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Test Info:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Test a simple import map with a script creates a base element</title>
<body onload='testLoaded()'>
<!--This script will create a base element.-->
<script src="insert_a_base_element.js"></script>
With the <base> element, the correct "module_simpleExport.mjs" should be mapped
to "scope1/module_simpleExport.mjs", instead of "./module_simpleExport.mjs".
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"simple": "./module_simpleExport.mjs"
<script type="module">
import { x } from "simple";
result2 = x;
<script type="module" src="module_simpleImportMap.mjs"></script>
var result_scope1, result2;
function testLoaded() {
ok(result_scope1 == 84, 'Check imported value result_scope1: ' + result_scope1);
ok(result2 == 84, 'Check imported value result2: ' + result2);
import("simple").then((ns) => {
ok(ns.x == 84, 'Check simple imported value result: ' + ns.x);
}).catch((e) => {
ok(false, "throws " + e);
}).then(() => {