Name Description Size
backup.js Authentification of the backup info, depends on algorithm 23457
constants.js The prefix used on indexeddbs created by rust-crypto 838
CrossSigningIdentity.js Manages the cross-signing keys for our own user. @internal 7419
device-converter.js Convert a {@link RustSdkCryptoJs.Device} to a {@link Device} @param device - Rust Sdk device @param userId - owner of the device @internal 4810
index.js Create a new `RustCrypto` implementation @param args - Parameter object @internal 7863
KeyClaimManager.js KeyClaimManager: linearises calls to OlmMachine.getMissingSessions to avoid races We have one of these per `RustCrypto` (and hence per `MatrixClient`). @internal 3864
libolm_migration.js Determine if any data needs migrating from the legacy store, and do so. This migrates the base account data, and olm and megolm sessions. It does *not* migrate the room list, which should happen after an `OlmMachine` is created, via {@link migrateRoomSettingsFromLegacyCrypto}. @param args - Arguments object. 13928
OutgoingRequestProcessor.js Common interface for all the request types returned by `OlmMachine.outgoingRequests`. @internal 8025
OutgoingRequestsManager.js OutgoingRequestsManager: responsible for processing outgoing requests from the OlmMachine. Ensure that only one loop is going on at once, and that the requests are processed in order. 6459
PerSessionKeyBackupDownloader.js Enumerates the different kind of errors that can occurs when downloading and importing a key from backup. 18938
RoomEncryptor.js RoomEncryptor: responsible for encrypting messages to a given room @internal 15300
rust-crypto.js An implementation of {@link CryptoBackend} using the Rust matrix-sdk-crypto. @internal 63753
secret-storage.js Check that the private cross signing keys (master, self signing, user signing) are stored in the secret storage and encrypted with the default secret storage key. @param secretStorage - The secret store using account data @returns True if the cross-signing keys are all stored and encrypted with the same secret storage key. @internal 2212
verification.js An incoming, or outgoing, request to verify a user or a device via cross-signing. @internal 28988