Name Description Size
Constants.kt 338
DeleteFilesHelper.kt 1832
EspressoHelper.kt Some convenient methods for testing Focus with espresso. 2868
FeatureSettingsHelper.kt 1872 This ScreenshotStrategy implementation pings the host system (the computer the emulator is running on) to take a screenshot using "screencap" via adb. After that the screenshot is read from the internal app storage and passed back to fastlane/screengrab using the provided callback. 4496
MainActivityTestRule.kt 5417
MockLocationUpdatesRule.kt Rule that sets up a mock location provider that can inject location samples straight to the device that the test is running on. Credit to the mapbox team 4193
MockWebServerHelper.kt A [MockWebServer] [Dispatcher] that will return Android assets in the body of requests. If the dispatcher is unable to read a requested asset, it will fail the test by throwing an Exception on the main thread. 2894
RetryTestRule.kt 1467
StringsHelper.kt 1102
TestAssetHelper.kt Helper for hosting web pages locally for testing purposes. 2369
TestHelper.kt 12455