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<title>Test BiquadFilterNode All Pass Filter</title>
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<pre id="test">
<script src="audio-testing.js"></script>
<script src="biquad-filters.js"></script>
<script src="biquad-testing.js"></script>
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addLoadEvent(function() {
// Don't need to run these tests at high sampling rate, so just use a low one to reduce memory
// usage and complexity.
var sampleRate = 16000;
// How long to render for each test.
var renderDuration = 1;
// The definition of the linear ramp automation function.
function linearRamp(t, v0, v1, t0, t1) {
return v0 + (v1 - v0) * (t - t0) / (t1 - t0);
// Generate the filter coefficients for the specified filter using the given parameters for
// the given duration. |filterTypeFunction| is a function that returns the filter
// coefficients for one set of parameters. |parameters| is a property bag that contains the
// start and end values (as an array) for each of the biquad attributes. The properties are
// |freq|, |Q|, |gain|, and |detune|. |duration| is the number of seconds for which the
// coefficients are generated.
// A property bag with properties |b0|, |b1|, |b2|, |a1|, |a2|. Each propery is an array
// consisting of the coefficients for the time-varying biquad filter.
function generateFilterCoefficients(filterTypeFunction, parameters, duration) {
var endFrame = Math.ceil(duration * sampleRate);
var nCoef = endFrame;
var b0 = new Float64Array(nCoef);
var b1 = new Float64Array(nCoef);
var b2 = new Float64Array(nCoef);
var a1 = new Float64Array(nCoef);
var a2 = new Float64Array(nCoef);
var k = 0;
// If the property is not given, use the defaults.
var freqs = parameters.freq || [350, 350];
var qs = parameters.Q || [1, 1];
var gains = parameters.gain || [0, 0];
var detunes = parameters.detune || [0, 0];
for (var frame = 0; frame < endFrame; ++frame) {
// Apply linear ramp at frame |frame|.
var f = linearRamp(frame / sampleRate, freqs[0], freqs[1], 0, duration);
var q = linearRamp(frame / sampleRate, qs[0], qs[1], 0, duration);
var g = linearRamp(frame / sampleRate, gains[0], gains[1], 0, duration);
var d = linearRamp(frame / sampleRate, detunes[0], detunes[1], 0, duration);
// Compute actual frequency parameter
f = f * Math.pow(2, d / 1200);
// Compute filter coefficients
var coef = filterTypeFunction(f / (sampleRate / 2), q, g);
b0[k] = coef.b0;
b1[k] = coef.b1;
b2[k] = coef.b2;
a1[k] = coef.a1;
a2[k] = coef.a2;
return {b0: b0, b1: b1, b2: b2, a1: a1, a2: a2};
// Apply the given time-varying biquad filter to the given signal, |signal|. |coef| should be
// the time-varying coefficients of the filter, as returned by |generateFilterCoefficients|.
function timeVaryingFilter(signal, coef) {
var length = signal.length;
// Use double precision for the internal computations.
var y = new Float64Array(length);
// Prime the pump. (Assumes the signal has length >= 2!)
y[0] = coef.b0[0] * signal[0];
y[1] = coef.b0[1] * signal[1] + coef.b1[1] * signal[0] - coef.a1[1] * y[0];
for (var n = 2; n < length; ++n) {
y[n] = coef.b0[n] * signal[n] + coef.b1[n] * signal[n-1] + coef.b2[n] * signal[n-2];
y[n] -= coef.a1[n] * y[n-1] + coef.a2[n] * y[n-2];
// But convert the result to single precision for comparison.
