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// This file was autogenerated by the `nimbus-fml` crate.
// Trust me, you don't want to mess with it!
{%- match %}
{%- when Some with (package_name) %}
package {{ package_name }}
{% else -%}
{% endmatch %}
{%- for imported_class in self.imports() %}
import {{ imported_class }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- let nimbus_object = %}
* An object for safely accessing feature configuration from Nimbus.
* This is generated.
* Before use to configure the application or any of its features, this class needs
* to be wired up to the SDK API. This is an object created by the application which connects to
* the Nimbus SDK and thence to the server.
* ```
* val nimbus: Nimbus = connectToNimbusSDK()
* {{ nimbus_object }}.initialize(getSdk = { nimbus })
* ```
* Once initialized, this can be used to access typesafe configuration object via the `features` member.
* This class should not be edited manually, but changed by editing the `nimbus.fml.yaml` file, and
* re-running the `nimbus-fml` tool, which is likely already being used by the build script.
object {{ nimbus_object }} : FeatureManifestInterface<{{ nimbus_object }}.Features> {
class Features {
{%- for f in self.iter_feature_defs() %}
{%- let raw_name = %}
{%- let class_name = raw_name|class_name %}
{{ f.doc()|comment(" ") }}
val {{raw_name|var_name}}: FeatureHolder<{{class_name}}> by lazy {
FeatureHolder({{ nimbus_object }}.getSdk, {{ raw_name|quoted }}) { variables, prefs ->
{{ class_name }}(variables, prefs)
{%- endfor %}
* This method should be called as early in the startup sequence of the app as possible.
* This is to connect the Nimbus SDK (and thus server) with the `{{ nimbus_object }}`
* class.
* The lambda MUST be threadsafe in its own right.
public override fun initialize(getSdk: () -> FeaturesInterface?) {
this.getSdk = getSdk
{%- for f in self.iter_feature_defs() %}
this.features.{{-|var_name -}}.withSdk(getSdk)
{%- endfor %}
{%- for f in %}
{{ f.about().nimbus_object_name_kt() }}.initialize(getSdk)
{%- endfor %}
private var getSdk: () -> FeaturesInterface? = {
* This is the connection between the Nimbus SDK (and thus the Nimbus server) and the generated code.
* This is no longer the recommended way of doing this, and will be removed in future releases.
* The recommended method is to use the `initialize(getSdk)` method, much earlier in the application
* startup process.
public var api: FeaturesInterface? = null
* Refresh the cache of configuration objects.
* For performance reasons, the feature configurations are constructed once then cached.
* This method is to clear that cache for all features configured with Nimbus.
* It must be called whenever the Nimbus SDK finishes the `applyPendingExperiments()` method.
public override fun invalidateCachedValues() {
{%- for f in self.iter_feature_defs() %}
features.{{-|var_name -}}.withCachedValue(null)
{%- endfor %}
{%- for f in %}
{{ f.about().nimbus_object_name_kt() }}.invalidateCachedValues()
{%- endfor %}
* Get a list of feature ids where the feature allows co-enrollment.
override fun getCoenrollingFeatureIds(): List<String> =
{%- for f in %}
{{- f|quoted }}
{%- if !loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{%- endfor %})
* Accessor object for generated configuration classes extracted from Nimbus, with built-in
* default values.
override val features = Features()
* Introspection utility method.
{%- let features = self.iter_feature_defs() %}
{%- if features.is_empty() %}
override fun getFeature(featureId: String): FeatureHolder<*>? = null
{%- else %}
override fun getFeature(featureId: String): FeatureHolder<*>? =
when (featureId) {
{%- for f in features %}
{%- let raw_name = %}
{{ raw_name|quoted }} -> features.{{ raw_name|var_name }}
{%- endfor %}
else -> null
{%- endif %}
{% let blocks = self.initialization_code() -%}
* All generated initialization code. Clients shouldn't need to override or call
* this.
* We put it in a separate method because we have to be quite careful about what order
* the initialization happens in— e.g. when importing other FML files.
private fun reinitialize() {
{%- if !blocks.is_empty() %}
{%- for code in blocks.iter() %}
{{ code }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- else %}
// Nothing left to do.
{%- endif %}
{%- if !blocks.is_empty() %}
init {
{%- endif %}
// Public interface members begin here.
{%- for code in self.declaration_code() %}
{{- code }}
{%- endfor %}
{% import "macros.kt" as kt %}