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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android'
- Manifest: dom/base/test/chrome/chrome.toml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<window title="Test for the Mozilla extesion of the DOM Parsing and Serialization API"
<!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
<xul:browser id="test1" type="content" src="data:text/html,content" />
<!-- test code goes here -->
<script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
"use strict";
function throws(fn, type, message) {
try {
ok(false, message);
} catch (e) {
if (type) {
is(, type, message);
} else {
ok(true, message);
add_task(function dom_parser_extra_args() {
// DOMParser constructor should not throw for extra arguments
new DOMParser(undefined);
new DOMParser(null);
new DOMParser(false);
new DOMParser(0);
new DOMParser("");
new DOMParser({});
add_task(function xml_serializer_extra_args() {
// XMLSerializer constructor should not throw for extra arguments
new XMLSerializer(undefined);
new XMLSerializer(null);
new XMLSerializer(false);
new XMLSerializer(0);
new XMLSerializer("");
new XMLSerializer({});
add_task(function chrome_window() {
runTest(window, true);
add_task(function content_window() {
runTest(document.getElementById("test1").contentWindow, false);
function runTest(win, expectSystem) {
let parser = new win.DOMParser();
let serializer = new win.XMLSerializer();
let principal = win.document.nodePrincipal;
is(principal.isSystemPrincipal, expectSystem,
`expected ${expectSystem ? "system" : "content"} principal`);
is(typeof parser.parseFromString, "function", "parseFromString should exist");
is(typeof parser.parseFromBuffer, "function", "parseFromBuffer should exist");
is(typeof parser.parseFromStream, "function", "parseFromStream should exist");
is(typeof parser.parseFromSafeString, "function", "parseFromSafeString should exist");
is(typeof serializer.serializeToString, "function", "serializeToString should exist");
is(typeof serializer.serializeToStream, "function", "serializeToStream should exist");
let tests = [
{input: "<html></html>", type: "text/html",
{input: "<xml></xml>", type: "text/xml", expected: "<xml/>"},
{input: "<xml></xml>", type: "application/xml", expected: "<xml/>"},
{input: "<html></html>", type: "application/xhtml+xml", expected: "<html/>"},
{input: "<svg></svg>", type: "image/svg+xml", expected: "<svg/>"},
for (let t of tests) {
const fromNormalString = parser.parseFromString(t.input, t.type);
if (principal.isSystemPrincipal) {
"system principal DOMParser produces a null principal document");
} else {
ok(fromNormalString.nodePrincipal === principal,
"content principal DOMParser produces a document with an object-identical principal");
const fromSafeString = parser.parseFromSafeString(t.input, t.type);
ok(fromSafeString.nodePrincipal === principal,
"DOMParser with parseFromSafeString always produces a document with an object-identical principal");
is(serializer.serializeToString(parser.parseFromString(t.input, t.type)), t.expected,
"parseFromString test for " + t.type);
for (let charset of [null, "UTF-8"]) {
let pipe = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIPipe);
pipe.init(false, false, 0, 0xffffffff, null);
let ostream = pipe.outputStream;
serializer.serializeToStream(parser.parseFromString(t.input, t.type), ostream, charset);
let istream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
let data =;
is(data, t.expected,
"serializeToStream test for " + t.type + ", charset=" + charset);
if (t.type === "text/html") {
// parseFromBuffer and parseFromStream don't support "text/html".
let array = Array.from(t.input, function(c) { return c.charCodeAt(c); });
let inputs = [
{array, name: "parseFromBuffer (array)"},
{array: new Uint8Array(array), name: "parseFromBuffer (Uint8Array)"},
for (let input of inputs) {
let a = input.array;
is(serializer.serializeToString(parser.parseFromBuffer(a, t.type)), t.expected, + " test for " + t.type);
let istream = Cc[";1"].
for (let charset of [null, "UTF-8"]) {
is(serializer.serializeToString(parser.parseFromStream(istream, charset, t.input.length, t.type)),
t.expected, "parseFromStream test for " + t.type + ", charset=" + charset);
throws(function() {
parser.parseFromString("<xml></xml>", "foo/bar");
}, "TypeError", "parseFromString should throw for the unknown type");