BrowserSessionStore.webidl |
1626 |
BrowsingContext.webidl |
Allowed CSS display modes. This needs to be kept in
sync with similar values in ServoStyleConsts.h
15697 |
ChannelWrapper.webidl |
Load types that correspond to the external types in nsIContentPolicy.idl.
Please also update that IDL when updating this list.
17316 |
ChildSHistory.webidl |
The ChildSHistory interface represents the child side of a browsing
context's session history.
1253 |
ChromeNodeList.webidl |
462 |
ChromeUtils.webidl |
An optimized QueryInterface method, generated by generateQI.
For JS callers, this behaves like a normal QueryInterface function. When
called with a supported interface, it returns its `this` object. When
called with an unsupported interface, it throws NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE.
C++ callers use a fast path, and never call the JSAPI or WebIDL methods of
this object.
37966 |
ClonedErrorHolder.webidl |
A stub object to hold an Error, Exception, or DOMException object to be
transferred via structured clone. The object will automatically be decoded
directly into the type of the error object that it wraps.
This is a temporary workaround for lack of native Error and Exception
cloning support, and can be removed once bug 1556604 and bug 1561357 are
702 |
CommandEvent.webidl |
393 |
ConsoleInstance.webidl |
5844 |
CSSCustomPropertyRegisteredEvent.webidl |
703 |
DebuggerNotification.webidl |
1636 |
DebuggerNotificationObserver.webidl |
1095 |
DebuggerUtils.webidl |
566 |
DocumentL10n.webidl |
DocumentL10n is a public interface for handling DOM localization.
In it's current form it exposes the DOMLocalization API which
allows for localization-specific DOM operations on a defined
localization context, and retrival of formatted localization
messages out of that context.
The context is created when `<link rel="localization"/>` elements
are added to the document, and is removed in case all links
of that type are removed from it.
2066 |
DOMCollectedFrames.webidl |
A single frame collected by the |CompositionRecorder|.
893 |
DominatorTree.webidl |
In a directed graph with a root node `R`, a node `A` is said to "dominate" a
node `B` iff every path from `R` to `B` contains `A`. A node `A` is said to
be the "immediate dominator" of a node `B` iff it dominates `B`, is not `B`
itself, and does not dominate any other nodes which also dominate `B` in
If we take every node from a graph `G` and create a new graph `T` with edges
to each node from its immediate dominator, then `T` is a tree (each node has
only one immediate dominator, or none if it is the root). This tree is called
a "dominator tree".
This interface represents a dominator tree constructed from a HeapSnapshot's
heap graph. The domination relationship and dominator trees are useful tools
for analyzing heap graphs because they tell you:
- Exactly what could be reclaimed by the GC if some node `A` became
unreachable: those nodes which are dominated by `A`,
- The "retained size" of a node in the heap graph, in contrast to its
"shallow size". The "shallow size" is the space taken by a node itself,
not counting anything it references. The "retained size" of a node is its
shallow size plus the size of all the things that would be collected if
the original node wasn't (directly or indirectly) referencing them. In
other words, the retained size is the shallow size of a node plus the
shallow sizes of every other node it dominates. For example, the root
node in a binary tree might have a small shallow size that does not take
up much space itself, but it dominates the rest of the binary tree and
its retained size is therefore significant (assuming no external
references into the tree).
3117 |
Flex.webidl |
These objects support visualization of flex containers by the
dev tools.
2951 |
Fluent.webidl |
FluentMessage is a structure storing an unresolved L10nMessage,
as returned by the Fluent Bundle.
It stores a FluentPattern of the value and attributes, which
can be then passed to bundle.formatPattern.
1734 |
FrameLoader.webidl |
Get the docshell from the frame loader.
7397 |
Grid.webidl |
These objects support visualization of a css-grid by the dev tools. |
3718 |
HeapSnapshot.webidl |
A HeapSnapshot represents a snapshot of the heap graph
3810 |
ImageText.webidl |
Text that has been extracted from an image using an image recognition API.
948 |
InspectorUtils.webidl |
A collection of utility methods for use by devtools.
See InspectorUtils.h for documentation on these methods.
12869 |
IOUtils.webidl |
IOUtils is a simple, efficient interface for performing file I/O from a
privileged chrome-only context. All asynchronous I/O tasks are run on
a background thread.
Pending I/O tasks will block shutdown at the |profileBeforeChange| phase.
During this shutdown phase, no additional I/O tasks will be accepted --
method calls to this interface will reject once shutdown has entered this
IOUtils methods may reject for any number of reasons. Reasonable attempts
have been made to map each common operating system error to a |DOMException|.
Most often, a caller only needs to check if a given file wasn't found by
catching the rejected error and checking if | === 'NotFoundError'|.
In other cases, it is likely sufficient to allow the error to be caught and
reported elsewhere.
