Name Description Size
ChromeObserver.cpp 4995
ChromeObserver.h 1133
MenuBarListener.cpp 16530
MenuBarListener.h Given a key event for an Alt+shortcut combination, return the menu, if any, that would be opened. If aPeek is false, then play a beep and deactivate the menubar on Windows. 2564 2148
nsIBrowserController.idl This interface is used to accompany the nsIController for a <browser> element. It is used to update the commands in the parent process when the set of child command have changed. 864
nsIController.idl Enhanced controller interface that allows for passing of parameters to commands. 1085
nsIControllers.idl Return an ID for this controller which is unique to this nsIControllers. 1203
nsXULCommandDispatcher.cpp This file provides the implementation for the XUL Command Dispatcher. 13460
nsXULCommandDispatcher.h This is the focus manager for XUL documents. 2126
nsXULContentSink.cpp An implementation for a Gecko-style content sink that knows how to build a content model (the "prototype" document) from XUL. For more information on XUL, see 25927
nsXULContentSink.h Initialize the content sink, giving it a document with which to communicate with the outside world, and an nsXULPrototypeDocument to build. 4535
nsXULContentUtils.cpp A package of routines shared by the XUL content code. 2570
nsXULContentUtils.h A package of routines shared by the XUL content code. 1100
nsXULControllers.cpp This file provides the implementation for the XUL "controllers" object. 6731
nsXULControllers.h The XUL "controllers" object. 1317
nsXULElement.cpp 69686
nsXULElement.h The base XUL element class and associates. 18531
nsXULPopupListener.cpp This file provides the implementation for xul popup listener which tracks xul popups and context menus 9683
nsXULPopupListener.h This is the popup listener implementation for popup menus and context menus. 1824
nsXULPrototypeCache.cpp static 15476
nsXULPrototypeCache.h The XUL prototype cache can be used to store and retrieve shared data for XUL documents, style sheets, XBL, and scripts. The cache has two levels: 1. In-memory hashtables 2. The on-disk cache file. 5215
nsXULPrototypeDocument.cpp 14761
nsXULPrototypeDocument.h A "prototype" document that stores shared document information for the XUL cache. Among other things, stores the tree of nsXULPrototype* objects, from which the real DOM tree is built later in PrototypeDocumentContentSink::ResumeWalk. 3884
nsXULSortService.cpp This file provides the implementation for the sort service manager. 13388
nsXULSortService.h This sort service is used to sort content by attribute. 1387
XULBroadcastManager.cpp static 20506
XULBroadcastManager.h Checks whether an element uses any of the special broadcaster attributes or is an observes element. This mimics the logic in FindBroadcaster, but is intended to be a lighter weight check and doesn't actually guarantee that the element will need a listener. 3249
XULButtonElement.cpp 26190
XULButtonElement.h 4371
XULFrameElement.cpp aOriginalSrc 6502
XULFrameElement.h 2749
XULMenuBarElement.cpp 3489
XULMenuBarElement.h 1864
XULMenuElement.cpp 2500
XULMenuElement.h 1176
XULMenuParentElement.cpp 13155
XULMenuParentElement.h 2724
XULPersist.cpp 7418
XULPersist.h This class synchronizes element attributes (such as window sizing) with the live elements in a Document and with the XULStore. The XULStore persists these attributes to the file system. This class is created and owned by the Document and must only be created in the parent process. It only presists chrome document element attributes. 1755
XULPopupElement.cpp 11318
XULPopupElement.h 3620
XULResizerElement.cpp 12035
XULResizerElement.h 2036
XULTextElement.cpp 1874
XULTextElement.h 1780
XULTooltipElement.cpp 4279
XULTooltipElement.h 1167
XULTreeElement.cpp 10652
XULTreeElement.h unused 3734