assert.js |
678 |
ast.js |
1619 |
async-value.js |
745 |
bootstrap.js |
Create and mount the root App component.
@param {ReduxStore} store
@param {ReduxStore} toolboxStore
@param {Object} appComponentAttributes
@param {Array} appComponentAttributes.fluentBundles
@param {Document} appComponentAttributes.toolboxDoc
4396 |
breakpoint |
build-query.js |
Ignore doing outline matches for less than 3 whitespaces
@memberof utils/source-search
1911 |
clipboard.js |
Clipboard function taken from
634 |
context.js |
4609 |
dbg.js |
2799 |
DevToolsUtils.js |
452 |
editor |
environment.js |
419 |
evaluation-result.js |
499 |
expressions.js |
wrap the expression input in a try/catch so that it can be safely
NOTE: we add line after the expression to protect against comments.
2197 |
function.js |
1174 |
indentation.js |
982 |
isMinified.js |
1565 |
location.js |
Note that arguments can be created via `createLocation`.
But they can also be created via `createPendingLocation` in reducer/pending-breakpoints.js.
Both will have similar line and column attributes.
3657 |
log.js |
Utils for logging to the console
Suppresses logging in non-development environment
@module utils/log
672 |
memoizableAction.js |
memoizableActon is a utility for actions that should only be performed
once per key. It is useful for loading sources, parsing symbols ...
@getValue - gets the result from the redux store
@createKey - creates a key for the requests map
@action - kicks off the async work for the action
For Example
export const setItem = memoizeableAction(
hasValue: ({ a }, { getState }) => hasItem(getState(), a),
getValue: ({ a }, { getState }) => getItem(getState(), a),
createKey: ({ a }) => a,
action: ({ a }, thunkArgs) => doSetItem(a, thunkArgs)
2430 |
memoize.js |
1403 |
memoizeLast.js |
600 | |
1061 |
path.js |
564 |
pause |
prefs.js |
8042 |
preview.js |
288 |
quick-open.js |
2691 |
result-list.js |
767 |
selected-location.js |
535 |
shallow-equal.js |
Shallow equal will consider equal:
- exact same values (strict '===' equality)
- distinct array instances having the exact same values in them (same number and strict equality).
- distinct object instances having the exact same attributes and values.
It will typically consider different array and object whose values
aren't strictly equal. You may consider using "deep equality" checks for this scenario.
1561 |
source-maps.js |
For any location, return the matching generated location.
If this is already a generated location, returns the same location.
In additional to `SourceMapLoader.getGeneratedLocation`,
this asserts that the related source is still registered in the reducer current state.
@param {Object} location
@param {Object} thunkArgs
Redux action thunk arguments
@param {Object}
The matching generated location.
3863 |
source-queue.js |
1097 |
source.js |
Utils for working with Source URLs
@module utils/source
11806 |
sources-tree |
tabs.js |
Finds the hidden tabs by comparing the tabs' top offset.
hidden tabs will have a great top offset.
@param sourceTabs Array
@param sourceTabEls HTMLCollection
@returns Array
3659 |
telemetry.js |
import { recordEvent } from "src/utils/telemetry";
// Event without extra properties
// Event with extra properties
recordEvent("pause", {
"reason": "debugger-statement",
"collapsed_callstacks": 1
// If the properties are in multiple code paths and you can't send them all
// in one go you will need to use the full telemetry API.
const Telemetry = require("devtools/client/shared/telemetry");
const telemetry = new Telemetry();
// Prepare the event and define which properties to expect.
// NOTE: You CAN send properties before preparing the event.
telemetry.preparePendingEvent(this, "pause", "debugger", null, [
"reason", "collapsed_callstacks"
// Elsewhere in another codepath send the reason property
this, "pause", "debugger", null, "reason", "debugger-statement"
// Elsewhere in another codepath send the collapsed_callstacks property
this, "pause", "debugger", null, "collapsed_callstacks", 1
1968 |
test-head.js |
Utils for Jest
@module utils/test-head
6558 |
test-mockup.js |
This file is for use by unit tests for isolated debugger components that do
not need to interact with the redux store. When these tests need to construct
debugger objects, these interfaces should be used instead of plain object
5648 |
text.js |
Utils for keyboard command strings
@module utils/text
1645 |
ui.js |
Checks to see if the root element is available and
if the element is visible. We check the width of the element
because it is more reliable than either checking a focus state or
the visibleState or hidden property.
1625 |
url.js |
2035 |
utils.js |
Utils for utils, by utils
@module utils/utils
1290 |
wasm.js |
@memberof utils/wasm
4029 |
worker.js |
@memberof utils/utils
1285 |