7;
let beforeInputEventExpected = true;
let beforeInputFired = false;
let inputEventExpected = true;
let inputFired = false;
function onBeforeInput(aEvent) {
beforeInputFired = true;
aEvent.preventDefault(); // For making sure this preventDefault() call does not cancel the operation.
if (!beforeInputEventExpected) {
ok(false, '"beforeinput" event should not be fired after stopping resizing');
ok(aEvent instanceof InputEvent,
'"beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position should be dispatched with InputEvent interface');
is(aEvent.cancelable, false,
'"beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position container should not be cancelable');
is(aEvent.bubbles, true,
'"beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position should always bubble');
is(aEvent.inputType, "",
'inputType of "beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position should be empty string');
is(, null,
'data of "beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position should be null');
is(aEvent.dataTransfer, null,
'dataTransfer of "beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position should be null');
let targetRanges = aEvent.getTargetRanges();
let selection = document.getSelection();
is(targetRanges.length, selection.rangeCount,
'getTargetRanges() of "beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position should return selection ranges');
if (targetRanges.length === selection.rangeCount) {
for (let i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) {
let range = selection.getRangeAt(i);
is(targetRanges[i].startContainer, range.startContainer,
`startContainer of getTargetRanges()[${i}] of "beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position does not match`);
is(targetRanges[i].startOffset, range.startOffset,
`startOffset of getTargetRanges()[${i}] of "beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position does not match`);
is(targetRanges[i].endContainer, range.endContainer,
`endContainer of getTargetRanges()[${i}] of "beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position does not match`);
is(targetRanges[i].endOffset, range.endOffset,
`endOffset of getTargetRanges()[${i}] of "beforeinput" event for position changing of absolute position does not match`);
function onInput(aEvent) {
inputFired = true;
if (!inputEventExpected) {
ok(false, '"input" event should not be fired after stopping resizing');
ok(aEvent instanceof InputEvent,
'"input" event for position changing of absolute position container should be dispatched with InputEvent interface');
is(aEvent.cancelable, false,
'"input" event for position changing of absolute position container should be never cancelable');
is(aEvent.bubbles, true,
'"input" event for position changing of absolute position should always bubble');
is(aEvent.inputType, "",
'inputType of "input" event for position changing of absolute position should be empty string');
is(, null,
'data of "input" event for position changing of absolute position should be null');
is(aEvent.dataTransfer, null,
'dataTransfer of "input" event for position changing of absolute position should be null');
is(aEvent.getTargetRanges().length, 0,
'getTargetRanges() of "input" event for position changing of absolute position should return empty array');
content.addEventListener("beforeinput", onBeforeInput);
content.addEventListener("input", onInput);
// Click on the positioner.
synthesizeMouse(target, kPositionerX, kPositionerY, {type: "mousedown"});
// Drag it delta pixels.
synthesizeMouse(target, kPositionerX + aDeltaX, kPositionerY + aDeltaY, {type: "mousemove"});
// Release the mouse button
synthesizeMouse(target, kPositionerX + aDeltaX, kPositionerY + aDeltaY, {type: "mouseup"});
ok(beforeInputFired, `${description}"beforeinput" event should be fired by moving absolute position container`);
ok(inputFired, `${description}"input" event should be fired by moving absolute position container`);
beforeInputEventExpected = false;
inputEventExpected = false;
// Move the mouse delta more pixels to the same direction to make sure that the
// positioning operation has stopped.
synthesizeMouse(target, kPositionerX + aDeltaX * 2, kPositionerY + aDeltaY * 2, {type: "mousemove"});
// Click outside of the image to hide the positioner.
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(outOfEditor, {});
content.removeEventListener("beforeinput", onBeforeInput);
content.removeEventListener("input", onInput);
// Get the new dimensions for the absolute positioned element.
let newRect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
isfuzzy(newRect.x, rect.x + aDeltaX, 1, description + "The left should be increased by " + aDeltaX + " pixels");
isfuzzy(newRect.y, rect.y + aDeltaY, 1, description + "The top should be increased by " + aDeltaY + "pixels");
await testPositioner( 10, 10);
await testPositioner( 10, -10);
await testPositioner(-10, 10);
await testPositioner(-10, -10);
const kTests = [
{ description: "Positioner for <img>",
innerHTML: "<img id=\"target\" src=\"green.png\">",
{ description: "Positioner for <table>",
innerHTML: "<table id=\"target\" border><tr><td>cell</td><td>cell</td></tr></table>",
{ description: "Positioner for <div>",
innerHTML: "<div id=\"target\">div element</div>",
for (const kTest of kTests) {
await doTest(kTest.description, kTest.innerHTML);
content.innerHTML = "";