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Test Info:

<!DOCTYPE html>
Test @autocomplete on <input>/<select>/<textarea>
<title>Test for @autocomplete</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
"use strict";
var values = [
// @autocomplete content attribute, expected IDL attribute value
// Missing or empty attribute
[undefined, ""],
["", ""],
// One token
["on", "on"],
["On", "on"],
["off", "off"],
["OFF", "off"],
["name", "name"],
[" name ", "name"],
["username", "username"],
[" username ", "username"],
["cc-csc", ""],
["one-time-code", ""],
["language", ""],
[" language ", ""],
["tel-extension", ""],
["foobar", ""],
["section-blue", ""],
[" WEBAUTHN ", "webauthn"],
// One token + WebAuthn credential type
["on webauthn", ""],
["off webauthn", ""],
["webauthn webauthn", ""],
["username WebAuthn", "username webauthn"],
["current-PASSWORD webauthn", "current-password webauthn"],
// Two tokens
["on off", ""],
["off on", ""],
["username tel", ""],
["tel username ", ""],
[" username tel ", ""],
["tel mobile", ""],
["tel shipping", ""],
["shipping tel", "shipping tel"],
["shipPING tel", "shipping tel"],
["mobile tel", "mobile tel"],
[" MoBiLe TeL ", "mobile tel"],
["pager impp", ""],
["fax tel-extension", ""],
["XXX tel", ""],
["XXX username", ""],
["name section-blue", ""],
["scetion-blue cc-name", ""],
["pager language", ""],
["fax url", ""],
["section-blue name", "section-blue name"],
["section-blue tel", "section-blue tel"],
["webauthn username", ""],
// Two tokens + WebAuthn credential type
["fax url webauthn", ""],
["shipping tel webauthn", "shipping tel webauthn"],
// Three tokens
["billing invalid tel", ""],
["___ mobile tel", ""],
["mobile foo tel", ""],
["mobile tel foo", ""],
["tel mobile billing", ""],
["billing mobile tel", "billing mobile tel"],
[" BILLing MoBiLE tEl ", "billing mobile tel"],
["billing home tel", "billing home tel"],
["home section-blue tel", ""],
["setion-blue work email", ""],
["section-blue home address-level2", ""],
["section-blue shipping name", "section-blue shipping name"],
["section-blue mobile tel", "section-blue mobile tel"],
["shipping webauthn tel", ""],
// Three tokens + WebAuthn credential type
["invalid mobile tel webauthn", ""],
["section-blue shipping name webauthn", "section-blue shipping name webauthn"],
// Four tokens
["billing billing mobile tel", ""],
["name section-blue shipping home", ""],
["secti shipping work address-line1", ""],
["section-blue shipping home name", ""],
["section-blue shipping mobile tel", "section-blue shipping mobile tel"],
["section-blue webauthn mobile tel", ""],
// Four tokens + WebAuthn credential type
["section-blue shipping home name webauthn", ""],
["section-blue shipping mobile tel webauthn", "section-blue shipping mobile tel webauthn"],
// Five tokens (invalid)
["billing billing billing mobile tel", ""],
["section-blue section-blue billing mobile tel", ""],
["section-blue section-blue billing webauthn tel", ""],
// Five tokens + WebAuthn credential type (invalid)
["billing billing billing mobile tel webauthn", ""],
var types = [undefined, "hidden", "text", "search"]; // Valid types for all non-multiline hints.
function checkAutocompleteValues(field, type) {
for (var test of values) {
if (typeof(test[0]) === "undefined")
field.setAttribute("autocomplete", test[0]);
is(field.autocomplete, test[1], "Checking @autocomplete for @type=" + type + " of: " + test[0]);
is(field.autocomplete, test[1], "Checking cached @autocomplete for @type=" + type + " of: " + test[0]);
function start() {
var inputField = document.getElementById("input-field");
for (var type of types) {
// Switch the input type
if (typeof(type) === "undefined")
inputField.type = type;
checkAutocompleteValues(inputField, type || "");
var selectField = document.getElementById("select-field");
checkAutocompleteValues(selectField, "select");
var textarea = document.getElementById("textarea");
checkAutocompleteValues(textarea, "textarea");
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["dom.forms.autocomplete.formautofill", true]]}, start);
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<input id="input-field" />
<select id="select-field" />
<textarea id="textarea"></textarea>
<pre id="test">