Revision control
Copy as Markdown
import os
import requests
import re
# Define constants
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Navigate one level up from "test"
BITRISE_YML = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "bitrise.yml")
# GitHub Access Token
# Step versions that should NOT be updated
We need to lock this version because the new version of git-clone step brokes the decision
to run UI test step due to the change in the variables available. Once we investigate this
failure in the workflow, eventually we can remove the locked version.
"git-clone": "6.2"
def fetch_latest_version(step_id):
"""Fetch the latest version of a step from the Bitrise Step Library."""
if step_id in LOCKED_VERSIONS:
print(f"Skipping update for {step_id}, keeping version {LOCKED_VERSIONS[step_id]}")
return LOCKED_VERSIONS[step_id] # Return locked version
url = f"{BITRISE_STEPLIB_URL}/{step_id}"
headers = {"Authorization": f"token {GITHUB_TOKEN}"}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
items = response.json()
# Filter out directories that represent versions
versions = [
item["name"] for item in items
if all(c.isdigit() or c == '.' for c in item["name"])
if not versions:
print(f"No valid versions found for step {step_id}.")
return None
latest_version = sorted(versions, key=lambda x: list(map(int, x.split('.'))))[-1]
return latest_version
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error fetching latest version for {step_id}: {e}")
return None
def update_bitrise_yaml():
"""Update outdated steps in the Bitrise YAML file."""
# Load the existing YAML
with open(BITRISE_YML, "r") as file:
content = file.readlines()
# Placeholder for updated steps
updated_lines = []
updated_steps = []
for line in content:
match = re.match(r"^\s*-\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)@([\d\.]+):", line)
if match:
step_id, current_version = match.groups()
latest_version = fetch_latest_version(step_id)
if current_version != latest_version:
updated_steps.append(f"{step_id}: {current_version} -> {latest_version}")
line = line.replace(f"{step_id}@{current_version}", f"{step_id}@{latest_version}")
# Write back the updated file
with open(BITRISE_YML, "w") as file:
if updated_steps:
print("Updated steps:")
print("No updates were necessary.")
if __name__ == "__main__":