.eslintrc.js |
279 |
Accordion.css |
Accordion |
2693 |
Accordion.js |
Add initial data to the `state.opened` map.
This happens only on initial mount of the accordion.
6856 |
AppErrorBoundary.css |
Base styles (common to most error boundaries) |
2369 |
AppErrorBoundary.js |
Error boundary that wraps around the a given component.
5404 |
Frame.js |
Get the tooltip message.
@param {string|undefined} messageSource
@param {string} url
@returns {string}
11889 |
HSplitBox.js |
eslint-env browser |
4876 |
List.css |
List |
942 |
List.js |
Makes sure that none of the focusable elements inside the list item container are
tabbable if the list item is not active. If the list item is active and focus is
outside its container, focus on the first focusable element inside.
9397 |
MdnLink.css |
Learn more links |
1111 |
MdnLink.js |
917 |
menu |
moz.build |
940 |
NotificationBox.css |
Layout |
3226 |
NotificationBox.js |
This component represents Notification Box - HTML alternative for
<xul:notificationbox> binding.
See also MDN for more info about <xul:notificationbox>:
This component can maintain its own state (list of notifications)
as well as consume list of notifications provided as a prop
(coming e.g. from Redux store).
12580 |
object-inspector |
reps |
SearchBox.js |
global window |
6926 |
SearchBoxAutocompletePopup.js |
autocompleteProvider takes search-box's entire input text as `filter` argument
ie. "is:cached pr"
returned value is array of objects like below
[{value: "is:cached protocol", displayValue: "protocol"}[, ...]]
`value` is used to update the search-box input box for given item
`displayValue` is used to render the autocomplete list
4422 |
SearchModifiers.css |
Search Modifiers |
1585 |
SearchModifiers.js |
2350 |
Sidebar.js |
2477 |
SidebarToggle.css |
Rotate button icon 90deg if the toolbox container is
in vertical mode (sidebar displayed under the main panel) |
1089 |
SidebarToggle.js |
Sidebar toggle button. This button is used to exapand
and collapse Sidebar.
2279 |
SmartTrace.css |
SmartTrace Component
Styles for React component at `devtools/client/shared/components/SmartTrace.js`
3857 |
SmartTrace.js |
10034 |
splitter |
StackTrace.js |
2474 |
tabs |
test |
throttling |
tree |
Tree.css |
We can remove the outline since we do add our own focus style on nodes |
2238 |
Tree.js |
An arrow that displays whether its node is expanded (▼) or collapsed
(▶). When its node has no children, it is hidden.
31193 |
VirtualizedTree.js |
eslint-env browser |
30700 |