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This script manages the process of creating and modifying a database in the context of a simulated iOS environment.
It interacts with a SQLite database, and takes user input for the number of history and bookmark records to create,
and for naming the new database file. The script uses the `websites.csv` file located in the same directory to
generate records and insert them into the database. The `websites.csv` file contains the top 1000 work-safe websites
and is used by default.
If you want to add your own custom websites, then create a csv file in this directory with those websites. You can use
the `websites.csv` file as a template. You'll just need to change the constant `CSV_FILE` to the name of the csv file you
want to use.
In order for this script to work, you must have an iOS Simulator instance open with a build of firefox-ios installed.
This script looks for a booted Simulator device with an app loaded whose BUNDLE_ID is 'org.mozilla.ios.Fennec' and
assumes you want to copy the 'places.db' database.
This also assumes you ONLY HAVE ONE BOOTED SIMULATOR INSTANCE open as it will only return the first instance it finds.
The script currently doesn't support modifications to:
- autofill.db
- browser.db
- ReadingList.db
though it may in the future.
import argparse
import csv
import sqlite3
import random
import string
import time
import shutil
import os
import re
import subprocess
import logging
import inquirer
DEFAULT_BUNDLE_ID = 'org.mozilla.ios.Fennec'
CSV_FILE = 'websites.csv'
DEFAULT_DB_NAME = "places.copy"
def _init_logging():
format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
def get_db_path(bundle_id, app_group):
Returns the path to the places.db file in the profile.profile directory of the app
using the specified bundle_id and app_group.
device_id = get_device_id()
app_group_id = get_app_group_id(bundle_id)
# Now we search for the app ID by looking at installed apps
app_container_path = os.path.expanduser(f'~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/{device_id}/data/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/{app_group_id}')
# Construct the path to the places.db file in the profile.profile directory
return os.path.join(app_container_path, 'profile.profile', 'places.db')
def get_device_id():
Returns the ID of the booted device in the simulator environment.
result =['xcrun', 'simctl', 'list', 'devices'], capture_output=True, text=True)
lines = result.stdout.splitlines()
device_id = None
for line in lines:
if '(Booted)' in line:
match ='\((.*?)\)', line)
if match:
device_id =
if not device_id:
raise Exception('No booted simulator found! Please launch an iOS Simulator device and try again.')
return device_id
def get_app_group_id(bundle_id):
Returns the app group ID for the given bundle ID.
app_group_command = ['xcrun', 'simctl', 'get_app_container', 'booted', bundle_id, 'groups']
result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
app_group_container_path = result.stdout.strip()
# Extract the app_group_id from the returned path
app_group_id = os.path.basename(app_group_container_path)
if not app_group_id:
raise Exception(f'Could not find app group ID for bundle ID {bundle_id}. Please verify you have the app installed and try again.')
return app_group_id
# GUID is a required field for each record and needs to be created
def generate_guid():
return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(12))
def insert_into_moz_places(cursor, url, title, last_visit_date_local, guid):
Inserts a record into the moz_places table.
cursor (sqlite3.Cursor): Database cursor object.
url (str): The URL to be inserted.
title (str): The title to be inserted.
last_visit_date_local (int): The last visit date in local time.
guid (str): The GUID for the record.
"INSERT INTO moz_places(url, title, last_visit_date_local, guid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(url, title, last_visit_date_local, guid)
def insert_into_moz_bookmarks(cursor, fk, bookmarks_type, parent, position, title, date_added, last_modified, guid):
Inserts a record into the moz_bookmarks table.
cursor (sqlite3.Cursor): Database cursor object.
fk (int): The foreign key for the record referencing the moz_places table.
bookmarks_type (int): The type of bookmark.
parent (int): The parent record id.
position (int): The position of the bookmark for display in Bookmarks.
title (str): The title of the bookmark.
date_added (int): The date the bookmark was added.
last_modified (int): The last date the bookmark was modified.
guid (str): The GUID for the record.
