Name Description Size
getURL.js Compute the URL which may be displayed in the Source Tree. @param {String} url The source absolute URL as a string @param {String} extensionName Optional, but mandatory when passing a moz-extension URL. Name of the extension serving this moz-extension source. @return URL Object A URL object to represent this source. Note that this isn't the standard URL object. This is augmented with custom properties like: - `group`, which is mostly the host of the source's URL. This is used to sort sources in the Source tree. - `filename` which may not be quite matching the URL. When files are loaded from "/", they won't have a real name, but instead this will report "(index)". - `fileExtension`, lowercased file extension of the source (if any extension is available) - `path` and `pathname` have some special behavior. See `parse` implementation. 5012 280
utils.js Get the relative path of the url Does not include any query parameters or fragment parts @param string url @returns string path 793