Name Description Size
autodiscovery.js #__PURE__ 24863
base64.js Base64 encoding and decoding utilities 3521
browser-index.js 2364
client.js 301596
content-helpers.js Generates the content for a HTML Message event @param body - the plaintext body of the message @param htmlBody - the HTML representation of the message @returns 9283
content-repo.js Get the HTTP URL for an MXC URI. @param baseUrl - The base homeserver url which has a content repo. @param mxc - The mxc:// URI. @param width - The desired width of the thumbnail. @param height - The desired height of the thumbnail. @param resizeMethod - The thumbnail resize method to use, either "crop" or "scale". @param allowDirectLinks - If true, return any non-mxc URLs directly. Fetching such URLs will leak information about the user to anyone they share a room with. If false, will return the emptry string for such URLs. @param allowRedirects - If true, the caller supports the URL being 307 or 308 redirected to another resource upon request. If false, redirects are not expected. @returns The complete URL to the content. 2932
crypto-api.js Public interface to the cryptography parts of the js-sdk @remarks Currently, this is a work-in-progress. In time, more methods will be added here. 8046
embedded.js A MatrixClient that routes its requests through the widget API instead of the real CS API. @experimental This class is considered unstable! 12388
errors.js #__PURE__ 3482
event-mapper.js 5021
feature.js #__PURE__ 3043
filter-component.js Checks if a value matches a given field value, which may be a * terminated wildcard pattern. @param actualValue - The value to be compared @param filterValue - The filter pattern to be compared @returns true if the actualValue matches the filterValue 6340
filter.js / function setProp(obj, keyNesting, val) { const nestedKeys = keyNesting.split("."); let currentObj = obj; for (let i = 0; i < nestedKeys.length - 1; i++) { if (!currentObj[nestedKeys[i]]) { currentObj[nestedKeys[i]] = {}; } currentObj = currentObj[nestedKeys[i]]; } currentObj[nestedKeys[nestedKeys.length - 1]] = val; } /* eslint-disable camelcase 7605
index.js 2117
indexeddb-helpers.js Check if an IndexedDB database exists. The only way to do so is to try opening it, so we do that and then delete it did not exist before. @param indexedDB - The `indexedDB` interface @param dbName - The database name to test for @returns Whether the database exists 1945
indexeddb-worker.js 311
interactive-auth.js Data returned in the body of a 401 response from a UIA endpoint. @see 20258
logger.js Logger interface used within the js-sdk codebase 5448
matrix.js 30582
NamespacedValue.js Represents a simple Matrix namespaced value. This will assume that if a stable prefix is provided that the stable prefix should be used when representing the identifier. 4085
pushprocessor.js Construct a Push Processor. @param client - The Matrix client object to use 23672
randomstring.js 1693
realtime-callbacks.js A re-implementation of the javascript callback functions (setTimeout, clearTimeout; setInterval and clearInterval are not yet implemented) which try to improve handling of large clock jumps (as seen when suspending/resuming the system). In particular, if a timeout would have fired while the system was suspended, it will instead fire as soon as possible after resume. 5226
receipt-accumulator.js Summarises the read receipts within a room. Used by the sync accumulator. Given receipts for users, picks the most recently-received one and provides the results in a new fake receipt event returned from buildAccumulatedReceiptEvent(). Handles unthreaded receipts and receipts in each thread separately, so the returned event contains the most recently received unthreaded receipt, and the most recently received receipt in each thread. 7334
ReEmitter.js 4112
room-hierarchy.js Construct a new RoomHierarchy A RoomHierarchy instance allows you to easily make use of the /hierarchy API and paginate it. @param root - the root of this hierarchy @param pageSize - the maximum number of rooms to return per page, can be overridden per load request. @param maxDepth - the maximum depth to traverse the hierarchy to @param suggestedOnly - whether to only return rooms with suggested=true. 5124
scheduler.js This is an internal module which manages queuing, scheduling and retrying of requests. 11935
secret-storage.js Implementation of server-side secret storage @see 13962
service-types.js #__PURE__ 924
sliding-sync-sdk.js 33355
sliding-sync.js Represents a subscription to a room or set of rooms. Controls which events are returned. 30975
sync-accumulator.js This is an internal module. See {@link SyncAccumulator} for the public class. 21772
sync.js TODO: This class mainly serves to take all the syncing logic out of client.js and into a separate file. It's all very fluid, and this class gut wrenches a lot of MatrixClient props (e.g. http). Given we want to support WebSockets as an alternative syncing API, we may want to have a proper syncing interface for HTTP and WS at some point. 69459
thread-utils.js Returns a filter function for the /relations endpoint to filter out relations directly to the thread root event that should not live in the thread timeline @param threadId - the thread ID (ie. the event ID of the root event of the thread) @returns the filtered list of events 1254
timeline-window.js @internal 17857
ToDeviceMessageQueue.js Maintains a queue of outgoing to-device messages, sending them as soon as the homeserver is reachable. 5846
utils.js This is an internal module. 26544
version-support.js A list of the spec versions which the js-sdk is compatible with. In practice, this means: when we connect to a server, it must declare support for one of the versions in this list. Note that it does not *necessarily* mean that the js-sdk has good support for all the features in the listed spec versions; only that we should be able to provide a base level of functionality with a server that offers support for any of the listed versions. 1756