Name Description Size
chrome.toml 121
FAIL.html 5
file_double_submit.html 287
file_login_fields.html 390
mochitest.toml 4992
PASS.html 5
save_restore_custom_elements_sample.html 1085
save_restore_radio_groups.sjs This SJS is going to send the same page the two first times it will be called and another page the two following times. After that, the response will have no content. The use case is to have two iframes using this SJS and both being reloaded once. 1303
submit_invalid_file.sjs 386
test_autocomplete.html Test for @autocomplete 4786
test_autocompleteinfo.html Test for getAutocompleteInfo() 8913
test_bug1039548.html Test for Bug 1039548 1350
test_bug1283915.html Test for Bug 1283915 1696
test_bug1286509.html Test for Bug 1286509 1610
test_button_attributes_reflection.html Test for HTMLButtonElement attributes reflection 4130
test_change_event.html Test for Bug 722599 13208
test_datalist_element.html Test for the datalist element 3493
test_double_submit.html Test for multiple submissions in straightline code 807
test_form_attribute-1.html Test for form attributes 1 14143
test_form_attribute-2.html Test for form attributes 2 1504
test_form_attribute-3.html Test for form attributes 3 2043
test_form_attribute-4.html Test for form attributes 4 1339
test_form_attributes_reflection.html Test for HTMLFormElement attributes reflection 2284
test_form_named_getter_dynamic.html Test for Bug 377413 1675
test_formaction_attribute.html Test for Bug 566160 6057
test_formnovalidate_attribute.html Test for Bug 589696 4494
test_input_attributes_reflection.html Test for HTMLInputElement attributes reflection 6959
test_input_color_input_change_events.html Test for Bug 1234567 3770
test_input_color_picker_datalist.html 1062
test_input_color_picker_initial.html Test for Bug 1234567 2086
test_input_color_picker_popup.html Test for Bug 1234567 4777
test_input_color_picker_update.html Test for Bug 1234567 2450
test_input_date_bad_input.html Test for <input type='date'> bad input validity state 3065
test_input_date_key_events.html Test key events for date control 7530
test_input_datetime_calendar_button.html Test required date/datetime-local input's Calendar button 5817
test_input_datetime_disabled_focus.html Test for bugs 1772841 and 1865885 3707
test_input_datetime_focus_blur.html Test focus/blur behaviour for date/time input types 2159
test_input_datetime_focus_blur_events.html Test for Bug 1301306 4410
test_input_datetime_focus_state.html Test moving focus in onfocus/onblur handler 2617
test_input_datetime_hidden.html Test construction of hidden date input type 1079
test_input_datetime_input_change_events.html Test for Bugs 1370858 and 1804881 6353
test_input_datetime_preventDefault.html Test for bug 1848158 664
test_input_datetime_readonly.html Test for bug 1461509 641
test_input_datetime_reset_default_value_input_change_event.html Test for bug 1446722 4999
test_input_datetime_tabindex.html Test tabindex attribute for date/time input types 3403
test_input_defaultValue.html Test for Bug 977029 2914
test_input_email.html Test for <input type='email'> validity 9288
test_input_event.html Test for input event 18468
test_input_file_picker.html Test for <input type='file'> file picker 13148
test_input_hasBeenTypePassword.html Test input.hasBeenTypePassword 1864
test_input_hasBeenTypePassword_navigation.html Test hasBeenTypePassword is used with bfcache 2300
test_input_list_attribute.html Test for Bug 556007 5915
test_input_number_data.js 1557
test_input_number_focus.html Test focus behaviour for <input type='number'> 4035
test_input_number_key_events.html Test key events for number control 7314
test_input_number_l10n.html Test localization of number control input 2185
test_input_number_mouse_events.html Test mouse events for number 10439
test_input_number_placeholder_shown.html Test for :placeholder-shown on input elements and invalid values. 867
