Name Description Size
Headers.js This template is responsible for rendering basic layout of the 'Headers' panel. It displays HTTP headers groups such as received or response headers. 2905
HeadersPanel.js This template represents the 'Headers' panel s responsible for rendering its content. 1624
HeadersToolbar.js This template is responsible for rendering a toolbar within the 'Headers' panel. 1382
JsonPanel.js This template represents the 'JSON' panel. The panel is responsible for rendering an expandable tree that allows simple inspection of JSON structure. 4611
JsonToolbar.js 100kB file 2663
LiveText.js This object represents a live DOM text node in a <pre>. 1257
MainTabbedArea.js This object represents the root application template responsible for rendering the basic tab layout. 3779 540
SearchBox.js This object represents a search box located at the top right corner of the application. 2782
TextPanel.js This template represents the 'Raw Data' panel displaying JSON as a text received from the server. 1846
TextToolbar.js This object represents a toolbar displayed within the 'Raw Data' panel. 2094