Name Description Size
AnimationEvent.cpp 2226
AnimationEvent.h 1565
AsyncEventDispatcher.cpp mozilla::AsyncEventDispatcher **************************************************************************** 5620
AsyncEventDispatcher.h Use AsyncEventDispatcher to fire a DOM event that requires safe a stable DOM. For example, you may need to fire an event from within layout, but want to ensure that the event handler doesn't mutate the DOM at the wrong time, in order to avoid resulting instability. 8803
BeforeUnloadEvent.cpp 932
BeforeUnloadEvent.h 1480
Clipboard.cpp This is a base class for ClipboardGetCallbackForRead and ClipboardGetCallbackForReadText. 28047
Clipboard.h 3215
ClipboardEvent.cpp 3276
ClipboardEvent.h 1629
ClipboardItem.cpp 12235
ClipboardItem.h IsExclusive = 4624
CommandEvent.cpp 1279
CommandEvent.h 1264
CompositionEvent.cpp 3956
CompositionEvent.h 2009
ConstructibleEventTarget.cpp 643
ConstructibleEventTarget.h 1116
ContentEventHandler.cpp / /* ContentEventHandler::SimpleRangeBase 135665
ContentEventHandler.h Query Content Event Handler ContentEventHandler is a helper class for EventStateManager. The platforms request some content informations, e.g., the selected text, the offset of the selected text and the text for specified range. This class answers to NS_QUERY_* events from actual contents. 28362
CustomEvent.cpp 3075
CustomEvent.h 1666
DataTransfer.cpp 58600
DataTransfer.h See <>. 22674
DataTransferItem.cpp static 19077
DataTransferItem.h mozilla_dom_DataTransferItem_h 4555
DataTransferItemList.cpp 21834
DataTransferItemList.h 5350
DeviceMotionEvent.cpp DeviceMotionEvent *************************************************************************** 5566
DeviceMotionEvent.h 4522
DOMEventTargetHelper.cpp 8110
DOMEventTargetHelper.h 5671
DragEvent.cpp 3741
DragEvent.h 2769
Event.cpp A derived class might want to allocate its own type of aEvent (derived from WidgetEvent). To do this, it should take care to pass a non-nullptr aEvent to this ctor, e.g.: FooEvent::FooEvent(..., WidgetEvent* aEvent) : Event(..., aEvent ? aEvent : new WidgetEvent()) Then, to override the mEventIsInternal assignments done by the base ctor, it should do this in its own ctor: FooEvent::FooEvent(..., WidgetEvent* aEvent) ... { ... if (aEvent) { mEventIsInternal = false; } else { mEventIsInternal = true; } ... } 31142
Event.h 18817
EventDispatcher.cpp 62063
EventDispatcher.h About event dispatching: When either EventDispatcher::Dispatch or EventDispatcher::DispatchDOMEvent is called an event target chain is created. EventDispatcher creates the chain by calling GetEventTargetParent on each event target and the creation continues until either the mCanHandle member of the EventChainPreVisitor object is false or the mParentTarget does not point to a new target. The event target chain is created in the heap. If the event needs retargeting, mEventTargetAtParent must be set in GetEventTargetParent. The capture, target and bubble phases of the event dispatch are handled by iterating through the event target chain. Iteration happens twice, first for the default event group and then for the system event group. While dispatching the event for the system event group PostHandleEvent is called right after calling event listener for the current event target. 13066
EventListenerManager.cpp 83802
EventListenerManager.h 27993
EventListenerService.cpp mozilla::EventListenerChange **************************************************************************** 10247
EventListenerService.h 3434
EventNameList.h This file contains the list of event names that are exposed via IDL on various objects. It is designed to be used as inline input to various consumers through the magic of C preprocessing. Each entry consists of 4 pieces of information: 1) The name of the event 2) The event message 3) The event type (see the EventNameType enum in nsContentUtils.h) 4) The event struct type for this event. Items 2-4 might be empty strings for events for which they don't make sense. Event names that are exposed as content attributes on HTML elements and as IDL attributes on Elements, Documents and Windows and have no forwarding behavior should be enclosed in the EVENT macro. Event names that are exposed as content attributes on HTML elements and as IDL attributes on Elements, Documents and Windows and are forwarded from <body> and <frameset> to the Window should be enclosed in the FORWARDED_EVENT macro. If this macro is not defined, it will be defined to be equivalent to EVENT. Event names that are exposed as IDL attributes on Windows only should be enclosed in the WINDOW_ONLY_EVENT macro. If this macro is not defined, it will be defined to the empty string. Event names that are exposed as content and IDL attributes on <body> and <frameset>, which forward them to the Window, and are exposed as IDL attributes on the Window should be enclosed in the WINDOW_EVENT macro. If this macro is not defined, it will be defined to be equivalent to WINDOW_ONLY_EVENT. Touch-specific event names should be enclosed in TOUCH_EVENT. They are otherwise equivalent to those enclosed in EVENT. If TOUCH_EVENT is not defined, it will be defined to the empty string. Event names that are only exposed as IDL attributes on Documents should be enclosed in the DOCUMENT_ONLY_EVENT macro. If this macro is not defined, it will be defined to the empty string. Event names that are not exposed as IDL attributes at all should be enclosed in NON_IDL_EVENT. If NON_IDL_EVENT is not defined, it will be defined to the empty string. If you change which macros event names are enclosed in, please update the tests for bug 689564 and bug 659350 as needed. 28082
