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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
package org.mozilla.focus.helpers
object StringsHelper {
const val FR_ENGLISH_LOCALE = "English (United States)"
const val FR_LANGUAGE_MENU = "Langue"
const val FR_SETTINGS = "Paramètres"
const val FR_GENERAL_HEADING = "Général"
const val FR_LANGUAGE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = "Valeur par défaut du système"
const val EN_LANGUAGE_MENU_HEADING = "Language"
const val EN_AFRIKAANS_LOCALE = "Afrikaans"
const val AF_LANGUAGE_MENU = "Taal"
const val AF_SETTINGS = "Instellings"
const val AF_HELP = "Hulp"
const val AF_GENERAL_HEADING = "Algemeen"
const val AF_LANGUAGE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = "System default"
// App package names
const val GMAIL_APP = ""
const val PHONE_APP = ""
const val GOOGLE_PHOTOS = ""
const val GOOGLE_CHROME = ""