854 |
Assert.kt |
A collection of assertion functions.
We create our own assertion class because `assert` in Java is known to have problems: it is
disabled by default and must be enabled as part of the compile stage, making it easy to forget.
681 |
CoroutineScope.kt |
A [CoroutineScope] that is scoped to an Activity's lifecycle and launches jobs on the main thread.
Get a new, initialized instance with [getAndInit].
3060 |
DeviceInfo.kt |
Helpers that help identify a device.
1047 |
Direction.kt |
290 |
Either.kt |
A container type that represents a value of either one type or another. We could pull
in a library to provide this functionality but it seems like overkill.
impl via
1704 |
Features.kt |
Simple feature flags.
536 |
FileUtils.kt |
1729 | |
Methods for formatting a domain URI. |
5713 | |
Load a given (html or css) resource file into a String. The input can contain tokens that will
be replaced with localised strings.
@param substitutionTable A table of substitions, e.g. %shortMessage% -> "Error loading page..."
Can be null, in which case no substitutions will be made.
@return The file content, with all substitutions having being made.
1907 | |
Find and open the appropriate app for a given Uri. If appropriate, let the user select between
multiple supported apps. Returns a boolean indicating whether the URL was handled. A fallback
URL will be opened in the supplied WebView if appropriate (in which case the URL was handled,
and true will also be returned). If not handled, we should fall back to webviews error handling
(which ends up calling our error handling code as needed).
Note: this method "leaks" the target Uri to Android before asking the user whether they
want to use an external app to open the uri. Ultimately the OS can spy on anything we're
doing in the app, so this isn't an actual "bug".
7337 |
LiveDataEvent.kt |
An object assigned a LiveData instance to send a stateless event. See
[org.mozilla.focus.settings.UserClearDataEvent] for example usage.
This implementation is inspired by:
584 |
publicsuffix |
RemoteKey.kt |
Keys the user can press on the remote. |
937 | |
1778 |
ToastManager.kt |
Handles the creation and display of toasts.
This ensures that all toasts are styled in a similar manner, and provides
convenience methods for frequently displayed toasts.
1718 | |
Is the given string a URL or should we perform a search?
TODO: This is a super simple and probably stupid implementation.
5627 | |
Flag of imeOptions: used to request that the IME does not update any personalized data such
as typing history and personalized language model based on what the user typed on this text
editing object.
3519 |