EventStateManager.cpp 291114
EventStateManager.h 61297
EventTarget.cpp static 8829
EventTarget.h This method allows addition of event listeners represented by nsIDOMEventListener, with almost the same semantics as the standard AddEventListener. The one difference is that it just has a "use capture" boolean, not an EventListenerOptions. 20067
FocusEvent.cpp 2286
FocusEvent.h 1693
GlobalKeyListener.cpp 27649
GlobalKeyListener.h A generic listener for key events. Maintains a list of shortcut handlers and is registered as a listener for DOM key events from a target. Responsible for executing the appropriate handler when a keyboard event is received. 6705
ImageCaptureError.cpp 1484
ImageCaptureError.h This is the implementation of ImageCaptureError on W3C specification This object should be generated by ImageCapture object only. 1620
IMEContentObserver.cpp mozilla::IMEContentObserver **************************************************************************** 116836
IMEContentObserver.h OnSelectionChange() is called when selection is changed in the editor. 35430
IMEStateManager.cpp When a method is called, log its arguments and/or related static variables with LogLevel::Info. However, if it puts too many logs like OnDestroyPresContext(), should long only when the method actually does something. In this case, the log should start with "<method name>". When a method quits due to unexpected situation, log the reason with LogLevel::Error. In this case, the log should start with "<method name>(), FAILED". The indent makes the log look easier. When a method does something only in some situations and it may be important for debug, log the information with LogLevel::Debug. In this case, the log should start with " <method name>(),". 108057
IMEStateManager.h IMEStateManager manages InputContext (e.g., active editor type, IME enabled state and IME open state) of nsIWidget instances, manages IMEContentObserver and provides useful API for IME. 22992
InputEvent.cpp 4631
InputEvent.h 2024
InputEventOptions.h InputEventOptions is used by nsContentUtils::DispatchInputEvent() to specify some attributes of InputEvent. It would be nice if this was in nsContentUtils.h, however, it needs to include StaticRange.h for declaring this. That would cause unnecessary dependency and makes incremental build slower when you touch StaticRange.h even though most nsContentUtils.h users don't use it. Therefore, this struct is declared in separated header file here. 2991
InputTypeList.h This header file defines all inputType values which are used for DOM InputEvent.inputType. You must define NS_DEFINE_INPUTTYPE macro before including this. It must have two arguments, (aCPPName, aDOMName) aCPPName is usable name for a part of C++ constants. aDOMName is the actual value declared by the specs: Level 1: Level 2: 3907
InternalMutationEvent.h 2916
InvokeEvent.cpp 2265
InvokeEvent.h 1491
JSEventHandler.cpp 7570
JSEventHandler.h Implemented by script event listeners. Used to retrieve the script object corresponding to the event target and the handler itself. Note, mTarget is a raw pointer and the owner of the JSEventHandler object is expected to call Disconnect()! 6616
KeyboardEvent.cpp 15723
KeyboardEvent.h ComputeTraditionalKeyCode() computes traditional keyCode value. I.e., returns 0 if this event should return non-zero from CharCode(). In spite of the name containing "traditional", this computes spoof keyCode value if user wants it. @param aKeyboardEvent Should be |*mEvent->AsKeyboardEvent()|. @param aCallerType Set caller type of KeyCode() or CharCode(). @return If traditional charCode value is 0, returns the raw keyCode value or spoof keyCode value. Otherwise, 0. 5447
KeyEventHandler.cpp 21255
KeyEventHandler.h Try and convert this XBL handler into an APZ KeyboardShortcut for handling key events on the compositor thread. This only works for XBL handlers that represent scroll commands. @param aOut the converted KeyboardShortcut, must be non null @return whether the handler was converted into a KeyboardShortcut 5859
KeyNameList.h This header file defines all DOM key name which are used for DOM KeyboardEvent.key. You must define NS_DEFINE_KEYNAME macro before including this. It must have two arguments, (aCPPName, aDOMKeyName) aCPPName is usable name for a part of C++ constants. aDOMKeyName is the actual value. 18544
