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<html dir="ltr">
Test tabs accessibility.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Tabs component accessibility test</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css">
<pre id="test">
<script src="head.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
'use strict'
window.onload = async function () {
try {
const ReactDOM = browserRequire("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom");
const { createFactory } = browserRequire("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react");
const InspectorTabPanel = createFactory(browserRequire("devtools/client/inspector/components/InspectorTabPanel"));
const Tabbar =
const tabbar = Tabbar();
const tabbarReact = ReactDOM.render(tabbar, window.document.body);
const tabbarEl = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(tabbarReact);
// Setup for InspectorTabPanel
const tabpanels = document.createElement("div"); = "tabpanels";
await addTabWithPanel(0);
await addTabWithPanel(1);
const tabAnchors = tabbarEl.querySelectorAll("li.tabs-menu-item a");
is(tabAnchors[0].parentElement.getAttribute("role"), "presentation", "li role is set correctly");
is(tabAnchors[0].getAttribute("role"), "tab", "Anchor role is set correctly");
is(tabAnchors[0].getAttribute("aria-selected"), "true", "Anchor aria-selected is set correctly by default");
is(tabAnchors[0].getAttribute("aria-controls"), "sidebar-0-panel", "Anchor aria-controls is set correctly");
is(tabAnchors[1].parentElement.getAttribute("role"), "presentation", "li role is set correctly");
is(tabAnchors[1].getAttribute("role"), "tab", "Anchor role is set correctly");
is(tabAnchors[1].getAttribute("aria-selected"), "false", "Anchor aria-selected is set correctly by default");
is(tabAnchors[1].getAttribute("aria-controls"), "sidebar-1-panel", "Anchor aria-controls is set correctly");
// Wait for the second tab to be selected
await waitFor(() => tabAnchors[1].getAttribute("aria-selected") === "true");
is(tabAnchors[0].getAttribute("aria-selected"), "false", "Anchor aria-selected is reset correctly");
is(tabAnchors[1].getAttribute("aria-selected"), "true", "Anchor aria-selected is reset correctly");
ok(document.activeElement === tabAnchors[1], "New active (second) tab is focused");
// Wait for the first tab to be selected
await waitFor(() => tabAnchors[0].getAttribute("aria-selected") === "true");
is(tabAnchors[0].getAttribute("aria-selected"), "true", "Anchor aria-selected is reset correctly");
is(tabAnchors[1].getAttribute("aria-selected"), "false", "Anchor aria-selected is reset correctly");
ok(document.activeElement === tabAnchors[0], "New active (first) tab is focused");
function addTabWithPanel(tabId) {
// Setup for InspectorTabPanel
const panel = document.createElement("div"); = `sidebar-${tabId}`;
return setState(tabbarReact, Object.assign({}, tabbarReact.state, {
tabs: tabbarReact.state.tabs.concat({
id: `sidebar-${tabId}`,
title: `tab-${tabId}`,
panel: InspectorTabPanel
} catch(e) {
ok(false, "Got an error: " + DevToolsUtils.safeErrorString(e));
} finally {