Revision control

Copy as Markdown

import ARKit
import CoreVideo
import Metal
import MetalKit
import ModelIO
import simd
Protocol abstracting the platform specific view in order to keep the Renderer
class independent from platform.
typealias CompletionUpdate = () -> Void
// Include header shared between C code here, which executes Metal API commands, and .metal files
// The max number of command buffers in flight
private let kMaxBuffersInFlight: Int = 3
// The max number anchors our uniform buffer will hold
private let kMaxAnchorInstanceCount: Int = 64
// The 256 byte aligned size of our uniform structures
private let kAlignedSharedUniformsSize: size_t = (MemoryLayout<SharedUniforms>.size & ~0xff) + 0x100
private let kAlignedInstanceUniformsSize: size_t = ((MemoryLayout<InstanceUniforms>.size * kMaxAnchorInstanceCount) & ~0xff) + 0x100
// Vertex data for an image plane
private let kImagePlaneVertexData = [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
protocol RenderDestinationProvider: class {
var currentRenderPassDescriptor: MTLRenderPassDescriptor? { get }
var currentDrawable: MTLDrawable? { get }
var colorPixelFormat: MTLPixelFormat? { get set }
var depthStencilPixelFormat: MTLPixelFormat? { get set }
var sampleCount: Int { get set }
The main class performing the rendering of a session.
class Renderer: NSObject {
// The session the renderer will render
private var session: ARSession?
// The object controlling the ultimate render destination
private weak var renderDestination: RenderDestinationProvider?
private var inFlightSemaphore: DispatchSemaphore?
// Metal objects
private weak var device: MTLDevice?
private weak var commandQueue: MTLCommandQueue?
private weak var sharedUniformBuffer: MTLBuffer?
private weak var anchorUniformBuffer: MTLBuffer?
private weak var imagePlaneVertexBuffer: MTLBuffer?
private weak var capturedImagePipelineState: MTLRenderPipelineState?
private weak var capturedImageDepthState: MTLDepthStencilState?
private weak var anchorPipelineState: MTLRenderPipelineState?
private weak var anchorDepthState: MTLDepthStencilState?
private weak var capturedImageTextureY: MTLTexture?
private weak var capturedImageTextureCbCr: MTLTexture?
// Captured image texture cache
private var capturedImageTextureCache: CVOpenGLESTextureCache?
// Metal vertex descriptor specifying how vertices will by laid out for input into our
// anchor geometry render pipeline and how we'll layout our Model IO verticies
private var geometryVertexDescriptor: MTLVertexDescriptor?
// MetalKit mesh containing vertex data and index buffer for our anchor geometry
private var cubeMesh: MTKMesh?
// Used to determine _uniformBufferStride each frame.
// This is the current frame number modulo kMaxBuffersInFlight
private var uniformBufferIndex: UInt8 = 0
// Offset within _sharedUniformBuffer to set for the current frame
private var sharedUniformBufferOffset: UInt32 = 0
// Offset within _anchorUniformBuffer to set for the current frame
private var anchorUniformBufferOffset: UInt32 = 0
// Addresses to write shared uniforms to each frame
private var sharedUniformBufferAddress: Void?
// Addresses to write anchor uniforms to each frame
private var anchorUniformBufferAddress: Void?
// The number of anchor instances to render
private var anchorInstanceCount: Int = 0
// The current viewport size
private var viewportSize =
// Flag for viewport size changes
private var viewportSizeDidChange = false
private var orientation: UIInterfaceOrientation?
var completionUpdate: CompletionUpdate?
init(session: ARSession, metalDevice device: MTLDevice?, renderDestinationProvider: RenderDestinationProvider?) {
self.session = session
self.device = device
renderDestination = renderDestinationProvider
inFlightSemaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: kMaxBuffersInFlight)
func drawRectResized(_ size: CGSize, orientation: UIInterfaceOrientation) {
viewportSize = size
viewportSizeDidChange = true
self.orientation = orientation
func update() {
// Wait to ensure only kMaxBuffersInFlight are getting proccessed by any stage in the Metal
// pipeline (App, Metal, Drivers, GPU, etc)
// Commented when converted since unused and throwing errors/warnings
// guard let inFlight = inFlightSemaphore else { return }
// dispatch_semaphore_wait(inFlight, DispatchTime.distantFuture.uptimeNanoseconds)
// Create a new command buffer for each renderpass to the current drawable
let commandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer? = commandQueue?.makeCommandBuffer()
commandBuffer?.label = "MyCommand"
// Add completion hander which signal _inFlightSemaphore when Metal and the GPU has fully
// finished proccssing the commands we're encoding this frame. This indicates when the
// dynamic buffers, that we're writing to this frame, will no longer be needed by Metal
// and the GPU.
