Revision control

Copy as Markdown

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from os import getcwd
from sys import stdout
from re import escape as re_escape
from uuid import uuid1
from locale import getpreferredencoding
from codecs import getwriter
from hashlib import md5
except ImportError:
import md5
from os import path
from termcolor import colored
__all__ = ('Path', 'Writer', 'file_md5', 'format_to_re',)
def format_to_re(format):
"""Return the regular expression that matches all possible values
the given Python 2 format string (using %(foo)s placeholders) can
possibly resolve to.
Each placeholder in the format string is captured in a named group.
The difficult part here is inserting unescaped regular expression
syntax in place of the format variables, while still properly
escaping the rest.
See this link for more info on the problem:
UNIQ = uuid1().hex
assert UNIQ not in format
class MarkPlaceholders(dict):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return UNIQ + ('(?P<%s>.*?)' % key) + UNIQ
parts = (format % MarkPlaceholders()).split(UNIQ)
for i in range(0, len(parts), 2):
parts[i] = re_escape(parts[i])
return ''.join(parts)
def file_md5(filename):
"""Generate the md5 hash of the given file.
h = md5()
f = open(filename, 'rb')
while True:
# 128 is the md5 digest blocksize
data =*10)
if not data:
return h.digest()
class Path(str):
"""Helper representing a filesystem path that can be "bound" to a base
path. You can then ask it to render as a relative path to that base.
def __new__(self, *parts, **kwargs):
base = kwargs.pop('base', None)
if kwargs:
raise TypeError()
self.base = base
abs = path.normpath(path.abspath(path.join(*parts)))
return str.__new__(self, abs)
def rel(self):
"""Return this path relative to the base it was bound to.
base = self.base or getcwd()
if not hasattr(path, 'relpath'): # pragma: no cover
# Python < 2.6 doesn't have relpath, and I don't want
# to bother with a wbole bunch of code for this. See
# if we can simply remove the prefix, and if not, 2.5
# users will have to live with the absolute path.
if self.path.startswith(base):
return self.path[len(base)+1:]
return self.abs
return path.relpath(self, start=base)
def abs(self):
return self
def exists(self):
return path.exists(self)
def dir(self):
return Path(path.dirname(self), base=self.base)
def hash(self):
return file_md5(self)
class Writer():
"""Helps printing messages to the output, in a very particular form.
Supported are two concepts, "actions" and "messages". A message is
always the child of an action. There is a limited set of action
types (we call them events). Each event and each message may have a
"severity". The severity can determine how a message or event is
rendered (if the terminals supports colors), and will also affect
whether a action or message is rendered at all, depending on verbosity
If a message exceeds it's action in severity causing the message to
be visible but the action not, the action will forcably be rendered as
well. For this reason, the class keeps track of the last message that
should have been printed.
There is also a mechanism which allows to delay printing an action.
That is, you may begin constructing an action and collecting it's
messages, and only later print it out. You would want to do this if
the event type can only be determined after the action is completed,
since it often indicates the outcome.
# Action types and their default levels
'info': 'info',
'mkdir': 'default',
'updated': 'default',
'unchanged': 'default',
'skipped': 'warning',
'created': 'default',
'exists': 'default',
'failed': 'error'
# Levels and the minimum verbosity required to show them
LEVELS = {'default': 2, 'warning': 1, 'error': 0, 'info': 3}
# +2 for [ and ]
# +1 for additional left padding
max_event_len = max([len(k) for k in list(EVENTS.keys())]) + 2 + 1
class Action(dict):
def __init__(self, writer, *more, **data):
self.writer = writer
self.messages = []
self.is_done = False
self.awaiting_promotion = False
dict.__init__(self, {'text': '', 'status': None, 'severity': None})
self.update(*more, **data)
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
if name == 'severity':
assert value in Writer.LEVELS, 'Not a valid severity value'
dict.__setitem__(self, name, value)
def done(self, event, *more, **data):
"""Mark this action as done. This will cause it and it's
current messages to be printed, provided they pass the
verbosity threshold, of course.
assert event in Writer.EVENTS, 'Not a valid event type'
self['event'] = event
self.update(*more, **data)
if self in self.writer._pending_actions:
self.is_done = True
if self.severity == 'error':
self.writer.erroneous = True
def update(self, text=None, severity=None, **more_data):
"""Update the message with the given data.
if text:
self['text'] = text
if severity:
self['severity'] = severity
dict.update(self, **more_data)
def message(self, message, severity='info'):
"""Print a message belonging to this action.
