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Test the rendering of a stack trace
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>StackTrace component test</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css">
<script src="head.js"></script>
"use strict";
window.onload = function() {
const ReactDOM = browserRequire("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom");
const React = browserRequire("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react");
const SmartTrace = React.createFactory(
ok(SmartTrace, "Got the SmartTrace factory");
add_task(async function() {
const stacktrace = [
lineNumber: 55,
columnNumber: 10,
functionName: null,
// Simulated Redux frame
functionName: "rootReducer",
lineNumber: 2,
functionName: "loadFunc",
lineNumber: 10,
// Simulated react frames
...(Array.from({length: REACT_FRAMES_COUNT}, (_, i) => ({
functionName: "internalReact" + (REACT_FRAMES_COUNT - i),
lineNumber: Number(i.toString().repeat(2)),
lineNumber: 10,
columnNumber: 3,
functionName: "onClick",
const props = {
onViewSourceInDebugger: () => {},
const trace = ReactDOM.render(SmartTrace(props), window.document.body);
await forceRender(trace);
const traceEl = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(trace);
ok(traceEl, "Rendered SmartTrace has an element");
isDeeply(getStacktraceText(traceEl), [
`rootReducer Redux`,
`▶︎ React 10`,
], "React frames are grouped - Redux frame is not");
info("Expand React group");
let onReactGroupExpanded = waitFor(() =>
await onReactGroupExpanded;
isDeeply(getStacktraceText(traceEl), [
`rootReducer Redux`,
`▼ React 10`,
`| internalReact10`,
`| internalReact9`,
`| internalReact8`,
`| internalReact7`,
`| internalReact6`,
`| internalReact5`,
`| internalReact4`,
`| internalReact3`,
`| internalReact2`,
`| internalReact1`,
], "React frames can be expanded");
info("Collapse React group");
onReactGroupExpanded = waitFor(() =>
await onReactGroupExpanded;
isDeeply(getStacktraceText(traceEl), [
`rootReducer Redux`,
`▶︎ React 10`,
], "React frames can be collapsed");
function getStacktraceText(traceElement) {
return Array.from(traceElement.querySelectorAll(".frame")).map(el => {
// If it's a group, we want to append an arrow representing the group state
if (el.classList.contains("frames-group")) {
const arrow = el.classList.contains("expanded") ? "▼" : "▶︎";
const content = el.textContent.trim();
return `${arrow} ${content}`;
const title = el.querySelector(".title");
if (el.closest(".frames-list")) {
return `| ${title.textContent}`;
const location = el.querySelector(".location");
return `${title.textContent} ${location.textContent}`;