Name Description Size
console-api.js The window.console API observer. This allows the window.console API messages to be sent to the remote Web Console instance. @constructor @param nsIDOMWindow window Optional - the window object for which we are created. This is used for filtering out messages that belong to other windows. @param Function handler This function is invoked with one argument, the Console API message that comes from the observer service, whenever a relevant console API call is received. @param object filteringOptions Optional - The filteringOptions that this listener should listen to: - addonId: filter console messages based on the addonId. - excludeMessagesBoundToWindow: Set to true to filter out messages that are bound to a specific window. - matchExactWindow: Set to true to match the messages on a specific window (when `window` is defined) and not on the whole window tree. 8337
console-file-activity.js A WebProgressListener that listens for file loads. @constructor @param object window The window for which we need to track file loads. @param object owner The listener owner which needs to implement: - onFileActivity(aFileURI) 2927
console-reflow.js A ReflowObserver that listens for reflow events from the page. Implements nsIReflowObserver. @constructor @param object window The window for which we need to track reflow. @param object owner The listener owner which needs to implement: - onReflowActivity(reflowInfo) 2202
console-service.js The nsIConsoleService listener. This is used to send all of the console messages (JavaScript, CSS and more) to the remote Web Console instance. @constructor @param nsIDOMWindow [window] Optional - the window object for which we are created. This is used for filtering out messages that belong to other windows. @param Function handler This function is invoked with one argument, the nsIConsoleMessage, whenever a relevant message is received. @param object filteringOptions Optional - The filteringOptions that this listener should listen to: - matchExactWindow: Set to true to match the messages on a specific window (when `window` is defined) and not on the whole window tree. 5347
document-events.js global XPCNativeWrapper 10628 439