Revision control

Copy as Markdown

import SceneKit
class FocusNode: SCNNode {
private var lastPositionOnPlane: SCNVector3?
private var lastPosition: SCNVector3?
private var recentFocusSquarePositions: [SCNVector3] = []
private var anchorOfVisitedPlanes: Set<ARPlaneAnchor> = []
private var isAnimating = false
private var isOpen = false
private var onNode: SCNNode?
private var offNode: SCNNode?
private let FOCUS_SQUARE_SIZE = 0.17
override init() {
opacity = 0
self.recentFocusSquarePositions = [SCNVector3]()
self.anchorOfVisitedPlanes = Set<ARPlaneAnchor>()
let nodeOn = SCNNode()
let planeOn = SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(FOCUS_SQUARE_SIZE), height: CGFloat(FOCUS_SQUARE_SIZE))
let materialOn = SCNMaterial()
let imgOn = UIImage(named: "Models.scnassets/yes_white.png")
materialOn.diffuse.contents = imgOn
//[[materialOn diffuse] setIntensity:0.5];
planeOn.materials = [materialOn]
nodeOn.geometry = planeOn
nodeOn.transform = SCNMatrix4MakeRotation(-.pi / 2, 1, 0, 0)
self.onNode = nodeOn
let nodeOff = SCNNode()
let planeOff = SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(FOCUS_SQUARE_SIZE), height: CGFloat(FOCUS_SQUARE_SIZE))
let materialOff = SCNMaterial()
let imgOff = UIImage(named: "Models.scnassets/no_white.png")
materialOff.diffuse.contents = imgOff
//[[materialOff diffuse] setIntensity:0.5];
planeOff.materials = [materialOff]
nodeOff.geometry = planeOff
nodeOff.transform = SCNMatrix4MakeRotation(-.pi / 2.0, 1, 0, 0)
self.offNode = nodeOff
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
@objc func update(forPosition position: SCNVector3, planeAnchor anchor: ARPlaneAnchor?, camera: ARCamera?) {
self.lastPosition = position
if anchor != nil {
guard let anchor = anchor else { return }
self.lastPositionOnPlane = position
onNode?.opacity = 1
offNode?.opacity = 0
} else {
onNode?.opacity = 0
offNode?.opacity = 1
runAction(SCNAction.customAction(duration: 0.5, action: { node, elapsedTime in
self.updateTransform(forPosition: position, camera: camera)
func averageFromRecentPositions() -> SCNVector3 {
var x: Float = 0
var y: Float = 0
var z: Float = 0
for position in recentFocusSquarePositions {
x += position.x
y += position.y
z += position.z
return SCNVector3Make(x / Float(recentFocusSquarePositions.count), y / Float(recentFocusSquarePositions.count), z / Float(recentFocusSquarePositions.count))
func updateTransform(forPosition position: SCNVector3, camera: ARCamera?) {
// add to list of recent positions
// remove anything older than the last 8
let toRemove: Int = recentFocusSquarePositions.count - 8
if toRemove > 0 {
if let subRange = Range(NSRange(location: 0, length: toRemove)) { recentFocusSquarePositions.removeSubrange(subRange) }
// move to average of recent positions to avoid jitter
self.position = averageFromRecentPositions()
let scale: CGFloat = scaleBased(onDistance: camera)
// Correct y rotation of camera square
guard let camera = camera else { return }
let tilt = CGFloat(abs(camera.eulerAngles.x))
let threshold1: CGFloat = .pi / 2 * 0.65
let threshold2: CGFloat = .pi / 2 * 0.75
let yaw = atan2(camera.transform.columns.0.x, camera.transform.columns.1.x)
var angle: CGFloat = 0
if tilt > 0 && tilt < threshold1 {
angle = CGFloat(camera.eulerAngles.y)
} else if tilt >= threshold1 && tilt < threshold2 {
let relativeInRange = CGFloat(abs((tilt - threshold1) / (threshold2 - threshold1)))
let normalizedY = normalizeAngle(CGFloat(camera.eulerAngles.y), forMinimalRotationTo: CGFloat(yaw))
angle = normalizedY * (1 - relativeInRange) + CGFloat(yaw) * relativeInRange
} else {
angle = CGFloat(yaw)
rotation = SCNVector4Make(0, 1, 0, Float(angle))
func normalizeAngle(_ angle: CGFloat, forMinimalRotationTo rotation: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
// Normalize angle in steps of 90 degrees such that the rotation to the other angle is minimal
var normalized: CGFloat = angle
while abs(Float(normalized - rotation)) > .pi / 4 {
if angle > rotation {
normalized -= .pi / 2
} else {
normalized += .pi / 2
return normalized
func scaleBased(onDistance camera: ARCamera?) -> CGFloat {
guard let camera = camera else { return 1 }
let diff: SCNVector3 = SCNVector3Make(worldPosition.x - camera.transform.columns.3.x , worldPosition.y - camera.transform.columns.3.y, worldPosition.z - camera.transform.columns.3.z)
let distanceFromCamera = CGFloat(sqrtf(diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y + diff.z * diff.z))
// This function reduces size changes of the focus square based on the distance by scaling it up if it far away,
// and down if it is very close.
// The values are adjusted such that scale will be 1 in 0.7 m distance (estimated distance when looking at a table),
// and 1.2 in 1.5 m distance (estimated distance when looking at the floor).
let newScale: CGFloat = distanceFromCamera < 0.7 ? (distanceFromCamera / 0.7) : (0.25 * distanceFromCamera + 0.825)
return newScale
extension SCNNode {
func setUniformScale(_ scale: CGFloat) {
self.scale = SCNVector3Make(Float(scale), Float(scale), Float(scale))