Name Description Size
content-process.js 1694
content-script.js 1032 423
target-mixin.js A Target represents a debuggable context. It can be a browser tab, a tab on a remote device, like a tab on Firefox for Android. But it can also be an add-on, as well as firefox parent process, or just one of its content process. A Target is related to a given TargetActor, for which we derive this class. Providing a generalized abstraction of a web-page or web-browser (available either locally or remotely) is beyond the scope of this class (and maybe also beyond the scope of this universe) However Target does attempt to abstract some common events and read-only properties common to many Tools. Supported read-only properties: - name, url Target extends EventEmitter and provides support for the following events: - close: The target window has been closed. All tools attached to this target should close. This event is not currently cancelable. Optional events only dispatched by WindowGlobalTarget: - will-navigate: The target window will navigate to a different URL - navigate: The target window has navigated to a different URL 20681
window-global.js Event listener for `frameUpdate` event. 5501
worker.js 1778