Name Description Size 62 Helper to read a catalog from a .po file. 23019 Defines all the options supported by our configuration system. 6251 This module does the hard work of converting. It uses a simply dict-based memory representation of Android XML string resource files, via the ``ResourceTree`` class. The .po files are represented in memory via Babel's ``Catalog`` class. The process thus is: read_xml() -> ResourceTree -> xml2po() -> Catalog -> po2xml -> ResourceTree -> write_xml() 40988 Android uses locale scheme that differs from one used inside Babel, so we must provide a mapping between one another. This list is not full and must be updated to include all such mappings. We can not simply ignore middle element in transition from android to Babel locale mapping. 22254 5654 Implements the command line interface. 8367 This is an imported and forked version of android2po with some modifications to import and export 170
requirements.txt 103 Return the regular expression that matches all possible values the given Python 2 format string (using %(foo)s placeholders) can possibly resolve to. Each placeholder in the format string is captured in a named group. The difficult part here is inserting unescaped regular expression syntax in place of the format variables, while still properly escaping the rest. See this link for more info on the problem: 11876