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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
package org.mozilla.focus.utils;
import android.content.Context;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Patterns;
import org.mozilla.focus.utils.publicsuffix.PublicSuffix;
/** Methods for formatting a domain URI. */
public class FormattedDomain {
private FormattedDomain() {}
* Returns the domain for the given URI, formatted by the other available parameters.
* {@code shouldIncludePublicSuffix}:
* - true: ""
* - false: "github"
* The subdomain count is the number of subdomains you want to include; the domain will always be included. For
* - 0: "github"
* - 1: ""
* - 2: ""
* ipv4 & ipv6 urls will return the address directly.
* This implementation is influenced by Firefox iOS and can be used in place of some URI formatting functions:
* - hostSLD [1]: exclude publicSuffix, 0 subdomains
* - baseDomain [2]: include publicSuffix, 0 subdomains
* Expressing the method this way (instead of separate baseDomain & hostSLD methods) is more flexible if we want to
* change the subdomain count.
* @param context the Activity context.
* @param uri the URI whose host we should format.
* @param shouldIncludePublicSuffix true if the public suffix should be included, false otherwise.
* @param subdomainCount The number of subdomains to include.
* @return the formatted domain, or the empty String if the host cannot be found.
@WorkerThread // calls PublicSuffix methods.
public static String format(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final URI uri,
final boolean shouldIncludePublicSuffix, @IntRange(from = 0) final int subdomainCount) {
if (context == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Expected non-null Context argument");
if (uri == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Expected non-null uri argument");
if (subdomainCount < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected subdomainCount >= 0.");
final String host = uri.getHost();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(host)) {
return ""; // There's no host so there's no domain to retrieve.
if (isIPv4(host) ||
isIPv6(uri) ||
!host.contains(".")) { // If this is just a hostname and not a FQDN, use the entire hostname.
return host;
final String domainStr = PublicSuffix.getPublicSuffix(context, host, subdomainCount + 1);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(domainStr)) {
// There is no public suffix found so we assume the whole host is a domain.
return stripSubdomains(host, subdomainCount);
if (!shouldIncludePublicSuffix) {
// We could be slightly more efficient if we wrote a new algorithm rather than using PublicSuffix twice
// but I don't think it's worth the time and it'd complicate the code with more independent branches.
return PublicSuffix.stripPublicSuffix(context, domainStr);
return domainStr;
public static String stripCommonPrefixes(@NonNull final String host) {
// In contrast to desktop, we also strip mobile subdomains,
// since its unlikely users are intentionally typing them
int start = 0;
if (host.startsWith("www.")) {
start = 4;
} else if (host.startsWith("mobile.")) {
start = 7;
} else if (host.startsWith("m.")) {
start = 2;
return host.substring(start);
/** Strips any subdomains from the host over the given limit. */
private static String stripSubdomains(String host, final int desiredSubdomainCount) {
int includedSubdomainCount = 0;
for (int i = host.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (host.charAt(i) == '.') {
if (includedSubdomainCount >= desiredSubdomainCount) {
return host.substring(i + 1, host.length());
includedSubdomainCount += 1;
// There are fewer subdomains than the total we'll accept so return them all!
return host;
@VisibleForTesting static boolean isIPv4(final String host) {
return Patterns.IP_ADDRESS.matcher(host).matches();
// impl via FFiOS:
private static boolean isIPv6(final URI uri) {
final String host = uri.getHost();
return !TextUtils.isEmpty(host) && host.contains(":");