let block_sema: DispatchSemaphore? = inFlightSemaphore
commandBuffer?.addCompletedHandler({ buffer in
if self.completionUpdate != nil {
// Obtain a renderPassDescriptor generated from the view's drawable textures
let renderPassDescriptor: MTLRenderPassDescriptor? = renderDestination?.currentRenderPassDescriptor
// If we've gotten a renderPassDescriptor we can render to the drawable, otherwise we'll skip
// any rendering this frame because we have no drawable to draw to
if renderPassDescriptor != nil {
// Create a render command encoder so we can render into something
var renderEncoder: MTLRenderCommandEncoder? = nil
if let renderPassDescriptor = renderPassDescriptor {
renderEncoder = commandBuffer?.makeRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor: renderPassDescriptor)
renderEncoder?.label = "MyRenderEncoder"
_drawCapturedImage(with: renderEncoder)
_drawAnchorGeometry(with: renderEncoder)
// We're done encoding commands
// Schedule a present once the framebuffer is complete using the current drawable
if let currentDrawable = renderDestination?.currentDrawable {
// Finalize rendering here & push the command buffer to the GPU
// MARK: - Private
func _loadMetal() {
// Create and load our basic Metal state objects
// Set the default formats needed to render
renderDestination?.depthStencilPixelFormat = .depth32Float_stencil8
renderDestination?.colorPixelFormat = .bgra8Unorm
renderDestination?.sampleCount = 1
// Calculate our uniform buffer sizes. We allocate kMaxBuffersInFlight instances for uniform
// storage in a single buffer. This allows us to update uniforms in a ring (i.e. triple
// buffer the uniforms) so that the GPU reads from one slot in the ring wil the CPU writes
// to another. Anchor uniforms should be specified with a max instance count for instancing.
// Also uniform storage must be aligned (to 256 bytes) to meet the requirements to be an
// argument in the constant address space of our shading functions.
let sharedUniformBufferSize = Int(kAlignedSharedUniformsSize * kMaxBuffersInFlight)
let anchorUniformBufferSize = Int(kAlignedInstanceUniformsSize * kMaxBuffersInFlight)
// Create and allocate our uniform buffer objects. Indicate shared storage so that both the
// CPU can access the buffer
sharedUniformBuffer = device?.makeBuffer(length: sharedUniformBufferSize, options: .storageModeShared)
sharedUniformBuffer?.label = "SharedUniformBuffer"
anchorUniformBuffer = device?.makeBuffer(length: anchorUniformBufferSize, options: .storageModeShared)
anchorUniformBuffer?.label = "AnchorUniformBuffer"
// Create a vertex buffer with our image plane vertex data.
// Commented when converted since unused and throwing errors
// imagePlaneVertexBuffer = device?.makeBuffer(bytes: &kImagePlaneVertexData, length: MemoryLayout<kImagePlaneVertexData>.size, options: [])
imagePlaneVertexBuffer?.label = "ImagePlaneVertexBuffer"
// Load all the shader files with a metal file extension in the project
let defaultLibrary: MTLLibrary? = device?.makeDefaultLibrary()
let capturedImageVertexFunction: MTLFunction? = defaultLibrary?.makeFunction(name: "capturedImageVertexTransform")
let capturedImageFragmentFunction: MTLFunction? = defaultLibrary?.makeFunction(name: "capturedImageFragmentShader")
// Create a vertex descriptor for our image plane vertex buffer
let imagePlaneVertexDescriptor = MTLVertexDescriptor()
// Positions.
imagePlaneVertexDescriptor.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributePosition.rawValue].format = MTLVertexFormat.float2
imagePlaneVertexDescriptor.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributePosition.rawValue].offset = 0
imagePlaneVertexDescriptor.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributePosition.rawValue].bufferIndex = BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshPositions.rawValue
// Texture coordinates.