// Configure the audio graph using |context|. Returns the biquad filter node and the
// AudioBuffer used for the source.
function configureGraph(context, toneFrequency) {
// The source is just a simple sine wave.
var src = context.createBufferSource();
var b = context.createBuffer(1, renderDuration * sampleRate, sampleRate);
var data = b.getChannelData(0);
var omega = 2 * Math.PI * toneFrequency / sampleRate;
for (var k = 0; k < data.length; ++k) {
data[k] = Math.sin(omega * k);
src.buffer = b;
var f = context.createBiquadFilter();
return {filter: f, source: b};
function createFilterVerifier(filterCreator, threshold, parameters, input, message) {
return function (resultBuffer) {
var actual = resultBuffer.getChannelData(0);
var coefs = generateFilterCoefficients(filterCreator, parameters, renderDuration);
reference = timeVaryingFilter(input, coefs);
compareChannels(actual, reference);
var testPromises = [];
// Automate just the frequency parameter. A bandpass filter is used where the center
// frequency is swept across the source (which is a simple tone).
testPromises.push(function () {
var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, renderDuration * sampleRate, sampleRate);
// Center frequency of bandpass filter and also the frequency of the test tone.
var centerFreq = 10*440;
// Sweep the frequency +/- 9*440 Hz from the center. This should cause the output to low at
// the beginning and end of the test where the done is outside the pass band of the filter,
// but high in the center where the tone is near the center of the pass band.
var parameters = {
freq: [centerFreq - 9*440, centerFreq + 9*440]
var graph = configureGraph(context, centerFreq);
var f = graph.filter;
var b = graph.source;
f.type = "bandpass";
f.frequency.setValueAtTime(parameters.freq[0], 0);
f.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(parameters.freq[1], renderDuration);
return context.startRendering()
.then(createFilterVerifier(createBandpassFilter, 5e-5, parameters, b.getChannelData(0),
"Output of bandpass filter with frequency automation"));
// Automate just the Q parameter. A bandpass filter is used where the Q of the filter is
// swept.
testPromises.push(function() {
var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, renderDuration * sampleRate, sampleRate);
// The frequency of the test tone.
var centerFreq = 440;
// Sweep the Q paramter between 1 and 200. This will cause the output of the filter to pass
// most of the tone at the beginning to passing less of the tone at the end. This is
// because we set center frequency of the bandpass filter to be slightly off from the actual
// tone.
var parameters = {
Q: [1, 200],
// Center frequency of the bandpass filter is just 25 Hz above the tone frequency.
freq: [centerFreq + 25, centerFreq + 25]
var graph = configureGraph(context, centerFreq);
var f = graph.filter;
var b = graph.source;
f.type = "bandpass";
f.frequency.value = parameters.freq[0];
f.Q.setValueAtTime(parameters.Q[0], 0);
f.Q.linearRampToValueAtTime(parameters.Q[1], renderDuration);
return context.startRendering()
.then(createFilterVerifier(createBandpassFilter, 1.4e-6, parameters, b.getChannelData(0),
"Output of bandpass filter with Q automation"));
// Automate just the gain of the lowshelf filter. A test tone will be in the lowshelf part of
// the filter. The output will vary as the gain of the lowshelf is changed.
testPromises.push(function() {
var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, renderDuration * sampleRate, sampleRate);
// Frequency of the test tone.
var centerFreq = 440;
// Set the cutoff frequency of the lowshelf to be significantly higher than the test tone.
// Sweep the gain from 20 dB to -20 dB. (We go from 20 to -20 to easily verify that the
// filter didn't go unstable.)
var parameters = {
freq: [3500, 3500],
gain: [20, -20]
var graph = configureGraph(context, centerFreq);
var f = graph.filter;
var b = graph.source;
f.type = "lowshelf";
f.frequency.value = parameters.freq[0];
f.gain.setValueAtTime(parameters.gain[0], 0);
f.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(parameters.gain[1], renderDuration);
.then(createFilterVerifier(createLowShelfFilter, 8e-6, parameters, b.getChannelData(0),
"Output of lowshelf filter with gain automation"));
// Automate just the detune parameter. Basically the same test as for the frequncy parameter
// but we just use the detune parameter to modulate the frequency parameter.
testPromises.push(function() {
var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, renderDuration * sampleRate, sampleRate);
var centerFreq = 10*440;
var parameters = {
freq: [centerFreq, centerFreq],
detune: [-10*1200, 10*1200]
var graph = configureGraph(context, centerFreq);
var f = graph.filter;
var b = graph.source;
f.type = "bandpass";
f.frequency.value = parameters.freq[0];
f.detune.setValueAtTime(parameters.detune[0], 0);
f.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(parameters.detune[1], renderDuration);
.then(createFilterVerifier(createBandpassFilter, 5e-6, parameters, b.getChannelData(0),
"Output of bandpass filter with detune automation"));
// Automate all of the filter parameters at once. This is a basic check that everything is
// working. A peaking filter is used because it uses all of the parameters.
