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Test Info:

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Test that the autocomplete for the class panel input behaves as expected. The test also
// checks that we're using the cache to retrieve the data when we can do so, and that the
// cache gets cleared, and we're getting data from the server, when there's mutation on
// the page.
const TEST_URI = `${URL_ROOT}doc_class_panel_autocomplete.html`;
add_task(async function () {
await addTab(TEST_URI);
const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView();
const { addEl: textInput } = view.classListPreviewer;
await selectNode("#auto-div-id-3", inspector);
info("Open the class panel");
info("Type a letter and check that the popup has the expected items");
const allClasses = [
const { autocompletePopup } = view.classListPreviewer;
let onPopupOpened = autocompletePopup.once("popup-opened");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {}, view.styleWindow);
await waitForClassApplied("auto-body-class-1", "#auto-div-id-3");
await onPopupOpened;
await checkAutocompleteItems(
"The autocomplete popup has all the classes used in the DOM and in stylesheets"
"Test that typing more letters filters the autocomplete popup and uses the cache mechanism"
EventUtils.sendString("uto-b", view.styleWindow);
await waitForClassApplied("auto-body-class-1", "#auto-div-id-3");
await checkAutocompleteItems(
allClasses.filter(cls => cls.startsWith("auto-b")),
"The autocomplete popup was filtered with the content of the input"
ok(true, "The results were retrieved from the cache mechanism");
info("Test that autocomplete shows up-to-date results");
// Modify the content page and assert that the new class is displayed in the
// autocomplete if the user types a new letter.
const onNewMutation = inspector.inspectorFront.walker.once("new-mutations");
await ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, null, async function () {
await onNewMutation;
await waitForClassApplied("auto-body-added-by-script", "body");
// close & reopen the autocomplete so it picks up the added to another element while autocomplete was opened
let onPopupClosed = autocompletePopup.once("popup-closed");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape", {}, view.styleWindow);
await onPopupClosed;
// input is now auto-body
onPopupOpened = autocompletePopup.once("popup-opened");
EventUtils.sendString("ody", view.styleWindow);
await onPopupOpened;
await checkAutocompleteItems(
...allClasses.filter(cls => cls.startsWith("auto-body")),
"The autocomplete popup was filtered with the content of the input"
"Test that typing a letter that won't match any of the item closes the popup"
// input is now auto-bodyy
onPopupClosed = autocompletePopup.once("popup-closed");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("y", {}, view.styleWindow);
await waitForClassApplied("auto-bodyy", "#auto-div-id-3");
await onPopupClosed;
ok(true, "The popup was closed as expected");
await checkAutocompleteItems(autocompletePopup, [], "The popup was cleared");
info("Clear the input and try to autocomplete again");;
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Backspace", {}, view.styleWindow);
// Wait a bit so the debounced function can be executed
await wait(200);
onPopupOpened = autocompletePopup.once("popup-opened");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {}, view.styleWindow);
await onPopupOpened;
await checkAutocompleteItems(
[...allClasses, "auto-body-added-by-script"].sort(),
"The autocomplete popup was updated with the new class added to the DOM"
info("Test keyboard shortcut when the popup is displayed");
// Escape to hide
onPopupClosed = autocompletePopup.once("popup-closed");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape", {}, view.styleWindow);
await onPopupClosed;
ok(true, "The popup was closed when hitting escape");
// Ctrl + space to show again
onPopupOpened = autocompletePopup.once("popup-opened");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(" ", { ctrlKey: true }, view.styleWindow);
await onPopupOpened;
ok(true, "Popup was opened again with Ctrl+Space");
await checkAutocompleteItems(
[...allClasses, "auto-body-added-by-script"].sort()
// Arrow left to hide
onPopupClosed = autocompletePopup.once("popup-closed");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowLeft", {}, view.styleWindow);
await onPopupClosed;
ok(true, "The popup was closed as when hitting ArrowLeft");
// Arrow right and Ctrl + space to show again, and Arrow Right to accept
onPopupOpened = autocompletePopup.once("popup-opened");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowRight", {}, view.styleWindow);
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(" ", { ctrlKey: true }, view.styleWindow);
await onPopupOpened;
onPopupClosed = autocompletePopup.once("popup-closed");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowRight", {}, view.styleWindow);
await waitForClassApplied("auto-body-added-by-script", "#auto-div-id-3");
await onPopupClosed;
"ArrowRight puts the selected item in the input and closes the popup"
// Backspace to show the list again
onPopupOpened = autocompletePopup.once("popup-opened");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Backspace", {}, view.styleWindow);
await waitForClassApplied("auto-body-added-by-script", "#auto-div-id-3");
await onPopupOpened;
"ArrowRight puts the selected item in the input and closes the popup"
await checkAutocompleteItems(
"The autocomplete does show the matching items after hitting backspace"
// Enter to accept
onPopupClosed = autocompletePopup.once("popup-closed");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Enter", {}, view.styleWindow);
await waitForClassRemoved("auto-body-added-by-scrip");
await onPopupClosed;
"Enter puts the selected item in the input and closes the popup"
// Backspace to show again
onPopupOpened = autocompletePopup.once("popup-opened");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Backspace", {}, view.styleWindow);
await waitForClassApplied("auto-body-added-by-script", "#auto-div-id-3");
await onPopupOpened;
"ArrowRight puts the selected item in the input and closes the popup"
await checkAutocompleteItems(
"The autocomplete does show the matching items after hitting backspace"
// Tab to accept
onPopupClosed = autocompletePopup.once("popup-closed");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", {}, view.styleWindow);
await onPopupClosed;
"Tab puts the selected item in the input and closes the popup"
await waitForClassRemoved("auto-body-added-by-scrip");
async function checkAutocompleteItems(
) {
await waitForSuccess(
() =>
getAutocompleteItems(autocompletePopup).length === expectedItems.length
const items = getAutocompleteItems(autocompletePopup);
Assert.deepEqual(items, expectedItems, assertionMessage);
function getAutocompleteItems(autocompletePopup) {
return Array.from(autocompletePopup._panel.querySelectorAll("li")).map(
el => el.textContent
async function waitForClassApplied(cls, selector) {
info("Wait for class to be applied: " + cls);
await SpecialPowers.spawn(
[cls, selector],
async (_cls, _selector) => {
return ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() =>
// Wait for debounced functions to be executed
await wait(200);
async function waitForClassRemoved(cls) {
info("Wait for class to be removed: " + cls);
await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [cls], async _cls => {
return ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(
() =>
// Wait for debounced functions to be executed
await wait(200);