imagePlaneVertexDescriptor.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeTexcoord.rawValue].format = MTLVertexFormat.float2
imagePlaneVertexDescriptor.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeTexcoord.rawValue].offset = 8
imagePlaneVertexDescriptor.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeTexcoord.rawValue].bufferIndex = BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshPositions.rawValue
// Position Buffer Layout
imagePlaneVertexDescriptor.layouts[BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshPositions.rawValue].stride = 16
imagePlaneVertexDescriptor.layouts[BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshPositions.rawValue].stepRate = 1
imagePlaneVertexDescriptor.layouts[BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshPositions.rawValue].stepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.perVertex
// Create a pipeline state for rendering the captured image
let capturedImagePipelineStateDescriptor = MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor()
capturedImagePipelineStateDescriptor.label = "MyCapturedImagePipeline"
capturedImagePipelineStateDescriptor.sampleCount = renderDestination?.sampleCount ?? 0
capturedImagePipelineStateDescriptor.vertexFunction = capturedImageVertexFunction
capturedImagePipelineStateDescriptor.fragmentFunction = capturedImageFragmentFunction
capturedImagePipelineStateDescriptor.vertexDescriptor = imagePlaneVertexDescriptor
if let colorPixelFormat = renderDestination?.colorPixelFormat {
capturedImagePipelineStateDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = colorPixelFormat
if let depthStencilPixelFormat = renderDestination?.depthStencilPixelFormat {
capturedImagePipelineStateDescriptor.depthAttachmentPixelFormat = depthStencilPixelFormat
if let depthStencilPixelFormat = renderDestination?.depthStencilPixelFormat {
capturedImagePipelineStateDescriptor.stencilAttachmentPixelFormat = depthStencilPixelFormat
let error: Error? = nil
capturedImagePipelineState = try! device?.makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor: capturedImagePipelineStateDescriptor)
if capturedImagePipelineState == nil {
if let error = error {
print("Failed to created captured image pipeline state, error \(error)")
let capturedImageDepthStateDescriptor = MTLDepthStencilDescriptor()
capturedImageDepthStateDescriptor.depthCompareFunction = .always
capturedImageDepthStateDescriptor.isDepthWriteEnabled = false
capturedImageDepthState = device?.makeDepthStencilState(descriptor: capturedImageDepthStateDescriptor)
// Create captured image texture cache
CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreate(nil, nil, device as! CVEAGLContext, nil, &capturedImageTextureCache)
let anchorGeometryVertexFunction: MTLFunction? = defaultLibrary?.makeFunction(name: "anchorGeometryVertexTransform")
let anchorGeometryFragmentFunction: MTLFunction? = defaultLibrary?.makeFunction(name: "anchorGeometryFragmentLighting")
// Create a vertex descriptor for our Metal pipeline. Specifies the layout of vertices the
// pipeline should expect. The layout below keeps attributes used to calculate vertex shader
// output position separate (world position, skinning, tweening weights) separate from other
// attributes (texture coordinates, normals). This generally maximizes pipeline efficiency
geometryVertexDescriptor = MTLVertexDescriptor()
// Positions.
geometryVertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributePosition.rawValue].format = MTLVertexFormat.float3
geometryVertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributePosition.rawValue].offset = 0
geometryVertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributePosition.rawValue].bufferIndex = BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshPositions.rawValue
// Texture coordinates.
geometryVertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeTexcoord.rawValue].format = MTLVertexFormat.float2
geometryVertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeTexcoord.rawValue].offset = 0
geometryVertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeTexcoord.rawValue].bufferIndex = BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshGenerics.rawValue
// Normals.
geometryVertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeNormal.rawValue].format = MTLVertexFormat.half3
geometryVertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeNormal.rawValue].offset = 8
geometryVertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeNormal.rawValue].bufferIndex = BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshGenerics.rawValue
// Position Buffer Layout
geometryVertexDescriptor?.layouts[BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshPositions.rawValue].stride = 12
geometryVertexDescriptor?.layouts[BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshPositions.rawValue].stepRate = 1
geometryVertexDescriptor?.layouts[BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshPositions.rawValue].stepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.perVertex
// Generic Attribute Buffer Layout
geometryVertexDescriptor?.layouts[BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshGenerics.rawValue].stride = 16
geometryVertexDescriptor?.layouts[BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshGenerics.rawValue].stepRate = 1
geometryVertexDescriptor?.layouts[BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshGenerics.rawValue].stepFunction = MTLVertexStepFunction.perVertex
// Create a reusable pipeline state for rendering anchor geometry
let anchorPipelineStateDescriptor = MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor()
anchorPipelineStateDescriptor.label = "MyAnchorPipeline"
anchorPipelineStateDescriptor.sampleCount = renderDestination?.sampleCount ?? 0
anchorPipelineStateDescriptor.vertexFunction = anchorGeometryVertexFunction
anchorPipelineStateDescriptor.fragmentFunction = anchorGeometryFragmentFunction
anchorPipelineStateDescriptor.vertexDescriptor = geometryVertexDescriptor
if let colorPixelFormat = renderDestination?.colorPixelFormat {
anchorPipelineStateDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = colorPixelFormat
if let depthStencilPixelFormat = renderDestination?.depthStencilPixelFormat {
anchorPipelineStateDescriptor.depthAttachmentPixelFormat = depthStencilPixelFormat
if let depthStencilPixelFormat = renderDestination?.depthStencilPixelFormat {
anchorPipelineStateDescriptor.stencilAttachmentPixelFormat = depthStencilPixelFormat
anchorPipelineState = try! device?.makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor: anchorPipelineStateDescriptor)
if anchorPipelineState == nil {
if let error = error {
print("Failed to created geometry pipeline state, error \(error)")
let anchorDepthStateDescriptor = MTLDepthStencilDescriptor()
anchorDepthStateDescriptor.depthCompareFunction = .less
anchorDepthStateDescriptor.isDepthWriteEnabled = true
anchorDepthState = device?.makeDepthStencilState(descriptor: anchorDepthStateDescriptor)
// Create the command queue
commandQueue = device?.makeCommandQueue()
func _loadAssets() {
// Create and load our assets into Metal objects including meshes and textures
// Create a MetalKit mesh buffer allocator so that ModelIO will load mesh data directly into
// Metal buffers accessible by the GPU
var metalAllocator: MTKMeshBufferAllocator? = nil
if let device = device {
metalAllocator = MTKMeshBufferAllocator(device: device)
// Creata a Model IO vertexDescriptor so that we format/layout our model IO mesh vertices to
// fit our Metal render pipeline's vertex descriptor layout
guard let geometryVertexDescriptor = geometryVertexDescriptor else { return }
let vertexDescriptor: MDLVertexDescriptor? = MTKModelIOVertexDescriptorFromMetal(geometryVertexDescriptor)
// Indicate how each Metal vertex descriptor attribute maps to each ModelIO attribute
// Commented when converted since unused and throwing errors
// vertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributePosition.rawValue].name = MDLVertexAttributePosition
// vertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeTexcoord.rawValue].name = MDLVertexAttributeTextureCoordinate
// vertexDescriptor?.attributes[VertexAttributes.kVertexAttributeNormal.rawValue].name = MDLVertexAttributeNormal
// Use ModelIO to create a box mesh as our object
var mesh: MDLMesh? = nil
let float3 = vector_float3(0.075, 0.075, 0.075)
let uint3 = vector_uint3(1, 1, 1)
mesh = MDLMesh.newBox(withDimensions: float3, segments: uint3, geometryType: .triangles, inwardNormals: false, allocator: metalAllocator)