25834 |
IteratorResult.webidl |
A dictionary which represents the result of a call to a next() method on a
JS iterator object.
545 |
JSActor.webidl |
Note that transfers are currently not supported by sendQuery. See Bug 1579536.
1753 |
JSProcessActor.webidl |
An actor architecture designed to allow compositional parent/content
communications. The lifetime of a JSProcessActor{Child, Parent} is the `ContentParent`
(for the parent-side) / `ContentChild` (for the child-side).
2743 |
JSWindowActor.webidl |
An actor architecture designed to allow compositional parent/content
communications. The lifetime of a JSWindowActor{Child, Parent} is the `WindowGlobalParent`
(for the parent-side) / `WindowGlobalChild` (for the child-side).
See for
more details on how to use this architecture.
6054 |
L10nOverlays.webidl |
930 |
L10nRegistry.webidl |
A `ResourceId` refers to a localization resource that is either required
or optional. The default for a `ResourceId` is that the resource is required.
If a required resource is missing for a given locale, then the L10nRegistry
will not generate a bundle for that locale, because the resource is required
to be present in order for the bundle to be considered valid.
If an optional resource is missing for a given locale, then the L10nRegistry
will still generate a bundle for that locale, but entries for the missing
optional resource will be missing in the bundle.
It is recommended to only use this sparingly, since marking many resources as
optional will increase the state space that the L10nRegistry solver has to cover,
and it will have a negative impact on performance.
We should also strive to have valid resources for all supported locales, so using
optional resources should be reserved for exceptional circumstances such as
experimental features and features under development.
6157 |
LoadURIOptions.webidl |
This dictionary holds load arguments for docshell loads.
3911 |
MatchGlob.webidl |
Represents a simple glob pattern matcher. Any occurrence of "*" in the glob
pattern matches any literal string of characters in the string being
compared. Additionally, if created with `allowQuestion = true`, any
occurrence of "?" in the glob matches any single literal character.
856 |
MatchPattern.webidl |
A URL match pattern as used by the WebExtension and Chrome extension APIs.
A match pattern is a string with one of the following formats:
- "<all_urls>"
The literal string "<all_urls>" matches any URL with a supported
- <proto>://<host>/<path>
A URL pattern with the following placeholders:
- <proto>
The protocol to match, or "*" to match either "http" or "https".
- <host>
The hostname to match. May be either a complete, literal hostname to
match a specific host, the wildcard character "*", to match any host,
or a subdomain pattern, with "*." followed by a domain name, to match
that domain name or any subdomain thereof.
- <path>
A glob pattern for paths to match. A "*" may appear anywhere within
the path, and will match any string of characters. If no "*" appears,
the URL path must exactly match the pattern path.
4730 |
MediaController.webidl |
This enum lists all supported behaviors on the media controller.
2339 |
MessageManager.webidl |
19049 | |
4050 |
MozDocumentObserver.webidl |
710 |
MozSharedMap.webidl |
Sets the given key to the given structured-clonable value. The value is
synchronously structured cloned, and the serialized value is saved in the
Unless flush() is called, the new value will be broadcast to content
processes after a short delay.
1516 |
MozStorageAsyncStatementParams.webidl |
612 |
MozStorageStatementParams.webidl |
607 |
MozStorageStatementRow.webidl |
394 |
NetDashboard.webidl |
3479 |
PathUtils.webidl |
PathUtils is a set of utilities for operating on absolute paths.
4390 |
PermissionSetParameters.webidl |
687 |
PlacesEvent.webidl |
data: PlacesVisit. Fired whenever a page is visited.
16104 |
PlacesObservers.webidl |
1430 |
PluginCrashedEvent.webidl |
976 |
PopupPositionedEvent.webidl |
Returns the alignment position where the popup has appeared relative to its
anchor node or point, accounting for any flipping that occurred.
1108 |
PrecompiledScript.webidl |
If `reportExceptions` is set to true and any exception happens
while executing the script, the exceptions will automatically be logged
in the console. This helps log the exception with the right global innerWindowID
and make it display in the right DevTools console.
1601 |
PromiseDebugging.webidl |
This is a utility namespace for promise-debugging functionality |
3683 |
SessionStoreUtils.webidl |
A callback passed to SessionStoreUtils.forEachNonDynamicChildFrame().
6141 |
StripOnShareRule.webidl |
This dictionary is used for the strip on share feature.
It stores a list of query parameters and a list of sites
for which the query parameters are stripped
590 |
StructuredCloneHolder.webidl |
A holder for structured-clonable data which can itself be cloned with
little overhead, and deserialized into an arbitrary global.