MessageEvent.cpp static 5584
MessageEvent.h Implements the MessageEvent event, used for cross-document messaging and server-sent events. See for further details. 3489
MouseEvent.cpp 19107
MouseEvent.h Return screenX and screenY values for this event in CSS pixels. If current setting allows to expose fractional coordinates for the event, this returns the fractional values as-is. Otherwise, this returns integer values with rounding the computed values. Note that if this event is untrusted one and should not expose fractional values, the initialized values are floored before computing the values as defined by Pointer Events spec. 9278
MouseScrollEvent.cpp 2520
MouseScrollEvent.h 2656 4635
MutationEvent.cpp 2847
MutationEvent.h 1800
NavigateEvent.cpp static 9299
NavigateEvent.h 4617
NotifyPaintEvent.cpp 4114
NotifyPaintEvent.h 2482
nsIEventListenerService.idl Contains an event target along with a count of event listener changes affecting accessibility. 3199
PaintRequest.cpp mozilla::dom::PaintRequest *************************************************************************** 2160
PaintRequest.h 2322
PendingFullscreenEvent.h Class for dispatching a fullscreen event. It should be queued and invoked as part of "run the fullscreen steps" algorithm. 1918
PhysicalKeyCodeNameList.h This header file defines all DOM code name which are used for DOM KeyboardEvent.code. You must define NS_DEFINE_PHYSICAL_KEY_CODE_NAME macro before including this. It must have two arguments, (aCPPName, aDOMCodeName) aCPPName is usable name for a part of C++ constants. aDOMCodeName is the actual value. 11249
PointerEvent.cpp 16112
PointerEvent.h 3494
PointerEventHandler.cpp static 35550
PointerEventHandler.h GetPointerCapturingContent returns a target element which captures the pointer. It's applied to mouse or pointer event (except mousedown and pointerdown). When capturing, return the element. Otherwise, nullptr. @param aEvent A mouse event or pointer event which may be captured. @return Target element for aEvent. 12615
RemoteDragStartData.cpp aHidden = 3059
RemoteDragStartData.h This class is used to hold information about a drag when a drag begins in a content process. 2527
ScrollAreaEvent.cpp 2927
ScrollAreaEvent.h 2046
ShortcutKeyDefinitions.cpp This file defines shortcut keys for <input>, <textarea>, page navigation and HTML editor. You must write each mapping in one line and append inline comment on which platform it's mapped since this style helps you to looking for the defintion with searchfox, etc. Be aware, the commands defined in this file may not work because editor or other keyboard event listeners may handle before. Note: When you change key mappings, you need to change `test/gtest/TestShortcutKeyDefinitions.cpp` too. The latest version of the original files are: Windows: macOS: Linux: Android: Emacs: And common definitions except macOS: And common definitions for page navigation on all platforms: If you don't see shortcut key definitions here, but you see shortcut keys work on Linux or macOS, it probably comes from NativeKeyBindings under widget. 50765
ShortcutKeys.cpp static 3402
ShortcutKeys.h 1794
SimpleGestureEvent.cpp 3201
SimpleGestureEvent.h 2883
SpeechRecognitionError.cpp 1745
SpeechRecognitionError.h 1817
StorageEvent.cpp 3074
StorageEvent.h 2512
TextClause.cpp 1508
TextClause.h 1629
TextComposition.cpp TextComposition **************************************************************************** 41310
TextComposition.h TextComposition represents a text composition. This class stores the composition event target and its presContext. At dispatching the event via this class, the instances use the stored event target. 24917
TextEvent.cpp 2460
TextEvent.h 1483
Touch.cpp 7545
Touch.h 3544
TouchEvent.cpp TouchList *************************************************************************** 12266
TouchEvent.h 4181
TransitionEvent.cpp 2296
TransitionEvent.h 1590
UIEvent.cpp 10042
UIEvent.h GetRangeParent() should be used only by JS. C++ callers should use GetRangeParentContent() or GetRangeParentContentAndOffset() instead. 3832
VirtualKeyCodeList.h This header file defines all DOM keys which are defined in KeyboardEvent. You must define NS_DEFINE_VK macro before including this. It must have two arguments, (aDOMKeyName, aDOMKeyCode) aDOMKeyName is a key name in DOM. aDOMKeyCode is one of mozilla::dom::KeyboardEvent_Binding::DOM_VK_*. Optionally, you can define NS_DISALLOW_SAME_KEYCODE. If NS_DISALLOW_SAME_KEYCODE is defined, same keyCode won't listed up. This is useful when you create switch-case statement. 6849
WheelEvent.cpp 7287
WheelEvent.h 3793
WheelHandlingHelper.cpp / /* mozilla::DeltaValues 31669
WheelHandlingHelper.h DeltaValues stores two delta values which are along X and Y axis. This is useful for arguments and results of some methods. 17834
XULCommandEvent.cpp 2500
XULCommandEvent.h 2154