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<title>Test mouse events for number</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
input {
margin: 0;
border: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 200px;
box-sizing: border-box;
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 935501</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content">
<input id="input" type="number">
<pre id="test">
const { AppConstants } = SpecialPowers.ChromeUtils.importESModule(
* Test for Bug 935501
* This test checks how the value of <input type=number> changes in response to
* various mouse events.
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function() {
const kIsWin = AppConstants.platform == "win";
const kIsLinux = AppConstants.platform == "linux";
var input = document.getElementById("input");
var inputRect = input.getBoundingClientRect();
// Points over the input's spin-up and spin-down buttons (as offsets from the
// top-left of the input's bounding client rect):
const SPIN_UP_X = inputRect.width - 3;
const SPIN_UP_Y = 3;
const SPIN_DOWN_X = inputRect.width - 3;
const SPIN_DOWN_Y = inputRect.height - 3;
function checkInputEvent(aEvent, aDescription) {
// Probably, key operation should fire "input" event with InputEvent interface.
ok(aEvent instanceof InputEvent, `"input" event should be dispatched with InputEvent interface on input element whose type is number ${aDescription}`);
is(aEvent.cancelable, false, `"input" event should be never cancelable on input element whose type is number ${aDescription}`);
is(aEvent.bubbles, true, `"input" event should always bubble on input element whose type is number ${aDescription}`);
info(`Data: ${}, value: ${}`);
function test() {
input.value = 0;
// Test click on spin-up button:
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
is(input.value, "1", "Test step-up on mousedown on spin-up button");
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
is(input.value, "1", "Test mouseup on spin-up button");
// Test click on spin-down button:
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
is(input.value, "0", "Test step-down on mousedown on spin-down button");
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
is(input.value, "0", "Test mouseup on spin-down button");
// Test clicks with modifiers that mean we should ignore the click:
var modifiersIgnore = ["altGrKey", "fnKey"];
if (kIsWin || kIsLinux) {
for (var modifier of modifiersIgnore) {
input.value = 0;
var eventParams = { type: "mousedown" };
eventParams[modifier] = true;
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, eventParams);
is(input.value, "0", "We should ignore mousedown on spin-up button with modifier " + modifier);
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
// Test clicks with modifiers that mean we should allow the click:
var modifiersAllow = ["shiftKey", "ctrlKey", "altKey"];
if (!modifiersIgnore.includes("metaKey")) {
for (var modifier of modifiersAllow) {
input.value = 0;
var eventParams = { type: "mousedown" };
eventParams[modifier] = true;
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, eventParams);
is(input.value, "1", "We should allow mousedown on spin-up button with modifier " + modifier);
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
// Test step="any" behavior:
input.value = 0;
var oldStep = input.step;
input.step = "any";
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
is(input.value, "1", "Test step-up on mousedown on spin-up button with step='any'");
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
is(input.value, "1", "Test mouseup on spin-up button with step='any'");
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
is(input.value, "0", "Test step-down on mousedown on spin-down button with step='any'");
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
is(input.value, "0", "Test mouseup on spin-down button with step='any'");
input.step = oldStep; // restore
// Test that preventDefault() works:
function preventDefault(e) {
input.value = 1;
input.addEventListener("mousedown", preventDefault);
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, {});
is(input.value, "1", "Test that preventDefault() works for click on spin-up button");
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, {});
is(input.value, "1", "Test that preventDefault() works for click on spin-down button");
input.removeEventListener("mousedown", preventDefault);
// Test for bug 1707070. = "30px";
input.getBoundingClientRect(); // flush layout
input.value = 0;
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X - 30, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
is(input.value, "1", "Spinner down works on with padding (mousedown)");
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X - 30, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
is(input.value, "1", "Spinner down works with padding (mouseup)");
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X - 30, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
is(input.value, "0", "Spinner works with padding (mousedown)");
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X - 30, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
is(input.value, "0", "Spinner works with padding (mouseup)"); = "";
input.getBoundingClientRect(); // flush layout
// Run the spin tests:
function runNextSpinTest() {
var nextTest = spinTests.shift();
if (!nextTest) {
function waitForTick() {
return new Promise(SimpleTest.executeSoon);
var spinTests = [
// Test spining when the mouse button is kept depressed on the spin-up
// button, then moved over the spin-down button:
function() {
var inputEventCount = 0;
input.value = 0;
input.addEventListener("input", async function(evt) {
checkInputEvent(evt, "#1");
if (inputEventCount == 3) {
is(input.value, "3", "Testing spin-up button");
await waitForTick();
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousemove" });
} else if (inputEventCount == 6) {
is(input.value, "0", "Testing spin direction is reversed after mouse moves from spin-up button to spin-down button");
input.removeEventListener("input", arguments.callee);
await waitForTick();
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
// Test spining when the mouse button is kept depressed on the spin-down
// button, then moved over the spin-up button:
function() {
var inputEventCount = 0;
input.value = 0;
input.addEventListener("input", async function(evt) {
checkInputEvent(evt, "#2");
if (inputEventCount == 3) {
is(input.value, "-3", "Testing spin-down button");
await waitForTick();
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousemove" });
} else if (inputEventCount == 6) {
is(input.value, "0", "Testing spin direction is reversed after mouse moves from spin-down button to spin-up button");
input.removeEventListener("input", arguments.callee);
await waitForTick();
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
// Test that the spin is stopped when the mouse button is depressod on the
// spin-up button, then moved outside both buttons once the spin starts:
function() {
var inputEventCount = 0;
input.value = 0;
input.addEventListener("input", async function(evt) {
checkInputEvent(evt, "#3");
if (inputEventCount == 3) {
await waitForTick();
synthesizeMouse(input, -1, -1, { type: "mousemove" });
var eventHandler = arguments.callee;
setTimeout(function() {
is(input.value, "3", "Testing moving the mouse outside the spin buttons stops the spin");
is(inputEventCount, 3, "Testing moving the mouse outside the spin buttons stops the spin input events");
input.removeEventListener("input", eventHandler);
synthesizeMouse(input, -1, -1, { type: "mouseup" });
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
// Test that changing the input type in the middle of a spin cancels the spin:
function() {
var inputEventCount = 0;
input.value = 0;
input.addEventListener("input", function(evt) {
checkInputEvent(evt, "#4");
if (inputEventCount == 3) {
input.type = "text"
var eventHandler = arguments.callee;
setTimeout(function() {
is(input.value, "-3", "Testing changing input type during a spin stops the spin");
is(inputEventCount, 3, "Testing changing input type during a spin stops the spin input events");
input.removeEventListener("input", eventHandler);
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
input.type = "number"; // restore
synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousedown" });