1857 |
StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent.webidl |
718 |
StyleSheetRemovedEvent.webidl |
604 |
TelemetryStopwatch.webidl |
Starts a timer associated with a telemetry histogram. The timer can be
directly associated with a histogram, or with a pair of a histogram and
an object.
@param histogram - a string which must be a valid histogram name.
@param obj - Optional parameter. If specified, the timer is
associated with this object, meaning that multiple
timers for the same histogram may be run
concurrently, as long as they are associated with
different objects.
@param [options.inSeconds=false] - record elapsed time for this
histogram in seconds instead of milliseconds. Defaults to
@returns True if the timer was successfully started, false
otherwise. If a timer already exists, it can't be
started again, and the existing one will be cleared in
order to avoid measurements errors.
9873 |
TreeColumn.webidl |
Returns the previous displayed column, if any, accounting for
the ordinals set on the columns.
994 |
TreeColumns.webidl |
The tree widget for these columns.
1254 |
TreeContentView.webidl |
Retrieve the content item associated with the specified row.
627 |
TreeView.webidl |
The total number of rows in the tree (including the offscreen rows).
5740 |
UniFFI.webidl |
5288 |
UserInteraction.webidl |
Starts a timer associated with a UserInteraction ID. The timer can be
directly associated with a UserInteraction ID, or with a pair of a
UserInteraction ID and an object.
@param id - the interaction being recorded, as
declared in UserInteractions.yaml. This is also the annotation
key that will be set in the BHR hang report if a hang occurs
before the UserInteraction is finished.
@param value - a value to be set on the key in the event
that a hang occurs when the timer is running. This value is limited
to 50 characters to avoid abuse, and if the value exceeds that limit
then no timer is started, an error is printed, and this function returns
@param obj - Optional parameter. If specified, the timer is
associated with this object, meaning that multiple timers for the
same annotation key may be run concurrently, as long as they are
associated with different objects.
@returns True if the timer was successfully started, false otherwise.
If a timer already exists, it will be overwritten, and the new timer
will include a "(clobbered)" suffix in any BHR annotations that get
4449 |
WebExtensionContentScript.webidl |
Returns true if the script's match and exclude patterns match the given
URI, without reference to attributes such as `allFrames`.
7244 |
WebExtensionPolicy.webidl |
Defines the platform-level policies for a WebExtension, including its
permissions and the characteristics of its moz-extension: URLs.
10845 |
WebrtcGlobalInformation.webidl |
1810 |
WidevineCDMManifest.webidl |
631 |
WindowGlobalActors.webidl |
Partially determines whether script execution is allowed in this
BrowsingContext. Script execution will be permitted only if this
attribute is true and script execution is allowed in the owner
May only be set in the context's owning process.
8227 |
WindowRoot.webidl |
357 |
WindowsJumpListShortcutDescription.webidl |
A WindowsJumpListShortcutDescription is a structure that describes an entry
to be created in the Windows Jump List. Both tasks, as well as custom
items can be described using this structure.
nsIJumpListBuilder.populateJumpList accepts arrays of these structures.
1489 |
XULCommandEvent.webidl |
This interface is supported by command events, which are dispatched to
XUL elements as a result of mouse or keyboard activation.
2137 |
XULElement.webidl |
1598 |
XULFrameElement.webidl |
The optional open window information provided by the window creation code
and used to initialize a new browser.
954 |
XULMenuElement.webidl |
560 |
XULPopupElement.webidl |
Open the popup relative to a specified node at a specific location.
If the popup is already open, calling this method has no effect.
The popup may be either anchored to another node or opened freely.
To anchor a popup to a node, supply an anchor node and set the position
to a string indicating the manner in which the popup should be anchored.
Possible values for position are:
before_start, before_end, after_start, after_end,
start_before, start_after, end_before, end_after,
overlap, after_pointer
The anchor node does not need to be in the same document as the popup.
If the attributesOverride argument is true, the popupanchor, popupalign
and position attributes on the popup node override the position value
argument. If attributesOverride is false, the attributes are only used
if position is empty.
For an anchored popup, the x and y arguments may be used to offset the
popup from its anchored position by some distance, measured in CSS pixels.
x increases to the right and y increases down. Negative values may also
be used to move to the left and upwards respectively.
Unanchored popups may be created by supplying null as the anchor node.
An unanchored popup appears at the position specified by x and y,
relative to the viewport of the document containing the popup node. In
this case, position and attributesOverride are ignored.
@param anchorElement the node to anchor the popup to, may be null
@param options either options to use, or a string position
@param x horizontal offset
@param y vertical offset
@param isContextMenu true for context menus, false for other popups
@param attributesOverride true if popup node attributes override position
@param triggerEvent the event that triggered this popup (mouse click for example)
7974 |
XULResizerElement.webidl |
396 |
XULTextElement.webidl |
488 |
XULTreeElement.webidl |
Obtain the columns.
4765 |