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Test Info:
- Manifest: dom/animation/test/chrome.toml
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@keyframes missingFrom {
to {
text-align: right;
@keyframes missingBoth {
50% {
text-align: right;
@keyframes missingTo {
from {
text-align: right;
'use strict';
const gTests = [
{ desc: 'missing "from" keyframe',
animationName: 'missingFrom',
expected: [{ property: 'text-align',
values: [valueFormat(0, undefined, 'replace', 'ease'),
valueFormat(1, 'right', 'replace')] } ]
{ desc: 'missing "to" keyframe',
animationName: 'missingTo',
expected: [{ property: 'text-align',
values: [valueFormat(0, 'right', 'replace', 'ease'),
valueFormat(1, undefined, 'replace')] } ]
{ desc: 'missing "from" and "to" keyframes',
animationName: 'missingBoth',
expected: [{ property: 'text-align',
values: [valueFormat(0, undefined, 'replace', 'ease'),
valueFormat(.5, 'right', 'replace', 'ease'),
valueFormat(1, undefined, 'replace')] } ]
gTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
test(function(t) {
const div = addDiv(t); = `${ subtest.animationName } 1000s`;
const animation = div.getAnimations()[0];
}, subtest.desc);