testPromises.push(function() {
var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, renderDuration * sampleRate, sampleRate);
var graph = configureGraph(context, 10*440);
var f = graph.filter;
var b = graph.source;
// Sweep all of the filter parameters. These are pretty much arbitrary.
var parameters = {
freq: [10000, 100],
Q: [f.Q.value, .0001],
gain: [f.gain.value, 20],
detune: [2400, -2400]
f.type = "peaking";
// Set starting points for all parameters of the filter. Start at 10 kHz for the center
// frequency, and the defaults for Q and gain.
f.frequency.setValueAtTime(parameters.freq[0], 0);
f.Q.setValueAtTime(parameters.Q[0], 0);
f.gain.setValueAtTime(parameters.gain[0], 0);
f.detune.setValueAtTime(parameters.detune[0], 0);
// Linear ramp each parameter
f.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime(parameters.freq[1], renderDuration);
f.Q.linearRampToValueAtTime(parameters.Q[1], renderDuration);
f.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(parameters.gain[1], renderDuration);
f.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(parameters.detune[1], renderDuration);
.then(createFilterVerifier(createPeakingFilter, 3.3e-4, parameters, b.getChannelData(0),
"Output of peaking filter with automation of all parameters"));
// Test that modulation of the frequency parameter of the filter works. A sinusoid of 440 Hz
// is the test signal that is applied to a bandpass biquad filter. The frequency parameter of
// the filter is modulated by a sinusoid at 103 Hz, and the frequency modulation varies from
// 116 to 412 Hz. (This test was taken from the description in
testPromises.push(function() {
var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, renderDuration * sampleRate, sampleRate);
// Create a graph with the sinusoidal source at 440 Hz as the input to a biquad filter.
var graph = configureGraph(context, 440);
var f = graph.filter;
var b = graph.source;
f.type = "bandpass";
f.Q.value = 5;
f.frequency.value = 264;
// Create the modulation source, a sinusoid with frequency 103 Hz and amplitude 148. (The
// amplitude of 148 is added to the filter's frequency value of 264 to produce a sinusoidal
// modulation of the frequency parameter from 116 to 412 Hz.)
var mod = context.createBufferSource();
var mbuffer = context.createBuffer(1, renderDuration * sampleRate, sampleRate);
var d = mbuffer.getChannelData(0);
var omega = 2 * Math.PI * 103 / sampleRate;
for (var k = 0; k < d.length; ++k) {
d[k] = 148 * Math.sin(omega * k);
mod.buffer = mbuffer;
return context.startRendering()
.then(function (resultBuffer) {
var actual = resultBuffer.getChannelData(0);
// Compute the filter coefficients using the mod sine wave
var endFrame = Math.ceil(renderDuration * sampleRate);
var nCoef = endFrame;
var b0 = new Float64Array(nCoef);
var b1 = new Float64Array(nCoef);
var b2 = new Float64Array(nCoef);
var a1 = new Float64Array(nCoef);
var a2 = new Float64Array(nCoef);
// Generate the filter coefficients when the frequency varies from 116 to 248 Hz using
// the 103 Hz sinusoid.
for (var k = 0; k < nCoef; ++k) {
var freq = f.frequency.value + d[k];
var c = createBandpassFilter(freq / (sampleRate / 2), f.Q.value, f.gain.value);
b0[k] = c.b0;
b1[k] = c.b1;
b2[k] = c.b2;
a1[k] = c.a1;
a2[k] = c.a2;
reference = timeVaryingFilter(b.getChannelData(0),
{b0: b0, b1: b1, b2: b2, a1: a1, a2: a2});
compareChannels(actual, reference);
// Wait for all tests
Promise.all(testPromises).then(function () {
}, function () {