// Perform the format/relayout of mesh vertices by setting the new vertex descriptor in our
// Model IO mesh
if let vertexDescriptor = vertexDescriptor {
mesh?.vertexDescriptor = vertexDescriptor
let error: Error? = nil
// Create a MetalKit mesh (and submeshes) backed by Metal buffers
if let mesh = mesh, let device = device {
cubeMesh = try? MTKMesh(mesh: mesh, device: device)
if cubeMesh == nil || error != nil {
print("Error creating MetalKit mesh \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "")")
func _updateBufferStates() {
// Update the location(s) to which we'll write to in our dynamically changing Metal buffers for
// the current frame (i.e. update our slot in the ring buffer used for the current frame)
uniformBufferIndex = UInt8(Int((uniformBufferIndex + 1)) % kMaxBuffersInFlight)
sharedUniformBufferOffset = UInt32(UInt8(kAlignedSharedUniformsSize) * uniformBufferIndex)
anchorUniformBufferOffset = UInt32(UInt8(kAlignedInstanceUniformsSize) * uniformBufferIndex)
// Commented when converted since unused and throwing errors
// sharedUniformBufferAddress = sharedUniformBuffer?.contents + sharedUniformBufferOffset
// anchorUniformBufferAddress = UInt(UInt8(anchorUniformBuffer?.contents() ?? 0)) + UInt(anchorUniformBufferOffset)
func _updateGameState() {
// Update any game state
let currentFrame: ARFrame? = session?.currentFrame
if currentFrame == nil {
if let currentFrame = currentFrame {
_updateSharedUniforms(with: currentFrame)
if let currentFrame = currentFrame {
_updateAnchors(with: currentFrame)
if let currentFrame = currentFrame {
_updateCapturedImageTextures(with: currentFrame)
if viewportSizeDidChange {
viewportSizeDidChange = false
if let currentFrame = currentFrame {
_updateImagePlane(with: currentFrame)
func _updateSharedUniforms(with frame: ARFrame) {
// Update the shared uniforms of the frame
var uniforms = sharedUniformBufferAddress as? SharedUniforms
guard let orientation = orientation else { return }
uniforms?.viewMatrix =
uniforms?.projectionMatrix = orientation, viewportSize: viewportSize, zNear: 0.001, zFar: 1000)
// Set up lighting for the scene using the ambient intensity if provided
var ambientIntensity: Float = 1.0
if frame.lightEstimate != nil {
ambientIntensity = Float((frame.lightEstimate?.ambientIntensity ?? 0.0) / 1000)
let ambientLightColor = vector_float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
uniforms?.ambientLightColor = ambientLightColor * ambientIntensity
var directionalLightDirection = vector_float3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
directionalLightDirection = normalize(directionalLightDirection)
uniforms?.directionalLightDirection = directionalLightDirection
let directionalLightColor = vector_float3(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)
uniforms?.directionalLightColor = directionalLightColor * ambientIntensity
uniforms?.materialShininess = 30
func _updateAnchors(with frame: ARFrame) {
var anchorObjects = [AnyHashable]()
(frame.anchors as NSArray).enumerateObjects({ obj, idx, stop in
if (obj is ARPlaneAnchor) == false {
if let obj = obj as? AnyHashable {
// Update the anchor uniform buffer with transforms of the current frame's anchors
let anchorInstanceCount = min(anchorObjects.count, kMaxAnchorInstanceCount)
var anchorOffset: Int = 0
if anchorInstanceCount == kMaxAnchorInstanceCount {
anchorOffset = max(anchorObjects.count - kMaxAnchorInstanceCount, 0)
for index in 0..<anchorInstanceCount {
var anchorUniforms: InstanceUniforms? = nil
if let address = anchorUniformBufferAddress as? InstanceUniforms {
// Commented when converted since unused and throwing errors
// anchorUniforms = address + index
let anchor = anchorObjects[index + anchorOffset] as? ARAnchor
// Flip Z axis to convert geometry from right handed to left handed
var coordinateSpaceTransform = matrix_identity_float4x4
coordinateSpaceTransform.columns.2.z = -1.0
guard let transform = anchor?.transform else { return }
anchorUniforms?.modelMatrix = matrix_multiply(transform, coordinateSpaceTransform)
self.anchorInstanceCount = anchorInstanceCount
func _updateCapturedImageTextures(with frame: ARFrame) {
// Create two textures (Y and CbCr) from the provided frame's captured image
let pixelBuffer = frame.capturedImage
if CVPixelBufferGetPlaneCount(pixelBuffer) < 2 {
capturedImageTextureY = _createTexture(from: pixelBuffer, pixelFormat: .r8Unorm, planeIndex: 0)