test_input_number_rounding.html Test rounding behaviour for <input type='number'> 4397
test_input_number_validation.html Test validation of number control input 4489
test_input_password_click_show_password_button.html Test for Bug 502258 3904
test_input_password_show_password_button.html Test for Bug 502258 2952
test_input_radio_indeterminate.html Test for Bug 885359 4176
test_input_radio_radiogroup.html Test for Bug 343444 2298
test_input_radio_required.html Test for Bug 1100535 848
test_input_range_attr_order.html Test @min/@max/@step order for range 1440
test_input_range_key_events.html Test key events for range 5831
test_input_range_mouse_and_touch_events.html Test mouse and touch events for range 11095
test_input_range_rounding.html Test key events for range 3624
test_input_sanitization.html Test for Bug 549475 15061
test_input_setting_value.html Test for setting input value 32250
test_input_textarea_set_value_no_scroll.html Test for Bug 829606 3898
test_input_time_key_events.html Test key events for time control 6367
test_input_time_sec_millisec_field.html Test second and millisecond fields in input type=time 4781
test_input_types_pref.html Test for Bug 764481 2255
test_input_typing_sanitization.html Test for Bug 765772 4786
test_input_untrusted_key_events.html Test for untrusted DOM KeyboardEvent on input element 2448
test_input_url.html Tests for <input type='url'> validity 2554
test_interactive_content_in_label.html Test for Bug 229925 3442
test_interactive_content_in_summary.html Test for Bug 1524893 3295
test_label_control_attribute.html Test for Bug 562932 3869
test_label_input_controls.html Test for Bug 597650 2739
test_max_attribute.html Test for Bug 635499 13582
test_maxlength_attribute.html Test for Bug 345624 5401
test_meter_element.html Test for <meter> 9163
test_meter_pseudo-classes.html Test for Bug 660238 5470
test_min_attribute.html Test for Bug 635553 13668
test_minlength_attribute.html Test for Bug 345624 5364
test_MozEditableElement_setUserInput.html Test for MozEditableElement.setUserInput() 32224
test_mozistextfield.html Test for Bug 565538 2691
test_novalidate_attribute.html Test for Bug 556013 2825
test_option_disabled.html Test for HTMLOptionElement disabled attribute and pseudo-class 6093
test_option_index_attribute.html Test for option.index 1929
test_option_text.html HTMLOptionElement.text 2788
test_output_element.html Test for Bug 346485 5224
test_pattern_attribute.html Test for Bug 345512 9436
test_preserving_metadata_between_reloads.html Test preserving metadata between page reloads 2874
test_progress_element.html Test for progress element content and layout 8250
test_radio_in_label.html Test for Bug 229925 1639
test_radio_radionodelist.html Test for Bug 779723 1949
test_reportValidation_preventDefault.html Test for Bug 1088761 3511
test_required_attribute.html Test for Bug 345822 12177
test_restore_form_elements.html Test for Bug 737851 4729
test_save_restore_custom_elements.html Test for Bug 1556358 2975
test_save_restore_radio_groups.html Test for Bug 350022 2112
test_select_change_event.html Test for Bug 1265968 1790
test_select_input_change_event.html Test for Bug 1024350 5348
test_select_selectedOptions.html Test for HTMLSelectElement.selectedOptions 3325
test_select_validation.html Test for Bug 942321 1279
test_set_range_text.html Tests for Bug 850364 && Bug 918940 9488
test_step_attribute.html Test for Bug 635553 36422
test_stepup_stepdown.html Test for Bug 636627 63207
test_submit_invalid_file.html Test invalid file submission 1844
test_textarea_attributes_reflection.html Test for HTMLTextAreaElement attributes reflection 2430
test_validation.html Test for Bug 345624 15675
test_validation_not_in_doc.html Test for constraint validation of form controls not in documents 627
test_valueasdate_attribute.html Test for input.valueAsDate 27408
test_valueasnumber_attribute.html Test for Bug input.valueAsNumber 27865