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Test Info: Errors
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android' OR os == 'win' && debug OR os == 'mac' && debug
- This test failed 6 times in the preceding 30 days. quicksearch this test
- Manifest: dom/base/test/chrome.toml
Test for fetch and xhr to guarantee we only mark channel as urgent-start when
it is triggered by user input events.
For { Fetch, SRC-*, XHR }, do the test as following:
Step 1: Verify them not mark the channel when there is no any input event.
Step 2: Verify them mark the channel there is a user input event.
Step 3: Verify them not mark the channel when there is a non input event.
In each steps, it shows that we only mark channel on direct triggering task.
We won't mark the channel for additional task(setTimeout) or
<title>Test for urgent-start on Fetch and XHR</title>
<link rel="stylesheet"
<script type="text/javascript" src="manifest.js"></script>
<img id="image"></body>
<audio autoplay id="audio"></audio>
<iframe id="iframe"></iframe>
<input type="image" id="input"></input>
<embed id="embed"></embed>
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
const topic_request = "http-on-opening-request";
const topic_response = "http-on-examine-response";
const topic_cachedResponse = "http-on-examine-cached-response";
const url = scope + "file_empty.html";
let expectedResults = [];
let testcases = [
let testcase;
function isUrgentStart(aClassFlags) {
if (!aClassFlags) {
return false;
const urgentStartFlag = 1 << 6;
return !!(urgentStartFlag & aClassFlags);
// Test for setTimeout (task)
function testSetTimeout() {
return new Promise(aResolve =>
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0));
// Test for promise chain (micro-task)
function testPromise() {
return Promise.resolve().then(testSimple);
function testSimple() {
let testUrl = url + "?" + expectedResults.length;
if (testcase == "fetch") {
return fetch(testUrl);
} else if (testcase == "src-embed") {
document.getElementById('embed').src = testUrl;
return Promise.resolve();
} else if (testcase == "src-img") {
document.getElementById('image').src = testUrl;
return Promise.resolve();
} else if (testcase == "src-input") {
document.getElementById('input').src = testUrl;
return Promise.resolve();
} else if (testcase == "src-media") {
document.getElementById('audio').src = testUrl;
return Promise.resolve();
} else if (testcase == "xhr") {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", testUrl, true);
return Promise.resolve();
ok(false, "Shouldn't go here.");
return Promise.reject();
function sendRequsetAndCheckUrgentStart(aEventToTest) {
let promise1, promise2;
let promise1_resolve, promise2_resolve;
function checkUrgentStart(aSubject) {
var channel = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel);
if (!channel.URI.spec.includes(scope) ) {
let cos = channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIClassOfService);
let expectedResult = expectedResults.shift();
is(isUrgentStart(cos.classFlags), expectedResult,
"Expect get: " + expectedResult + ", get: " +
isUrgentStart(cos.classFlags) + " in the " +
(9 - expectedResults.length) + " test of " + testcase);
// Make sure we've run the check.
// Resolve this after we've gotten response to prevent from sending too many
// requests to Necko in a short time.
function getResponse(aSubject) {
var channel = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel);
if (!channel.URI.spec.includes(scope) ) {
SpecialPowers.addObserver(checkUrgentStart, topic_request);
SpecialPowers.addObserver(getResponse, topic_response);
SpecialPowers.addObserver(getResponse, topic_cachedResponse);
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => {
promise1 = new Promise(aResolve => { promise1_resolve = aResolve; });
promise2 = new Promise(aResolve => { promise2_resolve = aResolve; });
return Promise.all([addListenerAndSendEvent(testSimple, aEventToTest),
.then(() => {
promise1 = new Promise(aResolve => { promise1_resolve = aResolve; });
promise2 = new Promise(aResolve => { promise2_resolve = aResolve; });
return Promise.all([addListenerAndSendEvent(testSetTimeout, aEventToTest),
.then(() => {
promise1 = new Promise(aResolve => { promise1_resolve = aResolve; });
promise2 = new Promise(aResolve => { promise2_resolve = aResolve; });
return Promise.all([addListenerAndSendEvent(testPromise, aEventToTest),
.then(() => {
// remove obs if we've tested each three conditions
// (simple, promise, setTimeout).
SpecialPowers.removeObserver(checkUrgentStart, topic_request);
SpecialPowers.removeObserver(getResponse, topic_cachedResponse);
return Promise.resolve();
function addListenerAndSendEvent(aFunction, aEventToTest) {
info("AddListenerAndSendEvent:" + aEventToTest);
let eventHandle = function () {
return aFunction();
if (aEventToTest === TestEvent.USER_INPUT_EVENT) {
// User Input Event
window.addEventListener("mousedown", eventHandle, {once: true});
} else if (aEventToTest === TestEvent.NONUSER_INPUT_EVENT) {
window.addEventListener("message", eventHandle, {once: true});
if (aEventToTest === TestEvent.USER_INPUT_EVENT) {
// User Input Event
var utils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(window);
utils.sendMouseEvent("mousedown", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0);
} else if (aEventToTest === TestEvent.NONUSER_INPUT_EVENT) {
window.postMessage("hello", "*");
} else if (aEventToTest === TestEvent.NOEVENT) {
const TestEvent = {
function executeTest() {
is(expectedResults.length, 0, "expectedResults should be 0 be executeTest.");
// We will test fetch first and then xhr.
testcase = testcases.shift();
info("Verify " + testcase);
expectedResults = [
/* SimpleTest without any events */ false,
/* PromiseTest without any events */ false,
/* SetTimeoutTest without any events */ false,
/* SimpleTest with a user input event */ true,
/* PromiseTest with a user input event */ false,
/* SetTimeoutTest with user input event */ false,
/* SimpleTest with a non user input event */ false,
/* PromiseTest with a non user input event */ false,
/* SetTimeoutTest with a non user input event */ false,
return Promise.resolve()
// Verify urgent-start is not set when the request is not triggered by any
// events.
.then(() => sendRequsetAndCheckUrgentStart(TestEvent.NOEVENT))
// Verify urgent-start is set only when the request is triggered by a user
// input event. (not for another microtask (e.g. promise-chain) and
// task (e.g. setTimeout)).
.then(() => sendRequsetAndCheckUrgentStart(TestEvent.USER_INPUT_EVENT))
// Verify urgent-start is not set when the request is triggered by a non user
// input event.
.then(() => sendRequsetAndCheckUrgentStart(TestEvent.NONUSER_INPUT_EVENT))
.then(_ => {
if (testcases.length !== 0) {
// Run the other test if we still have tests needed to be run.
return executeTest();
return Promise.resolve();
function endCheck() {
info("End Check: make sure that we've done all the tests.");
is(testcases.length, 0, "All the tests should be executed.");
is(expectedResults.length, 0, "All the tests should be executed.");
return Promise.resolve();
function runTest() {// Disable mixed-content upgrading as this test is expecting an HTTP load
return SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv(
{"set": [
["security.mixed_content.upgrade_display_content", false],
["network.http.rcwn.enabled", false],
.catch(aError => ok(false, "Some test failed with error " + aError))