capturedImageTextureCbCr = _createTexture(from: pixelBuffer, pixelFormat: .rg8Unorm, planeIndex: 1)
func _createTexture(from pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer?, pixelFormat: MTLPixelFormat, planeIndex: Int) -> MTLTexture? {
var mtlTexture: MTLTexture? = nil
guard let pixelBuffer = pixelBuffer,
let capturedImageTextureCache = capturedImageTextureCache else { return nil }
let width = CVPixelBufferGetWidthOfPlane(pixelBuffer, planeIndex)
let height = CVPixelBufferGetHeightOfPlane(pixelBuffer, planeIndex)
var texture: CVMetalTexture? = nil
let status = CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(nil, capturedImageTextureCache, pixelBuffer, nil, 0, GLint(pixelFormat.rawValue), GLsizei(width), GLsizei(height), 0, 0, planeIndex, &texture)
//CVReturn status = CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(NULL, _capturedImageTextureCache, pixelBuffer, NULL, pixelFormat, width, height, planeIndex, &texture);
guard let texture1 = texture else { return nil }
if status == kCVReturnSuccess {
mtlTexture = CVMetalTextureGetTexture(texture1)
return mtlTexture
func _updateImagePlane(with frame: ARFrame) {
// Update the texture coordinates of our image plane to aspect fill the viewport
// Commented when converted since unused and throwing errors
// guard let orientation = orientation else { return }
// let displayToCameraTransform: CGAffineTransform = frame.displayTransform(for: orientation, viewportSize: viewportSize).inverted()
// if let vertexData = Float(imagePlaneVertexBuffer?.contents()) {
// for index in 0..<4 {
// let textureCoordIndex: Int = 4 * index + 2
// let textureCoord = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(kImagePlaneVertexData[textureCoordIndex]), y: CGFloat(kImagePlaneVertexData[textureCoordIndex + 1]))
// let transformedCoord: CGPoint = textureCoord.applying(displayToCameraTransform)
// vertexData?[textureCoordIndex] = Float(transformedCoord.x)
// vertexData?[textureCoordIndex + 1] = Float(transformedCoord.y)
// }
// }
func _drawCapturedImage(with renderEncoder: MTLRenderCommandEncoder?) {
if capturedImageTextureY == nil || capturedImageTextureCbCr == nil {
// Push a debug group allowing us to identify render commands in the GPU Frame Capture tool
// Set render command encoder state
if let capturedImagePipelineState = capturedImagePipelineState {
// Set mesh's vertex buffers
renderEncoder?.setVertexBuffer(imagePlaneVertexBuffer, offset: 0, index: BufferIndices.kBufferIndexMeshPositions.rawValue)
// Set any textures read/sampled from our render pipeline
renderEncoder?.setFragmentTexture(capturedImageTextureY, index: TextureIndices.kTextureIndexY.rawValue)
renderEncoder?.setFragmentTexture(capturedImageTextureCbCr, index: TextureIndices.kTextureIndexCbCr.rawValue)
// Draw each submesh of our mesh
renderEncoder?.drawPrimitives(type: .triangleStrip, vertexStart: 0, vertexCount: 4)
func _drawAnchorGeometry(with renderEncoder: MTLRenderCommandEncoder?) {
if anchorInstanceCount == 0 {
// Push a debug group allowing us to identify render commands in the GPU Frame Capture tool
// Set render command encoder state
if let anchorPipelineState = anchorPipelineState {
//[renderEncoder setTriangleFillMode:MTLTriangleFillModeLines];
// Set any buffers fed into our render pipeline
renderEncoder?.setVertexBuffer(anchorUniformBuffer, offset: Int(anchorUniformBufferOffset), index: BufferIndices.kBufferIndexInstanceUniforms.rawValue)
renderEncoder?.setVertexBuffer(sharedUniformBuffer, offset: Int(sharedUniformBufferOffset), index: BufferIndices.kBufferIndexSharedUniforms.rawValue)
renderEncoder?.setFragmentBuffer(sharedUniformBuffer, offset: Int(sharedUniformBufferOffset), index: BufferIndices.kBufferIndexSharedUniforms.rawValue)
// Set mesh's vertex buffers
for bufferIndex in 0..<(cubeMesh?.vertexBuffers.count ?? 0) {
let vertexBuffer = cubeMesh?.vertexBuffers[bufferIndex]
renderEncoder?.setVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer?.buffer, offset: vertexBuffer?.offset ?? 0, index: bufferIndex)
// Draw each submesh of our mesh
for submesh: MTKSubmesh in cubeMesh?.submeshes ?? [] {
renderEncoder?.drawIndexedPrimitives(type: submesh.primitiveType, indexCount: submesh.indexCount, indexType: submesh.indexType, indexBuffer: submesh.indexBuffer.buffer, indexBufferOffset: submesh.indexBuffer.offset, instanceCount: anchorInstanceCount)