"INSERT INTO moz_bookmarks(fk, type, parent, position, title, dateAdded, lastModified, guid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(fk, bookmarks_type, parent, position, title, date_added, last_modified, guid)
def insert_into_moz_historyvisits(cursor, is_local, place_id, visit_date, visit_type):
Inserts a record into the moz_historyvisits table.
cursor (sqlite3.Cursor): Database cursor object.
is_local (int): Indicator if the visit is local or not (1 for local).
place_id (int): The place ID for the record.
visit_date (int): The visit date.
visit_type (int): The type of visit.
"INSERT INTO moz_historyvisits(is_local, place_id, visit_date, visit_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(is_local, place_id, visit_date, visit_type)
def create_and_clean_database(db_new_name, db_path):
Creates the new database, inserts records into it, and then cleans up.
db_new_name (str): The new name of the created database.
db_path (str): The path to the new database.
# Get the absolute path of the directory that the script is located in
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Create the full path for the new database
db_new_path = os.path.join(script_dir, db_new_name)
# Copy the database file
shutil.copyfile(db_path, db_new_path)
# Connect to the new database file
db_connection = sqlite3.connect(db_new_path)
db_cursor = db_connection.cursor()
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error occurred while copying the database: {str(e)}")
# Make sure tables are empty before inserting new records
db_cursor.execute("DELETE FROM moz_historyvisits")
db_cursor.execute("DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = 5")
db_cursor.execute("DELETE FROM moz_places")
return db_connection, db_cursor
def read_websites_and_insert_records(db_connection, db_cursor, history_count, bookmark_count, age_option):
Read URLs from websites.csv and insert records into the database.
This function will insert records into `moz_places`, `moz_historyvisits`, and
`moz_bookmarks` tables. It will stop inserting once the provided counts for history
and bookmarks records have been reached.
db_connection (sqlite3.Connect): Connection instance to database.
db_cursor (sqlite3.Cursor): Database cursor to execute SQL commands.
history_count (int): The number of history records to be created.
bookmark_count (int): The number of bookmark records to be created.
# Get the absolute path of the directory that the script is located in
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Construct the path to the websites.csv file
websites_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, CSV_FILE)
# Read in websites.csv
with open(websites_file_path, newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
bookmarks_position = 0
place_id = 1
while history_count > 0 or bookmark_count > 0:
for row in reader:
current_time_milliseconds = int(time.time() * 1000)
one_day_milliseconds = 86400000
age = {
'today': current_time_milliseconds,
'yesterday': current_time_milliseconds - (one_day_milliseconds + 10000),
'week': current_time_milliseconds - (one_day_milliseconds * 7),
'month': current_time_milliseconds - (one_day_milliseconds * 30),
'older': current_time_milliseconds - (one_day_milliseconds * 31)
guid = generate_guid()
url = f"https://{row[1]}"
title = row[1]
if history_count == 0 and bookmark_count == 0:
# a record must first be created in moz_places as a parent key before either history or bookmarks
insert_into_moz_places(db_cursor, url, title, age[age_option], guid)
if history_count > 0:
insert_into_moz_historyvisits(db_cursor, 1, place_id, age[age_option], 3)
history_count -= 1
if bookmark_count > 0:
insert_into_moz_bookmarks(db_cursor, place_id, 1, 5, bookmarks_position, title, age[age_option], age[age_option], guid)
bookmark_count -= 1
place_id += 1
bookmarks_position += 1 # When adding over 1000 records, we need to go back to the start of the file
# Commit the changes outside the loop
def ask_user_for_history_count():
return int(input("Enter the number of records to create for history: "))
def ask_user_for_bookmark_count():
return int(input("Enter the number of records to create for bookmarks: "))
def ask_user_for_db_name():
return input("Enter the name of the new database file (without the .db extension): ").strip()
def get_bundle_id_from_user():
bundle_identifiers = {
'Fennec': 'org.mozilla.ios.Fennec',
'FennecEnterprise': 'org.mozilla.ios.FennecEnterprise',
'Firefox': 'org.mozilla.ios.Firefox',
'Firefox Beta': 'org.mozilla.ios.FirefoxBeta'
bundle_id_menu = [
message="Select your iOS Simulator bundle identifier (Press Enter when done selecting):",
choices=[(name, bundle_id) for name, bundle_id in bundle_identifiers.items()],
bundle_id_input = inquirer.prompt(bundle_id_menu)
return bundle_id_input['bundle_id_options'][0]
def ask_user_for_age_options():
age_options_menu = [
message="Select age options for history entries (Press Enter when done selecting):",
('Today', 'today'),
('Yesterday', 'yesterday'),
('This week', 'week'),
('This month', 'month'),
('Older', 'older'),
age_options_answers = inquirer.prompt(age_options_menu)
return age_options_answers['age_options']
def main():
This script does the following:
1. Asks the user for the number of history and bookmark records to create.
2. Asks the user to name the new database file (without the .db extension).
3. Obtains the path of the current places.db file in the simulator's app directory.
4. Copies the existing places.db to a new database file in the script's directory with the user-given name.
5. Connects to the new database.
6. Deletes all existing records from the moz_historyvisits, moz_bookmarks, and moz_places tables in the database.
7. Opens a 'websites.csv' file that contains a list of the top 1000 websites.
8. Inserts records into the moz_places, moz_historyvisits, and moz_bookmarks tables using data from the 'websites.csv'.
9. Closes the connection to the database after all operations are done.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script to manage the process of creating and modifying a database in the context of a simulated iOS environment.')
parser.add_argument('-history', type=int, help='Number of history entries to add to the database')
parser.add_argument('-bookmarks', type=int, help='Number of history entries to add to the database')
parser.add_argument('-today', action='store_true', help='Include history entries for today')
parser.add_argument('-yesterday', action='store_true', help='Include history entries for yesterday')
parser.add_argument('-week', action='store_true', help='Include history entries for the past week')
parser.add_argument('-month', action='store_true', help='Include history entries for the past month')
parser.add_argument('-older', action='store_true', help='Include history entries older than a month')
parser.add_argument('-db_name', help='Name of the new database file (without the .db extension)')
parser.add_argument('-bundle_identifier', help='Name of the build target bundle identifier. For example, org.mozilla.ios.FennecEnterprise')
args = parser.parse_args()
age_options = {
'yesterday': args.yesterday,
'week': args.week,
'month': args.month,
'older': args.older,
db_connection = None # Initialize db_connection here
history_count = args.history if args.history is not None else ask_user_for_history_count()
bookmark_count = args.bookmarks if args.bookmarks is not None else ask_user_for_bookmark_count()
# Handle user input for age options
if not any(age_options.values()):
age_options_input = ask_user_for_age_options()
for selected_option in age_options_input:
if selected_option in age_options:
age_options[selected_option] = True
# Handle user input for database name
db_new_name = args.db_name if args.db_name else ask_user_for_db_name()
# Handle user input for bundle identifier
bundle_id = args.bundle_identifier if args.bundle_identifier else get_bundle_id_from_user()
db_path = get_db_path(bundle_id, DEFAULT_APP_GROUP_ID)
# Append .db to the database name
db_new_name += '.db'
# Create a new database and clean it
db_connection, db_cursor = create_and_clean_database(db_new_name, db_path)
for age_option, flag in age_options.items():
if flag:
read_websites_and_insert_records(db_connection, db_cursor, history_count, bookmark_count, age_option)
except sqlite3.Error as e:
logging.error(f"SQLite error occurred: {str(e)}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}")
# Script errors cause db_connection to be lost, throwing UnboundLocalError
# check if db_connection has been lost already before trying to close connection
if db_connection is not None:
if __name__ == "__main__":