If the action is not yet done, this will be added to
an internal queue.
If the action is done, but was not printed because it didn't
pass the verbosity threshold, it will be printed now.
By default, all messages use a loglevel of 'info'.
is_allowed = self.writer.allowed(severity)
if severity == 'error':
self.writer.erroneous = True
if not self.is_done:
if is_allowed:
self.messages.append((message, severity))
elif is_allowed:
if self.awaiting_promotion:
self.writer._print_action(self, force=True)
self.writer._print_message(message, severity)
def event(self):
return self['event']
def severity(self):
sev = self['severity']
if not sev:
sev = Writer.EVENTS[self.event]
return sev
def __init__(self, verbosity=LEVELS['default']):
self._current_action = None
self._pending_actions = []
self.verbosity = verbosity
self.erroneous = False
# Create a codec writer wrapping stdout
self.stdout = getwriter(self.get_encoding())(stdout)
def get_encoding():
if hasattr(stdout, 'isatty') and stdout.isatty():
return stdout.encoding
return getpreferredencoding()
def action(self, event, *a, **kw):
action = Writer.Action(self, *a, **kw)
return action
def begin(self, *a, **kw):
"""Begin a new action, and return it. The action will not be
printed until you call ``done()`` on it.
In the meantime, you can attach message to it though, which will
be printed together with the action once it is "done".
action = Writer.Action(self, *a, **kw)
return action
def message(self, *a, **kw):
"""Attach a message to the last action to be completed. This
includes actions that have not yet been printed (due to not
passing the threshold), but does not include actions that are
not yet marked as 'done'.
self._current_action.message(*a, **kw)
def finish(self):
"""Close down all pending actions that have been began(), but
are not yet done.
Not the sibling of begin()!
for action in self._pending_actions:
if not action.is_done:
self._pending_actions = []
def allowed(self, severity):
"""Return ``True`` if mesages with this severity pass
the current verbosity threshold.
return self.verbosity >= self.LEVELS[severity]
def _get_style_for_level(self, severity):
"""Return a dict that can be passed as **kwargs to colored().
# Other colors that work moderately well on both dark and
# light backgrounds and aren't yet used: cyan, green
return {
'default': {'color': 'blue'},
'info': {},
'warning': {'color': 'magenta'},
'error': {'color': 'red'},
}.get(severity, {})
def get_style_for_action(self, action):
"""First looks at the event type to determine a style, then
falls back to severity for good measure.
return {
'info': {}, # alyways render info in default
'exists': {'color': 'blue'}
except KeyError:
return self._get_style_for_level(action.severity)
def _print_action(self, action, force=False):
"""Print the action and all it's attached messages.
if force or self.allowed(action.severity) or action.messages:
for m, severity in action.messages:
self._print_message(m, severity)
action.awaiting_promotion = False
# Indicates that this message has not been printed yet,
# and is waiting for a dependent message that needs to
# be printed to trigger it.
action.awaiting_promotion = True
self._current_action = action
def _print_action_header(self, action):
text = action['text']
status = action['status']
if isinstance(text, Path):
# Handle Path instances manually. This doesn't happen
# automatically because we haven't figur out how to make
# that class represent itself through the relative path
# by default, while still returning the full path if it
# is used, say, during an open() operation.
text = text.rel
if status:
text = "%s (%s)" % (text, status)
tag = "[%s]" % action['event']
style = self.get_style_for_action(action)
self.stdout.write(colored("%*s" % (self.max_event_len, tag), attrs=['bold'], **style))
self.stdout.write(" ")
self.stdout.write(colored(text, **style))
def _print_message(self, message, severity):
style = self._get_style_for_level(severity)
self.stdout.write(colored(" "*(self.max_event_len+1) + "- %s" % message,